Stakes 2: The Stakes are higher - Chapter 2 - Atomsk_the_Pirate_King, Twilight_Master_Emerald (2024)

Chapter Text

A scene opens up with Atomsk waiting for TME to arrive and was holding a small box.

When TME showed… he looks curious as he looks around.

"Atomsk?... whats up?... thought we were going introless unless we had announcements and recaps and stuff." TME said when he looks curiously at Atomsk and the small box.

"Sorry man. But this package came and I got action figure replicas of us." Atomsk said before opening the box but when he takes one out, the action figure like Atomsk had a big head.

"What the?!" Atomsk said before taking out TME's look alike and funny enough, this one had a Santa gut.

TME had a half lidded look as he looks at Atomsk.

"Cute… I think someone may have pranked you… either Marceline, Surge, or someone else who works here behind the scenes and stuff… still nice gifts so may as well put them on the shelf nearby." TME said when he points to an empty shelf nearby.

Atomsk grumbles.

"Gotta be surge… she's gonna owe a thousand bucks for these."

"Eh… probably would just give you 1000 rings or something… probably good for 10 one ups or something." TME said as he put the dolls on a shelf and looks at Atomsk.

"So… anything else before we get to the story?" TME asked while he looks curious now.

"Nah let's just start the chapter. Hopefully some lemon action is seen." Atomsk said.

"Yup… maybe after some set up after Emerald and Bronwyn get to the Nightmare Kingdom and stuff, could have hehe… Nightmare princess join in given how close the fragment is to her kingdom… can still have Marceline and Bubblegum have fun on their end hehe." TME said when he rubs his chin when he got ready to start the story now that he had some good set up.

"Yeah… maybe a possible donkette joins in… though in this scenario… bubblegum would be the one with the co*ck… unless she did a ray gun and zap Marceline to grow one… tough choice. Granted, what fragment is first?" Atomsk said.

"Hehe… secret… sorry but I have some plans in mind that may surprise you yet may not be too much of a surprise to some." TME said when he had a look in his eyes that pretty much showed no spoilers for that kind of thing.

"Hehe, of course. Well, may as well get started then." Atomsk said.

"Right… may as well start at the Castle of the Nightmare Kingdom." TME said as the scene shifts to…

Ooo/ Nightmare Kingdom/ Castle lobby/ Emerald, Bronwyn

The scene opened up to show Bronwyn and Emerald with Emerald carrying the large bag of items from the dungeon train as the duo came up to Pillowment Butler and a number of guards.

"Hello Lady Bronwyn, it has been awhile since you were last here… same with Lord Finn though its been years since he was last here." Pillowment Butler said as he looks at Bronwyn mainly for talks.

"Indeed Pillowmint Butler. Sadly he's not here with me right now due to an injury." Bronwyn said.

"I can see that… looks like you have a new friend though, who is this human?... he looks like a less impressive version of Finn the human… no offense." Pillowment butler said as Emerald looks a bit down for a moment.

"N-No problem… anyway we have gifts for the Nightmare Princess or Queen if she wed someone… figured if we maybe asking for her aid, figured giving her gifts would be a good start in good relationships being made for friendship." Emerald said as he placed the large bag of items before Pillowment Butler.

The butler blinks a bit before he had the guards take the bag.

"Well not wedded but please come in."

Emerald blinks this as he and Bronwyn followed Pillowment Butler to a large throne room which looked like something Marceline would love visiting with how dark and goth like it was.

"Welcome to the Throne of the Nightmare Kingdom… Milady will be down in a moment, she was freshening up when she heard guests would be arriving soon." Pillowment Butler said as Bronwyn nods while she noticed Emerald looking nervous… probably a first for him meeting more royals and pretty much out of Ooo's normal borders.

Bronwyn pats his back.

"Don't worry. Just be calm and things will go smoothly."

Emerald nods his head though he still looks nervous… though he jolts when the flames around the room turned green and chuckling was heard all around them.

"My my my… this is a surprise… Bronwyn you really did show again and… hehe… looks like you have an interesting friend with an interesting item on him… must say those gifts pale in comparison to what this guy has in many ways." A female voice said as darkness formed from the ground near the throne and well… Emerald has a HUGE blush on his face when he saw a beautiful woman with a long flowing black dress come frm the darkness as it broke apart… she had long flowing purple hair going down her back instead of being short… she wore simple looking heels and the dress DEFINITELY hugged her curves well and had there was blue spiderweb patterns all over the dress… she wore a regal looking Tiara while she had long black gloves on her hands leading to her upper arms and she had grey skin similar to Marceline in her Vampire state… and DAMN were the years kind to her when she had a VERY shapely body under the dress and though was hard to tell the cup size and what not… she looked like she could give Bubblegum a run for her money in the shapely department… seems Nightmare Princess or Queen if she changed her title looked like a femfatale and she had an amused look on her face when she saw Bronwyn and Emerald fully.

Bronwyn chuckles.

"Hey Nightmare. Good to see you again."

NP or NQ chuckles as she crossed her arms under her breasts.

"Hehe… please… call me Shade Bronwyn… that is my name after all… may as well extend that grace to your friend as well… I heard from Finn about this Fragment issue so I'm willing to lend a hand though…" Shade said after her introduction before she looks annoyed.

"I wish I could just grant my own wishes since I wish Finn would have come and visit me long before this… seriously I get called only when a threat happens?" Shade said when he pouts playfully.

"Well if you want, I can wish Uncle Finn better and wish him to be here." Bronwyn said.

"No… may as well let him heal slowly for now… I'm mad he never visited the Nightmare Kingdom in so long… may change my mind if I'm amused later but if you call him… tell him I'm mad he hasn't come to hang out… he put me on this throne himself after all." Shade said when she looks irritated now but Emerald tried to run damage control.

"N-Now now… I'm sure he was just busy… you know how heroic Finn is right?... guy saved the world many times from the Lich and other threats… not saying he shouldn't have visited but got to admit that with Finn… he can be a trouble magnet." Emerald said making Shade look at Emerald before she smirks at him.

"My my… quick to help the hero. Who's your cute friend Bronwyn?" Shade said.

"C-Cute!?... I-I'm sorry but I'm not cute… and… my name is Emerald your Shadowyness… I'm helping Marceline mainly since my family owes Marceline greatly because if not for her, guys like Finn and I wouldn't have been born or brought to Ooo… its a long story but Marceline may as well be a hero of Humans because she helped kill many Vampires in the past and my ancestors were able to leave Ooo for a time to get away from the dangers of Ooo and now many have come back like my family who has personal connections to Marceline…" Emerald said while he looks down from Shade shyly since he didn't expect that cute comment from her.

Shade blinks a bit before she looks at Bronwyn when she didn't expect that.

"Well he does have a point… from what I heard, its thanks to Marceline humans were not killed and well… I wish you knew everything needed about this situation with Marceline and more if Finn forgot to give you some details over the phone." Bronwyn said while she figured giving Shade magical info dump would help her understand things more.

Shade just shrug and snaps her fingers before getting all the info she needed.

This made her hum and what not.

"I see… so thats what is going on… must say Finn really downplayed his injuries… Ooooh when I head to Ooo later I'll be healing him and kicking the crap out of him for not telling me he lost his arm and his brother was harmed that badly… still you need to head to the Forbidden forest and get the fragment from… him?... if it landed anywhere near the mansion that Bubblegum's map showed then you'll have a serious issue if I don't join you in this excursion." Shade said when she looks at Pillowment Butler.

"Get Lullaby and Slumber here and tell them that I'll be leaving for some time… until I'm back they are in charge." Shade said surprising Bronwyn and Emerald greatly.

"Really?" Bronwyn said with a surprise look.

"Really… the guy who lives there is a Shadow Necromancer… guys annoying in trying to request wishes from me but even he normally doesn't try and disobey me since I rule many of these lands and he is practically living in my borders… if something like a fragment of Marceline's power is threatening my lands then I'll make sure to return it to you for Marceline but make no mistake Bronwyn… if this power threatens my kingdom…" Shade said as her eyes glow an ominous green and the darkness in the room seemed to intensify…

"Friendship or not… I'll destroy that fragment if it means keeping my people safe… I may have been put here by chance but I'm not half assing my role as a Royal." Shade said while she looks seriously at Bronwyn to show she was not bluffing and Emerald gulps at the pressure Shade emits.

Bronwyn tries to remain calm.

"I understand."

Shade relaxed as she smiles.

"Good… once my sisters get here we can get going… honestly its been so long since I last traveled I'm a bit excited." Shade said while she had a smile on her face as Peppermint Butler looks at her.

"Milady, shouldn't we get the guards for you?" Pillowment Butler said as Shade smirks at him.

"Pillowmint Butler… do you think I'm so weak I need normal guards when I can make my own or rely on Bronwyn and her skills?" Shade said when she gave Pillowment Butler a look not underestimate her.

The butler jolts.

"N-No Milady."

"Good… get my sisters here as ordered and things will go well…" Shade said while she eyesmiles at Pillowment Butler before he ran off as Emerald looks concerned.

"Err… not to question you but… was that necessary scaring him like that?" Emerald asked when he wondered if Pillowment Butler was in trouble or something.

"No… but he has to remember I'm not a damsel in distress." Shade said.

"I-I see… well you look like you could be the strongest person in this kingdom if half of the stuff I heard about you is true." Emerald said while he rubs the back of his head.

Shade smirks at Emerald.

"Aren't you sweet."

Emerald blushed at this as he looks away and in no time, Pillowment Butler returned with two beautiful looking women.

"Milady, I have brought your sisters here… I give to you Lady Bronwyn, Lord Emerald, the two other Rulers of the nightmare Kingdom… Lullaby Princess and Slumber Princess." Pillowment Butler said when he gestured for Emerald and Bronwyn to look over and Emerald blushed when he saw women as cute as Shade…

The first looked like a more curvy version of Shade with some kind of eyemask on with her not walking into things with a blue nightgown like dress… it wasn't revealing and she wore slippers but it just seemed to make her look more appealing in many ways…

The second one, was wearing a nice yellow and white dress combo though elegant, the dress cling to her figure and she was definitely well fit.

Emerald blushed more as he saw the two Royals… given the musical theme… he figured this woman was Lullaby Princess.

The Blue dressed woman was Slumber princess and the two Princesses look to Bronwyn.

"Hey dude… didn't expect to see you here Bron… everything going well besides this fragment business bumming you out?" Slumber princess said to Bronwyn.

"Indeed Bronwyn… it is good to see you again… we hoped it was under better circ*mstances though." Lullaby Princess sang a bit in her own way of speaking.

"Yeah I know. Also sorry that my uncle isn't here." Bronwyn said.

"No worries dude… heard he got hurt from this fragment thing going on… can't have him risk traveling when injured." Slumber said while she smiles at Bronwyn.

"Indeed." Lullaby Princess sang.

"Yeah but thats not the most important, right now I need to head with these guys to the… ugh… forbidden forest and deal with that annoying necromancer…" Shade said as Lullaby and Slumber Princess actually cringe a bit at the mention of this guy.

"Oh that dude is so uncool." Lullaby said.

"No kidding… he doesn't vibe with us and the love and peace we all have here." Slumber said while Emerald looks confused.

"Really?... I heard nothing but good things from Bronwyn on the way here about this kingdom but this guy seems new." Emerald said though he jolts when the two princesses noticed Emerald near them.

"Who's the cute dude?" Slumber said.

"C-Cute!?... OK first your sister Shade now you?... either I'm being pranked or I stepped in a weird world or something… normally no one comments on me being cute." Emerald said while he looks confused now.

This made Slumber and Lullaby blink.

"How is that not true? No other female calls you that?" Lullaby said.

Emerald looks at her.

"No… most women back home normally go for the guys who look buff and stuff… if I have to say something, I may as well be a runt of the litter in my family so to speak… granted my family are not hulking bodybuilders but many called my Dad an adonis of a human and my mom a Goddess or Globbess of beauty from how good she looked… some even doubt I'm my parents kid sometimes…. Boy that pisses my mom and dad off when they hear drunks say that and kick serious ass those days." Emerald said while he shrugs his arms.

Everyone in the room blinks when they heard that.

"That… is a terrible vibe dude. Luckily my sisters and I wouldn't trick you like that." Slumber said.

Emerald though found that hard to believe.

"Sure…" Emerald said while he looked uncomfortable as Shade cleared her throat.

"A-N-Y-W-A-Y… Emerald, Bronwyn, and I will be heading to the Necromancer's home so Lullaby, Slumber, I'll be leaving you two in charge for now, until I return Pillowment Butler and the Nightmare Kingdom will be at your command, thanks to failsafe wishes in case anything bad happens to me, the kingdom won't collapse back to its basic state and stay as a place for adventurers and more… do you two understand?" Shade said when she looks at her sister seriously.

The two nod their heads.

"You can count on us, sister." Lullaby said.

"Yeah, but knowing how strong you are, no one will be able to beat you so just do what you need to do to have a chill trip." Slumber princess said when she gave a peace sign as Shade giggles.

"Good… anyway Bron, take Emerald outside and wait for me at the entrance of the castle, I'll be out in a moment." Shade said and as Bronwyn nods and took a confused Emerald out of the throne room… Shade smirks at her sisters.

"Since I know you two will ask… don't worry… I'll get him to sing a better tune about us sisters… if Finn wants to miss out on what we can do… may as well try and find a new guy… that Emerald guy seems interesting and with some work… could be a good lover hehe… and with Bron helping… could be VERY interesting for us girls." Shade said when she smirks at her smirking sisters.

The two giggles.

"Yeah… but let's not put Finn down too much. We still favor his vibe." Slumber said.

"indeed… we still owe Finn immensely for helping all of us." Lullaby sang as Shade smirks.

"Oh I know sisters, but very least we can agree that while Finn would be fun to fool around with to repay him… Emerald does bring up a point in that Finn is so busy so instead of trying to fight with Finn on possible romance and his hero work… lets try and get a guy who won't be a jackass to us… and that Emerald guy seems perfect to mold… especially with those wishes you granted for me in helping augmenting various males… hehe… and some call me kinky but you two are the real size queen slu*ts… for now I'll have my fun and when I'm back… I'll keep Bron busy in the bedroom while you test out my work on Emerald, either way should be a good confidence boost for him so let's make sure we get that nervousness screwed from his body." Shade said before she exits the throne room while she smacked her sisters on their asses.

The duo jolts at first before smirking.

"Oh we'll definitely help him." Lullaby said.

"Hehe… indeed… feel the love to the extreme…" Slumber said while she licks her lips… as this happens the scene went to Shade as she came to Emerald and Bronwyn as they were looking in the trunk of Bronwyn's car as they were looking at weapons and items and Emerald puts on some boots Bronwyn hands him… comically Emerald starts to float when wings came out of the heels of his boots nearly making him fall before he lands on his feet.

"Whoa!... OK if I practice… guess I get a floating double jump?" Emerald said while he looks at Bronwyn.

"Something like that." Bronwyn said.

"Right… oh hey Shade is here… or do I call you Lady Shade or Lady Nightmare?... Given we would be traveling together, not sure how to call you without being rude." Emerald said when he watched Shade approach him and Bronwyn.

Shade chuckled.

"Shade will be fine."

Emerald blushed a bit while he rubs the back of his head.

Shade then looks at Bronwyn.

"So just in case… given the guy may give us issues… you DO have a plan of action just in case the Necromancer will give issues right?... because I can tell you if he is influenced by this fragment if he has it… things will not be as simple as they may seem." Shade said when she looks at Bronwyn.

"Yeah… I'll just have to wing it or something." Bronwyn said.

Shade sighs before she looks at Emerald.

"Do you have any plans just in case?" Shade asked while Emerald jolts before he looks thoughtful.

"Well I was going to work with what I had and see what sticks but… given how many items we have and stuff… and with your powers… with your permission may I make a wish Shade?" Emerald asked when he looks at Shade curiously.

Shade blinks a bit.


"Alright… I wish for the items needed for this adventure that will give us the best results in getting by with the most ease… or in RPG terms… we get the best items suited for the situation at hand… may as well let the all powerful Wishmaster Globbess's power get us set up and we work with what we got…" Emerald said while hoping this helped a bit.

Shade and Bronwyn did blink at the wish before Shade grants it.

This more or less had Emerald comically fall as his boots slipped off his feat making him groan while various items spun in the air when some forced moved things around and well… Emerald ended up with new armored boots on his feet… a new side bag that looked off with some kind of large cube pattern on one side which seemes to have some items inside of it if the weight was anything to go by… Bronwyn gained a new sword that looked like it was made of living fire and a small odd looking shield for her left hand with magic runes on it… Shade… well… she gained a new dress which magically swapped with her current clothing to give her a more regal appearance with the outfit looking funnily enough, more like something for Marceline with a bat motif then anything else and as Emerald got up with a groan from the fall he took… he blushed when he saw how good Shade looked in her new outfit which hugged her curves better then her previous dress… she also gained a ring on her right index finger as well with a cat icon and the number 9 on it for some reason.

"Wow… this was interesting." Bronwyn said.

"No kidding, looks like you get the combative role Bron… not bad of a dress though… what do you think?... Looks good right?... the ring seems a bit odd but given it could be useful for whats to come… best to keep it on." Shade said when she did a small twirl near Bronwyn to show the outfit and the curves that hugged her body.

Bronwyn blushes.

"Well… you do look good in that."

Shade giggles from this as she had a hand on her hip.

"Well hopefully depending on if we can set up camp later or not once we get going… can show you some tricks I picked up since our last encounter… if I can keep the dress, would be a nice gift." Shade said when she smirks at Bronwyn teasingly as Emerald looks confused.

"H-Huh?... wait… Bronwyn did you and… Shade use to date or something?" Emerald asked while Shade looks amused.

"Hehe… unfortunately she doesn't stick around long… though the better term would be sex friends if I can be blunt… won't lie though… if she does stick around, wouldn't be too bad in trying to wow her since she can be rather fun." Shade said while Emerald blushed at the image that formed in his mind just now.

Bronwyn blushes as well before she tries to change the subject.

"So… how far is that guy again?"

"Pretty far… yet rather close… while we can take this flying car that you have… we would have to go on foot in the forest… enough said has magical issues that would prevent me from doing things with my powers teleporting wise… self defense and stuff… not even that necromancers fault, mainly that place just thrives in dark magic to the point it resists other types of magic… and wish granting may as well count as a kind of magic not of the dark variety." Shade said and she follows with this.

"And yes I know my powers maybe all powerful to some level… but not THAT all powerful… if there are resistances and alterations making my powers not effect something… that place has serious power in of itself… for Wishmasters, while we can do things that may border on Glob level… we are not Globs… learned that the hard way when someone tried to wish for an entire world they could rule over… enough said guy just got teleported straight out of this dimension to one full of egotistical jerkwads trying to gain control of said world… enough said… may as well be the ultimate of world wars for that place." Shade said when she shrugs her arms.

"Wow… hate to be that guy." Bronwyn said.

"No kidding… for now come on… we should get going." Shade said as Emerald looks thoughtful.

"Oh wait!... just two more wishes then… first if you want Finn and Bronwyn to visit… why not make fast travel points from here in the Nightmare Kingdom and in Ooo in the Grasslands?... would make going too and from this place easy instead of taking hours right?... or… would that be impossible?" Emerald asked when he looks at Shade when he wondered if the distance was too much for her to cover.

Shade took a moment to think on that.

"Huh… I never thought of that."

"Well just in case… is it possible?" Emerald asked while Shade snapped her fingers and a rocky teleporting gate was made but while the rocks float… was inactive.

"I'll have to head to these grasslands later for the other side but for now… one half of the Nightmare kingdom fast travel system is made… hehe… who knows, could have my sisters help my wishing for their own portals so that getting across the nightmare kingdom is a no brainer… though until then… looks like I'll be sticking with you two until I get to Ooo." Shade said when she looks amused.

"Well no issue with that." Bronwyn said with a smile.

"Nice… looks like this will be a fun road trip… in many ways once camp is set." Shade said when she licks her lips as she gave Emerald and Bronwyn a lustful look as she walks from the duo with swaying hips though Emerald missed the look Shade gave him as he was looking in the new bag he had on his side.

"Well then… let's get going." Bronwyn said as she blushed a bit from the tease.

Emerald gave a thumbs up before he pulls out some potions from his bag.

"Huh… bag is bigger on the inside then it seems." Emerald said when he pulls out a large box as well full of various items… looks like Emerald had a magic bag that could hold many things after he puts the items back and got in the car in the shotgun seat while Shade sat in the back so Bronwyn would drive the car..

"Alright everyone. Let's ride!" Bronwyn said as she starts the car.

This had the Car fly in the air as Shade gave directions… in no time the group got to a creepy looking forest with Shade getting out of the car and she walks elegantly to the entrance of the forest which looked like something from a horror story.

"Well Welcome to the Forbidden forest… a place where Dark magic and twisted creatures reside… if you're not careful… could be devoured alive since some creatures like to eat their prey from the stomach first…" Shade said with a scary grin as Emerald shakes comically from behind Bronwyn.

"I-Is it too late to turn around?" Emerald said with a fearful look in his eyes as he held Bronwyn's shoulders.

Bronwyn shook her head.

"Sorry Emerald, but we need to get to the fragment. But I'll make sure you'll get out okay."

Emerald was comically dragged by Bronwyn when she gripped one of his ankles as Shade giggles at the antics Emerald and Bronwyn had right now.

"Hehe… oh don't worry… with my powers, no one would dare try and harm us… wishgranting is not my main forte after all." Shade said as she follows the duo as Emerald got picked up by shadows Shade summoned surprisingly him.

"W-Whoa!... I… didn't expect this… guess you're a lady of many talents." Emerald said when he wondered what else Shade could do.

"Oh believe me… I have so much to show you." Shade said.

Emerald didn't quite get what Shade meant as Emerald walked near Shade.

"Well… hopefully I can see what you can do but try and not push yourself too hard Shade… even if you are strong you are still an important person here so Bronwyn and I will try and keep you safe… well… maybe for me… wonder if I can pull a large shield out of this bag since best bet for me to protect you by being a meatshield if I can't find something." Emerald said as he rubs his head.

"Well don't worry, I'm sure you'll pull out something good." Shade said.

Emerald nods his head as he walked ahead of Bronwyn and Shade as Emerald got a flashlight from his new bag which helped light the way… as this had Shade and Bronwyn fall back for a moment when Emerald ran ahead… Shade smirks when she glanced at Bronwyn.

"We setting up camp and giving Emerald a real test run right?" Shade said when she smirks at Bronwyn.

Bronwyn smirk.


"Hehe nice… in case he is lacking… can use my powers to give him buffs where it counts so no issues just in case… for now lets just keep walking… though I will say this… will be making up for lost time with you and I since you have been naughty in not visiting much… Taking too much for my liking so hopefully this fast travel system being set up will work." Shade said when she smirks as she gripped Bronwyn on her ass to mess with her.

Bronwyn groans from the grab before smirking and grabs Shade's ass.

"It's a date."

Shade smirks at the grip as the two walk and they let one anothers asses go as Emerald returns.

"Seems no monsters or threats are on the path for now and… hmmm?... you two OK?... you two seem to have some flushed faces." Emerald said when he sawt he duo have slight blushes on their faces and thought they were potentially sick or something.

"O-Oh we're OK. Probably the heat." Bronwyn said.

"I see… well hopefully after some time walking, we will be OK once we set up camp… I looked in this bag and seems that there is a camp set we can use… seriously either this thing gives items that I need or will need or… its just VERY packed with items…. Looks like this is an item from the dungeon train that just keeps on giving." Emerald said when he pats the bag as he walked ahead with the flashlight again.

Shade and Bronwyn were glad Emerald brought the bag as the duo follows him.

As this happens… the scene went to the Candy Kingdom with Marceline groaning as she rests on a bed in a hospital as Dr. Princess and Bubblegum were talking while Marceline wears a hospital gown.

"OK… got plenty of eggs from you Marceline, so if you ever decide to try and have kids… can have a surrogate help with things just in case… the princess just in case did the same procedure you did long ago and has eggs frozen in cryostorage… once you recover you can move and stuff so I would give you a few hours of soreness before your back to normal." Dr. Princess said while she smiles at Marceline.

Marceline blushes.

"S-Sure. Thanks Doctor."

"No problem… anyway Princess, I'll be making sure the cold storage is well maintained so you and Marceline should relax now since the hard part is over… well… on my end hehe… depending on how fast Marceline recovers… you and her maybe doing the real hard part by trying to have a kid yourselves… you did make that special ray gun for situations like this if Marceline can't shapeshift right?" Dr. Princess said as she walked out of the room with an amused look.

"H-Huh?" Marceline said before she looks at her girlfriend.

Bubblegum smirks at her.

"What?... after doing what we did just now… think I wouldn't try and experiment with you having your way with me?... maybe pointless now since you have now eggs but… doesn't mean I can't have you pump loads into me and more… and if I want to dominate you… well… may as well be like a similar situation as usual for us… I'll give you some time to recover so see you later Marcy." Bubblegum said before she kissed Marceline on the cheek and walked out of her room with swaying hips.

Marceline did blush at first before she smirks.

'With or without powers, I'll definitely dominate you Bonnie.' She thought.

Seems a few fun plans were made for many as time passes… this more or less had Marceline discharged from the hospital after 3 to 4 hours of rest and Dr. Princess gave Marceline a pill bottle.

"Here, special pills for any pain in the future, if you need refills if we don't get the Moon's regen side of your powers back, please come back here, for now though you should be good since the procedure is painless… this is mainly for possible discomfort you maybe feeling so you shouldn't have too many issues while you head to the Castle." Dr. Princess said when she smiles at Marceline.

"Right. Thanks again Dr. Princess." Marceline said.

"Welcome… anyway see you, your highness… The Princess should have sent someone to get you so…" Dr. Princess said as Wave entered the lobby with her extreme gear under one arm.

"Hey Vampire Queen, seems you're about to leave… I was told by the princess to give you a lift so ready to ride?" Wave said when she grins at Marceline.

Marceline blinks a bit after hearing that.


"Nice… lets get going." Wave said as she walked from Marceline while funny enough her hips sway in Marceline's view… this made Marceline's heart beat which was strange for her to feel a heartbeat after so long… happened with Bubblegum earlier… happened with Wave… honestly seems her hormones were on full blast right now.

'Glob… I can really feel my heart beating.' Marceline thought.

After Marceline follows Wave… Wave was laughing as Marceline held onto her shoulders as the duo were flying in the air on Wave's extreme gear.

"Hehe easy there your highness… I wouldn't let a passenger fall unless you panic." Wave said when she sounds amused.

"R-Right." Marceline said before remembering how Finn held on to her when she carried him to chase wolves.

Wave chuckles more before the duo flew into the castle and Wave sets Marceline on her feet while Bubblegum was near Ashley while Ashley helps bring Bubblegum some items.

"Welcome back Marceline, thanks for bringing her here, Wave." Bubblegum said.

"Hehe, well with what kind of offer you gave me to act like a taxi driver for Marceline, would be a fool to say no." Wave said cryptically to Bubblegum as she grins.

"R-Right." Bubblegum said with a blush as Marceline blinks a bit.

"Ummm… what kind of offer?" Marceline said as Wave smirks.

"Why… me having fun with you and Bubblegum while Ashley joins in so you and Bubblegum can dominate her hehe… she never tell you?" Wave said with her looking really amused.

"Nope." Marceline said as she glances at her girlfriend.

Bubblegum chuckles nervously as she rubs her head.

"H-Hehe… surprise?... figured that this could help Wave with a reward of sorts… and she suggested this and that Ashley can be dominated by you and I…. Ashley seemed happy to hear that part…" Bubblegum said while she blushed more.

Ashley blushes cutely but smiles at Marceline.

"It's true."

"Hehe yeah… and though I heard of Ash being an issue from Bubblebutt here… she has been eyeing Ashley's bubblebutt so why not humor a fun time to see how far the maid here is willing to go for her sexy mistresses." Wave said when she smirks at Marceline.

Ashley blushes again when she heard that as Marceline was again surprised before she smirks.

"Well then, let's get inside and we call all… relax." She said.

Wave smirks before she looks at Ashley and Bubblegum.

"Well you two… looks like she is in… best to bring us to a room now and we see how far Human Marceline will go in the sheets with us.

Bubblegum blushes a bit.

"Follow me." She said.

This had the group follow Bubblegum after Bubblegum grabbed a ray gun like item and she led them to Bubblegum and Marceline's Bedroom and Wave smirks at how huge the bed was.

"Wow… its like you're expecting orgies to happen here your highnesses… any thoughts on why you have such a huge bed?" Wave said with a smirk on her face as she glanced at Bubblegum and Marceline.

The duo blushes.

"Well the extra room…. And sometimes… we invite Finn and Huntress." Bubblegum said.

"Oh ho ho… well depending on how things go… looks like it will be more than just those two if you bring in others besides Ashley and I." Wave said when she moved to a bathroom.

"I'll go freshen up… not sure about you princess but I'm sure Marceline and Ashley wouldn't enjoy the smell of a grease birdy." Wave said when she did have some grease on her feathers here and there.

"Yeah… something was definitely up in the smell and I don't have a high sense of smell right now." Marceline said.

Ashley blushed at this and sniffs her arm.

"I'll… join wave and see if I can help her wash up." Ashley said before she moved to follow Wave into the bathroom.

"Not sure about you Bonnie, but maybe I should freshen up too." Marceline said.

Bubblegum nods her head.

"Indeed… may as well get clean… you know… its funny… if not for Ash doing what he did… this may not happen with us having a possible chance to have a kid and now we got Ashley as a worker here… not sure if a mental ghost can be around but he may look horrified if he saw his female self being a servant here." Bubblegum said before she entered the bathroom.

This made Marceline look amused.

'Very big and odd silver lining but… if the donk is a ghost… big bonus if starts to scream seeing his female counterpart being a servant and my plaything while he gets nothing.' She thought.

As Marceline starts heading to the bathroom, she smirks when she had this thought.

"Hehe… so thanks Ash… you donked up an event that may have had a bad moment for me… but a long term win for me in the end and you lose hehe." Marceline thought as she entered the bathroom… the scene then went to Emerald, Bronwyn, and Shade as Shade and Bronwyn watched as Emerald pull out various camping items from his bag.

"Man that Item may as well be a dungeon train gacha incarnate… he pulled out so many things… all he needs is a…" Bronwyn starts to say as Emerald reached half his body into the bag.

"Why is there a kitchen sink in here?" Emerald said loudly which was muffled to normal levels to Shade and Bronwyn and with some struggle to move it out of the way… he got a large box of food out as Emerald looks down at the bag in confusion.

"Wouldn't be surprised if he pulls out a house." Bronwyn said.

"Huh… why are there house parts showing up?" Emerald said when he looks in the bag again making Shade sweatdrop and looks at Bronwyn.

"You trying to put me out of one of my two jobs?" Shade said when she gave Bronwyn a half lidded look.

Bronwyn chuckles nervously.

"Odd timing?"

Shade hums with a half lidded look on her face as Emerald got a small cube with a button out and when he looks at it carefully… when he saw instructions…. He blinks as he moved to the side and clicked the button… a moment later a large pre-made tent full of various items was made magically in an instant and Emerald steps back as he looks surprised.

"Ummm… Tada?" Emerald said when he held his hands to the large tent.

Bronwyn did a few claps.

"Nicely done."

Emerald rubs his head as he walked to the other supplies.

"Well I'll work on my own tent, you two enjoy the one here." Emerald said when he assumed that he wouldn't be bunking with Bronwyn or Shade.

"Really? Seems this tent is big enough for three." Shade said.

Emerald blinks at this and blushed.

"W-Well I'm sure you two won't want me around in case you need to change and stuff for bed and I don't know how many beds are in there… for all we know could only have one… speaking of which we should try and find a second bed or something just in case…" Emerald said when he walked to his magic bag.

Bronwyn rolls her eyes before she went to check the inside of the tent.

When she peeks her head in… she saw the place looked FANCY!... like a damn five star hotel room of sorts with a tent theme… had a fancy bathtub and more in it and had a LARGE bed more then enough for Shade, Bronwyn, and more of they wanted.

"Damn… Shade you gotta see this." Bronwyn said.

Shade peeks in and she hums.

"Interesting… looks like this place is more than big enough for the three of us… you thinking what I'm thinking Bron?" Shade said with a smirk as she looks at Bronwyn.

"Oh yeah." Bronwyn said with a smirk.

Shade looks amused before she approached the tub.

"Tub looks big enough for us to get clean so… shall we before we get that stubborn human to join us in here?" Shade said when she looks ready to undress now.

Bronwyn blushes before nodding her head as she starts to get undressed.

Emerald in the meantime was munching on some meat when he sat near a campfire… he hums at the flavor he used for the meat on the bone he had… seems if he wanted food, all he could do was ask the bag nicely and he would get what he wanted… honestly he would have to test the limits but seems as long as it could fit through the opening of the bag, he could either summon anything he wanted or make anything he wanted from the magic bag… honestly he wasn't sure which was the cause for this… but he wasn't complaining… as he was doing this however… some figure was slowly approaching Emerald from behind as Bronwyn and Shade shower… once Emerald heard a twig snap behind him… Emerald jolts and had his liquid metal slime turn into a sword as he jumped forward while he held the meat on the bone with the other hand ready to throw it and… he blinks when he saw a… woman starving?... she looks like a cute tan cat humanoid woman with some rags on her and she had bright pink eyes but the curves she had made Emerald blush when he could nearly see her body and when he moved the meat from side to side… her gaze was drawn to it.

"U-Um… want some food?... got more if you want something fresh." Emerald said when he slowly reached into his bag with his free right hand after his slime turned into a bangle and he pulls out another meat on the bone which looked piping hot compared to the other bone in Emerald's hand.

The cat woman quickly takes the meat and starts to munch on it.

Emerald jolts from how fast she was and well… he got her some tea in a bottle that was ice cold.

"Something to drink to go with it?" Emerald curiously asked when he held the bottle to the cat woman when she looks like she would choke on her food a few times.

The woman looks at the bottle before taking it and starts to drink.

Emerald was quiet as he watched her and he moved to eat his own meat while he observed the cat woman… he passed her some vegetables and stuff from his bag so she would have a balanced meal and finished things off with a sweet cake… honestly by the time the woman finished… she groans in relief when she laid on the ground near the campfire.

"Man… I feel so much better now." The woman said.

"Well… you're welcome… umm… here… not sure how comfortable those clothes are but…" Emerald said when he passed the cat woman some simple looking clothes like a shirt, long pants, and boots, it was rather simple but since he didn't know the woman and she looked to be in rags… best to help her get comfortable.

The cat girl blinks a bit but figure she could use a change of clothes before taking them.

Emerald smiles at this but blushed when the cat woman starts to remove her rags in front of him.

"W-What are you doing!?" Emerald said in shock as he covered his eyes and turns from the cat woman with the biggest blush he had on his face when he nearly got an eyeful of… surprisingly plump breasts when the Cat woman removed magic binds she had on… he didn't see the size but thanks to a rough guess… Emerald blushed when he thought the woman had F to borderline G cup breasts.

"I'm changing… What? Never saw a naked woman before?" The cat woman said.

"N-No!... I don't want to be labeled a pervert… my mom told me guys get their asses kicked if you act like that around nice looking women… I've always been told to have manners most if not all women could easily send me to a healer for emergency treatment since I'm not a strong guy." Emerald said while he blushed more as the cat woman now looks amused.

"So… you think I'm nice looking?" The cat woman said.

Emerald blushed more as he wasn't sure how to respond.

"U-Um… maybe?... you looked nice eating and stuff… not sure how else to say things that don't make me look bad." Emerald said while he blushed more… honestly any more blushing and his head would look like a tomato.

The cat woman chuckles.

"Well thanks. You're the first human to give me compliments."

"R-Really?... I mean… the… clothes you had did look off but you didn't look bad… but… wait… though faded they look… black and white?" Emerald said when he picked up some of the rags that land near him and he wondered what that was about.

"Yeah… it used to be a nice dress but not anymore." The cat woman said.

"More like a prison outfit…" A voice said making the cat woman and Emerald look to the side and Emerald blushed when he saw Bronwyn in a towel.

"B-Bronwyn!?... w-why are you in a towel out here!?" Emerald asked before covering his eyes again.

Bronwyn frowns.

"Emerald, stop being modest and step away from that cat woman. Her name is Me-Mow. A bounty hunter that was supposed to be in prison until she escaped."

Me-Mow scoffed at this when she was busted.

"Guilty in identity, still think that trial was bumpkis… may have used to be an assassin but thanks to your uncle and Grandpa, that turned out bad and its only thanks to your gramps and uncle tricking me that I was arrested in the first place when I thought I was going for a legit bounty at the time." Me-Mow said when she finished getting dressed.

"Wait… tricked?" Emerald said when he uncovered his eyes slowly as he looks at Me-Mow.

"Yeah… long story short… watch out for something called BMO… apparently from what I heard… turns out that Finn and Jake was playing a game and best of all… I was tried for crimes NOT in the Candy Kingdom… so no offense kid… but if you think you can scare me away with potential threats… better think again." Me-Mow said though many shadows start to darken around the camp as Shade, in a towel as well, came out.

"Oh?... well if Bronwyn won't scare you… why not me?... I'm Shade the Nightmare princess… if Bronwyn wished it I could send you into a volcano and even if I did want to play fair… shadow manipulation is my game so your literally surrounded." Shade said though she and Bronwyn were surprised when Emerald got between them and Me-Mow nervously.

"H-Hang on… if she was as bad as you said… she could have killed me and taken my bag and left a long time ago… she saw what it could do but didn't do that… lets at least hear her out and see why she is here… I mean if she wants to start a new life, why not let her?... she isn't apart of this guild thing anymore and from what she said… seems like Finn and Jake or this BMO person tricked Me-Mow?... I mean unless Bubblegum had Me-Mow arrested in the Candy Kingdom but… don't Royals only have authority in their own lands?... dangerous sure but… you heard yourself Shade you could literally have Bronwyn wish death on Me-Mow if you wanted so I doubt Me-Mow would cause trouble… so… lets at least try and be civil OK?" Emerald said when he tried to defend Me-Mow a bit since she was more or less against someone who if Bronwyn wished it… wish it and Me-Mow could be dead…

Me-Mow blinks the way Emerald defended her as Bronwyn narrows her eyes for a bit.

"Alright." She surprisingly said.

Emerald blinks at this.

"A-Alright?" Emerald said when he looks at Bronwyn with some surprise.

"You said you want to be civil, so I'll be civil." Bronwyn said.

Emerald rubs his head when he noticed Bronwyn looking angry.

"T-Thanks… sorry Bronwyn… I mean its just from what she said… aside one mistake with her trying to join a guild… she doesn't seem like a bad lady… I mean Miss Minerva always told me to see the good in people so I could try it with Me-Mow and be nice with her… I mean… aside stories you were told… have you ever talked with Me-Mow before?" Emerald asked while he looks at Bronwyn curiously.

Bronwyn was quiet.

"No. From what Gramps and Uncle Finn told me, she was bad news. She tried to kill a Royal for the guild before being a bounty hunter."

"I-I see… why did you try and kill a princess before Me-Mow?... I mean unless they did something bad… did they do something that required killing?... I mean killing a random royal would be like just saying that taking out a person is as simple as breathing." Emerald said as Me-Mow gave a one armed shrug.

"Memory is a bit hazy but from what I was told… Wildberry princess was a bit of a dictator… on the surface she was sweet and could manipulate Finn and Jake easily but piss her off even a little… well aside her berries exploding… don't ask… she had a habit of killing people in over the top ways… I mean you ever visit her kingdom and see large gold statues of people?... enough said she killed people by melting gold and putting it in casts with people still inside of it so they melted alive… if you don't believe me, just take one of those statues and crack one open… unless the bones melted, the bones should still be in the statues." Me-Mow said while Emerald looks shocked by that kind of info.

"Seriously?! I thought she had a temper but this…" Shade said with a shocked look.

Bronwyn looked just as shocked as Me-Mow smirks.

"Hey if you doubt me, if she still has those things, can either wish for one of them here and we crack one open and we see if its not a rumor or I could just wish for the kid here to know if I and others are telling the truth or not to show if I'm legit in things." Me-Mow said when she points a thumb at Bronwyn.

Bronwyn was quiet before looking at Shade.

"Shade… I wish one of those golden statues from the wildberry kingdom was here."

Shade blinks at this.

"Well I can try, again the distance maybe an issue but…" Shade said when she snapped her fingers and a portal opened… from it… a large golden statue of a Minotaur man fell through… thankfully not Mannish man but when it fell, it cracked open as the portal closed and well… many saw bones fall from inside of the statue like a twisted Pinata as Emerald gulps when he comically hid behind Me-Mow for a moment while she looks amused.

"Hehe… told you… reason why some would have a hit on that sweet berry princess." Me-Mow said when she looks at Bronwyn.

Bronwyn couldn't believe it.

"Sweet Glob. Why?" She said.

Me-Mow shrugs with a grin.

"Who knows what goes on in those Royal's heads… aside that Flame Queen who is honest obsessed, the other Royals may as well be two faced bitches to me… even the Nightmare Princess here… I mean… aside from wanting to most likely tag along out of the goodness of her heart… why come to these woods?... sure she could kill me, but brings my point up in there being more to Royals than what meets the eye… I mean given what Bubblegum did if the rumors are true… or half of them at least… you can at least see what I'm going for right Miss Hero to be?... you don't get to be a former assassin to bounty hunter without a knack for getting info and stuff… also before you ask on why I'm in rags here despite so many years after the gum war… given that sugar Queen had wanted posters of me… VERY hard to find places to rest, keep clean, and more… honestly this human here gave me more food then even some dumpsters so I was more or less forced to be a bum till I got here…. Honestly I should have just gone back to prison to be experimented on by that bubblebutted bitch." Me-Mow said to explain why she was here in the first place in rags… seems she was having a tough time slowly traveling by foot from town to town to survive.

As Shade looks irritated by that two faced part on her end… Emerald looks confused.

"Wait… Bubblegum experimented on you and others?... what did she do?" Emerald said as Me-Mow smirks.

"Well thanks to her I can form a pretty girthy co*ck if needed so sometimes I was able to f*ck my way out of some situations but others had me more or less testing disease immunity injections and other stuff… thanks to her gained a lot of perks but damn did I gain some side effects like going into heat easily with my biology f*cked with." Me-Mow said while Emerald blushed at what Me-Mow said.

"Okay stop. I didn't need to know that." Bronwyn said.

"Hehe really?... the smell coming from you and the Princess says otherwise if I'm starting to smell juices." Me-Mow said when she looks amused at Shade and Bronwyn.

Bronwyn jolts a bit.

"Don't push it." She said.

"Hehe, fine by me… may as well take the human with me for a bit and repay him ifor the food f you two are turning in… I know of a lake nearby I was using for water so he and I could bathe in it and more." Me-Mow said when she surprised Emerald when Me-Mow grins as she had Emerald in a headlock of sorts as he blushed more.

"B-But I didn't do anything to get rewarded!" Emerald said when he tried to reason with an amused Me-Mow.

"You fed me and gave me clothes. That's more than enough." Me-Mow said.

"H-Hey!… let him go!" Bronwyn said.

Me-Mow had a mischievous smirk on her face.

"Oh?... this guy your boyfriend or something?" Me-Mow said when she looks over her shoulder at Bronwyn.

Bronwyn blushes a bit.

"That's none of your business."

"Ohhh?... well let me ask this guy then… hey… Emerald was it?... you Bronwyn's boyfriend or the Nightmare Princess's man just in case?" Me-Mow asked while Emerald blushed more.

"N-No… we just met a some time ago… honestly friends would be the best thing right now if I'm being generous…" Emerald said when he told Me-Mow the truth with further amused Me-Mow.

"Oh so you're single then?" Me-Mow said.

Emerald blushed more.

"Y-Yeah… wasn't popular in my village since there were guys who could have insane muscles and stuff back home…" Emerald said while he looks a bit bummed when he remembered some women laughing at him for how weak he was compared to seekers and other humans who had better bodies.

"Really?… guess human females can be shallow too." Me-Mow said before smirking.

"Well if they don't want you as a boyfriend… I may as well keep you for myself."

"What?!" Bronwyn said.

"Double what!?" Emerald said with a bright blush on his face when he didn't expect that at all while Shade looks surprised as well to a lesser level when she was wondering what was going through Me-Mow's head.

"What? You're the only one that gave me a chance at least and you're not that bad looking either." Me-Mow said.

Emerald blushed more.

"I-I was just being nice and me not bad looking?... you should see the seekers and other guys at the village I live in… may have some ego issues but they don't hold back in complimenting women…" Emerald said while he looks REALLY nervous now.

Me-Mow scoffs.

"Please, I wouldn't be caught dead with anyone that has a big ego. Plus if that human Finn told your peeps about me I doubt I would be welcome. Besides…" She said before she sniffs Emerald's neck for some reason.

"You have a nice scent."

Emerald blushed more at this.

"Um… thanks?" Emerald said when he wondered what that scent thing meant though before he could ask more… Me-Mow looks at Bronwyn and Shade.

"Hehe… well if neither of you are dating this guy I'll least see how tempted he is in having fun with me when I show him the goods… for now I need to get clean and stuff first but after that… hehe… getting a long overdue fun time thats long overdue for me." Me-Mow said while she starts to drag a blushing Emerald away.

Bronwyn blinks before narrowing her eyes yes.

"Oh no you don't!" She said before she starts going after them.

This comically had Emerald's ankled gripped as Me-Mow blinks before she looks back as Emerald was lifted between the two and Me-Mow smirks.

"Hehe… what?... worried I would harm your ally?... please given how nice he was to me, would be stupid to pull a fast one on him since he helped me… I mean if you want him to stay… he could… but… depending on what he is doing… he could be free so unless you want me to stick around camp for fun, well…" Me-Mow said before she lets go of Emerald and moved with shocking speed to have her nails at Bronwyn's neck as Emerald made an Oomph sound from the fall while his liquid metal slime accessory acted like a cushion for his head.

"Just to give a reminder… your family isn't exactly my favorite kind of people… reason why I haven't killed you or the Nightmare princess is because I'm trying to play nice… I picked up some tricks magical and otherwise so even if you did have wish moves and stuff… pretty sure even if I die… would at least take your head with me… so… want to be honest and tell me why you're so against Emerald leaving camp or… jealous and want some fun with the human?" Me-Mow said when she got a bit teasing at the end.

Bronwyn blushes from the tease but didn't want to answer.

"Fine… you can stay at the camp."

"Oh?... hey Shade… humor me and I'll back off from Bronwyn… but I wish she would be honest with us and tell us WHY she doesn't want Emerald leaving camp now." Me-Mow said when she smirks at Shade.

Bronwyn blinks as Shade sighs.

"Sorry Bronwyn." She said before snapping her fingers.

Emerald blinks at this as he looks at Bronwyn when she starts glowing for some reason as Me-Mow steps back when Bronwyn looked like she was struggling in holding back something she wanted to say.

"D-Damn it… why?" Bronwyn said as she tried to be strong.

Though given Shade's wish master powers would be too strong for Bronwyn's will… Emerald was surprised by what Bronwyn said next.

"I… don't want him to leave because… I want to… take his V-card and… make him my… boyfriend." Bronwyn said.

Emerald got comically wide eyes from this as Me-Mow laughs.

"Hahaha!... well thats a surprise… guess you are jealous… hehe… you know kid or… Bronwyn was it?... how about a deal and if you accept… I'll let you take this human's V-Card…" Me-Mow said when she looks at a blushing Bronwyn with a smirk.

Bronwyn blushes brightly.

"Y-You… want to use your co*ck on me?"

"Hehe well I was going to say that if you and Shade here were planning on having fun with the human given the bath towels and stuff but that works as well hehe… I'll just say this… if the human and you two impress me… may as well join your group for a bit so I can see why you guys are here for since I didn't get much info… who knows… maybe you and I could share the human if we come to a compromise if he somehow outlasts you and I separate." Me-Mow said when she smirks at Bronwyn with a hand on her hip.

Though Shade put her two scents.

"If you want to know, the Vampire Queen, lost her powers thanks to this guy name Ash. Not sure if he's a friend of yours."

Me-Mow though gained an angered look.

"Call him a friend of mine and I'll kick your ass before your shadow magic or whatever can help you… f*cking bastard tried to cheat me out of a game of cards and more in the past and really screwed up some stuff for me… I'm not sure what happened to him if he is still alive but I hope he is living in agony right now." Me-Mow said when she looked VERY offended about her and Ash being friends.

"Shade meant no harm. She never met him. Also… Ash is no longer him… or should I say herself." Bronwyn said.

"Huh?" Me-Mow asked and well… after a wish given info dump… Me-Mow was on her back laughing up a storm as she kicked her legs in the air.

"HAHAHAHA!... Scavenger hunt for fragments or not… y-your telling me… t-that bastard tried to get the Vampire Queen again and… became a damn female maid!... and he may as well no longer exist in his or this Ashley's own mind!?... HAHAHA!... oh man this I have to see no matter what!..." Me-Mow said when she tried to calm herself down as she barely picked herself up off the group and steadied herself on Emerald's shoulder when he helped her stand properly.

"To get on track… I'll take the deal." Bronwyn said.

This surprised Emerald as Me-Mow now looks more amused.

"Oh?... you sure?... that means doing things with your grandpa and uncles enemy so to speak… didn't expect such a naughty girl hehe… this I'm liking." Me-Mow said when she looks at Bronwyn.

"I'll just recap the deal… you let me have fun with you three and if I'm satisfied I'll help you out and we can share the human… you can get his virginities but be warned unless Shade keeps me busy… may go for that unguarded cute ass… prison rules are what I lived by for awhile so don't be surprised if I make a sneak attack and show you how to really please others." Me-Mow said when she smirks eagerly at Bronwyn to mess with her… and remind her unlike Bronwyn who most likely had one or two flings… Me-Mow was MUCH more experienced so… that warning shouldn't be taken lightly.

Bronwyn blushes more before she surprisingly removes her towel.

Me-Mow smirks when she saw Bronwyn's body… Bronwyn had a fit figure and had C to D cup breasts and a tight looking Ass… Emerald blushed immensely when he was flashed by this as Me-Mow smirks.

"Not bad… not bad at all… though… two things…. One… I wish Emerald and I were clean from head to toe… and two… I think we should take things to the tent here instead of being out in the open." Me-Mow said when she smirks at Bronwyn as Shade snapped her fingers and Emerald and Me-Mow were clean of any and all filth.

"There we go. Let's head to the tent and before you object Emerald… it's big enough for the four us." Shade said before she and Me-Mow start to drag Emerald after grabbing his arms.

"Ehhhhh!" Emerald said with a bright blush as he was dragged slowly to the tent as Bronwyn follows with her own blush… though before more could be seen… the scene fades to black… looks like next chapter would be the official lemon filled chapter after all this set up and with the eyecandy Bronwyn gave to many just now… and same for the Candy Kingdom as Bubblegum, Wave, and Ashley work to please Marceline.

Stakes 2: The Stakes are higher - Chapter 2 - Atomsk_the_Pirate_King, Twilight_Master_Emerald (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.