Stakes 2: The Stakes are higher - Chapter 1 - Atomsk_the_Pirate_King, Twilight_Master_Emerald (2024)

Chapter Text

The scene opens up with TME waiting for Atomsk to show up.

Though he was talking with Marceline in the meantime with the ideas he had.

"OK… so you're OK with this happening since it could be interesting?... not the main event of this idea persay but the idea that I didn't even tell Atomsk about?" TME said while he grins at Marceline while she smirks back showing that not even Atomsk knows what will happen.

"Hehe… go nuts dude… honestly surprised you would bring HER in on this but hey… while I can be the main heroine so to speak getting helped, doesn't mean other ladies can't be brought in and HER of all people would make this very interesting… would she be considered canon though?" Marceline said when she looks thoughtful as TME shrugs.

"Well first off multiverse… has to be canon somewhere… and second… was a game character so unless game canon is Non-canon from an official source… hard to say." TME said while he rubs his head.

After a bit, Atomsk appears.

"Hey man, sorry I'm late and… Marceline? This is a surprise."

"Hehe well considering this story would star me somewhat, figured it would be right to call me in for talks… hehe… man TME has surprises in store for this story Atomsk so hope you're ready for a ride." Marceline said when she looks amused as she had a hand on her hip.

"Well, it depends on the plot but, I'm ready for anything." Atomsk said.

"Even character death?" TME said with a curious look and a raised eyebrow as he rubs his chin.

"Really? You're gonna kill off one of our guys already?" Atomsk said.

"Ehhhh… not in the way you may think and not one of our OC's… before you ask… No… not Finn, Marceline, Bubblegum, and even if you count Ash for what I have in mind for them, not quite… can still have Ashley make a showing or something… no… you'll see what I mean MUCH later… for now just try and have this in your mind for later." TME said when he poked his own head at the end.

"Alright. Guess we better get started then." Atomsk said.

"Right… first off though… I should clarify that this story while having the Canon Adventure time crew will NOT be used much in this story besides lemons, occasional talks, or advice to various OC's… thats right people, HEAVY OC warning inbound… thanks to some soon plot related events… Finn and Jake will be TKOed so to speak and can't do much from injuries they will be healing from… not even cyclops tears can help with how bad things are… they will live and heal up and join much later for the adventures but for now… lets just say new Heroes of Ooo will be joining in on this particular adventure… and 2… while the title make make things obvious… especially with Marceline here… NO… there will NOT be vampire enemies in this story… not for a long time at least… still workshopping things after the first arc but enough said expect seriously unexpected things and non-canon characters… at least possible non-canon characters being used or added here… you'll see what I mean later… for now unless Atomsk has anything to add or Marceline as well… should get started so… what do you think you two?... anything to say to the readers?" TME said while he looks at the duo.

"Yeah. Enjoy the story and no flames please." Atomsk said.

"Yeah… or else I'll hunt you people down… and kick your asses so better hope you live by a hospital." Marceline said with a smirk.

TME then looks at the readers quickly.

"First off Marceline the Vampire Queen is not officaliated with Atomsk and I in a sense persay and legally she cannot harm you so do not worry she is just being a pranking Queen… second enjoy the story as this intro ends, to keep things simple, unless announcements are made or we want to do recaps, this may as well be a mostly introless story so… yeah… enjoy the story and all characters are above the age of 18 here… this story takes place AFTER the gum war so things from here on may as well be non-canon interpretations of what would happen after the Canon of Adventure time… well… at least until Lemonhope returns and stuff but we won't be covering him so yeah… enjoy the story." TME said as he had the scene shift to the Candy Kingdom and well…

Ooo/ Candy Kingdom/ ?

The scene showed the outside of the Candy Kingdom as things seemed to be going well normally… however… a massive explosion happened busting many windows in the castle… thankfully nothing was destroyed besides them but… multiple black orbs shot from the castle for some reason to many reaches of Ooo's landscapes… what the flip was going on here?... on closer inspection… well… when going inside… the scene showed a wounded Finn and Jake while Jake had a pipe through his gut and Finn was… missing his other human arm… thankfully it was laying nearby but damn Finn could not keep his arms it seems…

Marceline was laying on the ground groaning while her hair blocked her body from view as Bubblegum groans while she was on the floor after having made a Bubblegum shaped impact in the wall she crashed into and well… nearby was… Ash?... or at least a female version of Ash?... seriously what the hell happened here?... female Ash?... honestly it looked like a massive bomb was set off in the middle of the room for some reason… looks like no one died but damn no one looked good and was hard to tell how Marceline was.

That's when Peppermint Butler and a few guards came in and was shocked at what they saw.

"Quickly, call a medic!" Peppermint said.

"I'll Call Dr. Princess!, she is better then a medic!" A banana guard said as he ran out of the room while many Banana guards worked to exit the room and get stretchers for many and while Ash or… whoever Ash was called now was brought out of the room hesitantly from their past actions… a Banana guard and Peppermint Butler were surprised to see Marceline as she was carried out of the room and… she had ebony skin and… was actually breathing in her knocked out state?

"Oh my glob… are you seeing what I'm seeing man?" Pep asked as the Banana guard looks to him.

"A cute lady who looks a lot like the Vampire Queen?" The Banana guard said as Peppermint Butler gained a half lidded look and slapped the Banana guard on the back of his peeled head.

"No!... that was Marceline… get the security team ready with their recordings, I want to know what happened in here and so help me if I hear you guys taped over the security cameras again… your peals will be the least of what I take from you do you hear me!" Peppermint Butler said as his eyes glow with an ominous energy as he looks up at the Banana guard.

The guards jolts from that before they quickly got out.

Peppermint Butler sighs and rubs his head.

"I really hope its not what I think I think it is… we already dealt with one case of Vampires… I really hope we don't have to deal with them again… I mean no Vampire King man!... can't get an autograph from him so no upsides!" Pep said as time passed…

This had a few things happen that will be rushed over for the same of time…

First off… no one had life threatening injuries persay… mainly Finn's arm was reattacted but in a cast since while he had his arm fixed in place thanks to Huntress and others coming to help Dr. P, science VS magic with Bubblegum be damned… Finn would still need some time before he could feel things in his left arm again… Jake would be OK… thankfully his body feeling danger shifted his organs around during the blast so only the pipe went through his skin so after some stitches which he would have to rest to recover properly from with occasional cyclops tear treatments occasionally to make sure nothing would be scarred… well enough said Finn and Jake would be out of fighting for a bit… thankfully for Bubblegum she was fine after some days of recovery thanks to how… gummy her body was… no real damage persay to her bones, body, or brain… Marceline on the other hand… well… she was shell shocked when she was told that not only she was now no longer powered up to her usual Vampire standards… she had no demon powers as well… no soul sucking abilities… no super strength… nothing… Marceline for all intents and purposes was a full on 100% legit bonafide Grade A human woman… no powers AT ALL… thankfully her body was not feeling any negative effects like arthritis thankfully so she could stand when needed and walk but all in all… aside having ebony skin like her mother with a slight pale complexion from whatever remained of her demonic blood in her… she may as well be human…

As for Ash… or Ashley… as many called them now… funny enough seems they got an improvement when whatever happened with Ash before their body was altered just… fixed them?... it wasn't like a memory loss thing no… it was like a full on personality shift for Ashley and boy this threw people for a loop after some tests… hell Marceline got scared when Ashley offered to make food for others and worked as a maid after a few days by Bubblegum to keep an eye on Ashley just in case and well… enough said Marceline had a hard time processing that one for a bit…

For Peppermint Butler who did some digging with the security footage… seems Ash had a plan to try and get Marceline back as his woman but that was a bad time to try it… mainly for the reason of the explosion… seems Bubblegum was asking Marceline to help with an experiment that would help Marceline survive in the sunlight with many high tech gadgets and gizmos hooked to Marceline's body… what Ash did was more or less make the machine malfunction and well… like the title of this story says… Stakes 2… thankfully no Vampires were reported during the time the orbs were seen flying well over Ooo but there were too many orbs… most likely representing a power Marceline had… as this was worked on well…

The scene focused on a group of people, some humans, some humanoid beings… but Bubblegum, Marceline, Finn with the cast, and Jake with Lady pushing him in a wheelchair around were standing near a large computer as Ashley was smiling as she served tea to many.

"OK people… first off I'm glad so many of you offered to help with this endevor… as you can see… Marceline the Vampire Queen… well… is no longer a Vampire or a demon… thanks to Ash who may as well be dead now and in their place is Ashley the maid serving you tea… well… enough said Marceline's powers thanks to Ash bunking up an experiment of mine caused her powers and I mean ALL of them to be blasted around the four corners of Ooo… normally I would have Finn and Jake go around since they are experienced adventurers but… as you can see they are really not in the adventuring shape right now… Finn can't use his left arm period and Jake can't do much as he is healing up the hole in his gut with occasional cyclops tear treatments… I'm not going to lie this maybe dangerous because there could be serious issues of Vampires hiding if they got free again and maybe demonic beings that are aspects of Marceline going around wherever they are… if any of you want to leave now and what not since things will be dangerous, I will not fault you in heading back to your homes." Bubblegum said when she looks at the huge group of newbie and rookie adventurers and people just wanting to help out when a call to help out the Princess was made to various kingdoms and even the human Villages that were made recently after they moved to Ooo having some humans here.

"I'm not leaving." One person said.

"Same here!" another said though…

"Given things what's the reward for helping in getting these orb things?" A rough sounding female voice said showing a tall humanoid woman with green quills and black markings around her eyes… she wore a punk rock like outfit and has a seriously sharp tooth grin as Bubblegum looks at her.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Bubblegum asked as the green quilled woman grins more.

"Surge the Tenrec… f*cking leader of a group of bandits in the Badlands… I more or less run the joint and figured a small vacation of sorts to see if Ooo would be a good place to live would be a good way to kill time… same with my half sister nearby… her name is Maite and she is a hedgehog humanoid… not like those small hedgehogs you have here… guess evolution didn't hit hard here since most threats in this land is pretty soft." Surge said when she introduced herself and points a thumb at a pink humanoid looking hedgehog humanoid and she wore simple bandit clothing which showed a thiccc yet strong body… while she sat on a MASSIVE warhammer's head and leaned against the handle with the implied Maite smirking at what Surge said.

"Sup." Maite said as a blue fur wolf humanoid whistle.

"Man, that's impressive."

This had the group look to see a Blue furred wolfman who wore a loincloth, had two simple swords at his sides, and looked to be well trained given he looked like a tall adonis of a humanoid.

"And who are you?" Jake asked while he looks curiously at the blue furred wolfman.

The wolfman grins.

"Cedric Middleton. I come from the Dungeon of the Crystal Eye."

"What!?" Finn said as he drew a sword with his good arm.

"Are you anything like that Angel woman who tried to eat me in the past or like that donk of a Bucket knight or that ass of a Demon Cat?" Finn said showing he still remembered things and given how strong Finn was compared to his kid self, even crippled he still emits an abnormal killing intent when he thought Cedric was a monster here to cause trouble as he got in a guarded stance.

Cedric raised an eyebrow.

"So you're the guy that caused trouble in my home. You almost killed Angel… even if she did try to eat you. It was your own fault for going in there in the first place. Either way, I'm not here for trouble or vengeance."

Finn on his end was silent for a second when he heard that though… surprisingly he moved to get in the Shadow thrust technique and well… many were shocked when Cedric lost some fur on top of his head giving him a comical flat top look as Finn was behind him with abnormal speed.

"Good… as for what you said… may have been my fault but your friend told me that she didn't just eat a low number of people alone… you better hope you don't cause trouble at all otherwise I won't just aim for a good haircut next time… and this is me crippled to not mess up the stitches and stuff in my arm… same goes to you Surge… Maite… you two cause trouble… well… I killed the Lich a number of times so if you two have plans in causing trouble… well… not the first time I fought women before since many could have killed me in the past…" Finn said before he puts his sword away and pats Cedric on the shoulder.

"Sorry for intruding in your home but aside PB… you guys really should work on your own manners since you guys went for the kill more then just tell people to leave… most times I was defending myself and no offense… place looked like a ruined dungeon full of monsters so my bad for mistaking things but when you get attacked first and asked questions never… you get attack happy…" Finn said before he walked back to stand next to Marceline and Bubblegum.

Cedric frowns at the human till he did a spell on his head that surprisingly regrows some of the fur he lost before going back to the group.

Seems there's already drama happening as Jake got nervous.

Though as this happened a black furred covered hand with red markings moved to hold Cedric's hand.

"Easy there Cedric you know he means no real harm… you remember how bad of a reception I got when you tried to introduce me to your folks in the dungeon?" A voice said making many look to see a black furred cute cat humanoid female in a loincloth, a simple bra, and she smiles calmly at Cedric with bright red eyes while she held Cedric's hand.

Cedric saw this and sighs.

"I know Azy." He said.

"Azy?" Marceline said as the black furred cat woman looks at Marceline and smiles at her.

"Names Azure Solara… one of my relatives was a monster in the Cavern of the crystal eye and I'm the sister of the Demon Cat… so I have to apologize because even though we have similar powers… mine though less tuned does have full on accuracy… well… I don't need to use it to know many in the cavern gave you many issues Finn so I apologize for your troubles in the cavern because to us… you may have been an intruder… to you and your brother, probably just thought it was a dungeon and given how no one in the dungeon was friendly… well… I have to apologize for Cedric as well because while protective of those… especially Angel for a number of reasons… he should know that many people who go in to the dungeon doesn't come out in one piece so if it helps…" Azure said before she bows to Finn.

"I am truly sorry for what my brother and others have done to you… I know it won't make up for things but this is me being truly sorry for many there." Azure said when she hoped finn would relax a bit.

Finn calms down a bit.

"I'll accept."

Azure smiles as she stands.

"Thank you, and again sorry for Cedric… he is just protective of Angel since she and him like to fool around sometimes when I'm not around… with full permission of course… I mean it can be stressful for a guardian of the Crystal eye to find a sane lover so I lend her mine." Azure said when she looks amused as she smirks when Cedric gave her a half lidded look.

"Really?" Cedric said.

"What?!… you and her? Doesn't she have that ugly face?" Jake said.

"Thats just if she wants to scare intruders… heard from Cedric, Finn saw her cute face so Finn… you see how cute Angel was before she took her scary form?" Azure said when she smiles at Finn.

Finn blushes a bit.

"No comment… but yeah."

Azure giggles before she walked to Cedric, kissed his cheek, and walked him away while Bubblegum looks at many.

"As for this reward… there is not really one persay… given how severe this is though… if you help us locate and gather the fragments of Marceline's power if they don't turn into Vampires or demons… you can make requests for some favors and rewards depending on how many you find… but I want to repeat that this maybe dangerous… if you heard about vampires in the past before and recently with the Vampire Cloud incident, you should all know only those brave, strong, and determined enough will have the best of chances to survive… so while the rewards maybe good I can tell you that many of you may not make it out alive… some of you may experience fates worse then death!... so if you all consider that before you agree to join… who will be willing to help us!" Bubblegum said and comically… MANY left the room in a panic as Marceline sighs when she looks at a stunned Bubblegum.

"Bonnie… we REALLY need to work on your PR skills… not Candy peeps who are simple to talk with and stuff though we do have some guys with nerves of steel." Marceline said when she saw that out of the MANY who stuck around… there was a number of people left… around 9 to 10 people persay… Surge, Maite, Azure, and Cedric were 4 so 6 left for introductions…

"She's got you there PB." Jake said.

Bubblegum looks a bit dejected as Ashley came over with some tea on a trey.

"Tea Milady?" Ashley said while reminding the four how different Ashley was to Ash… honestly aside one time Marceline was huddled in a corner in a room freaking out about this… she adapted well to Ashley and her new personality.

"Still can't believe this used to be Ash." Finn said.

"Yeah… if not for the examinations done, would think they were faking but no… Ash is fully and truely gone… honestly Ashley is an improvement." Bubblegum said as she took the tea and smiles when she sips it.

"Oh!... you learned well from Peppermint Butler." Bubblegum said when she smiles at Ashley at how good the taste was.

Ashley smiles at the compliment before she offered Marceline a special type of tea.

"It's a red raspberry flavor."

Marceline blinks at this and though she drank the tea and didn't get the same impact as she would have given she couldn't drain the red… honestly Marceline blushed when she tastes the taste…

"Its… very good…" Marceline said when she had a hard time admitting Ashley did well but given her past with Ash… was a step forward and looks cute when she looks a bit tsundere.

Ashley though felt something off.

"Did I do something wrong? I tried not to make it strong. Or was it the flavor?

Marceline blushed more since she was told that Ash didn't have many memories of her time as Ash when Peppermint Butler used memory powder on her… at best some moments were blurs.

"N-No… sorry just… still trying to adjust to things… you're not Ash but its still an adjustment to me." Marceline admits while she rubs her head with one hand.

Ashley did see her reasoning.

"I understand." She said but part of her is feeling guilty when she was told who she used to be and what her male counterpart did in the past.

This made Marceline feel a bit bad as she drank her tea as a woman stepped forward… it was a purple furred humanoid with a yellow beak on her face.

"May as well say that my name is Wave the Swallow, normally I work with tec and what not for things I like to make… mainly hoverboards or extreme gear as I'm trying to trademark them as… some magical for environmentally friendly stuff, some normal tech to see if the non magical can make them for normal civilian use… mainly I may just hang back here and help with R&D stuff if you need help with tech related items." The 5th new person said showing her name was Wave the Swallow… she looked to be a real beauty of a bird woman… she didn't have wings but had a special hoverboard set near her… one a magical board with odd runes and one with various fans and what not to show her skills to Bubblegum mainly.

"Interesting… wouldn't mind seeing some examples of your stuff." Bubblegum said.

The next one was… a male monkey humanoid wearing black ninja gear and has a strong staff.

"Hello all, I'm Monkey Khan, but everyone calls me Ken. I'm from a village of ninjas."

Many blink at this as Marceline looks amused.

"I'm curious…. Anyone yell that Khan name or something?" Marceline asked as Khann or Ken smirks.

"Unless I'm in trouble with pulling pranks or when pleasing the ladies." Ken said when he smirks teasingly at Marceline and Bubblegum mainly while wiggling his eyebrows.

The duo blushes a bit as Finn rolls his eyes at the flirting but Jake looked excited.

"Dude!… can you do Ice Ninjutsu?"

"Ice Ninjutsu?... not sure on that but…" Ken said before he plucked some fur from his head and he blew it out of his hand… in no time 3 more Ken's appeared next to the original and all three smirk when they lift up various things like Wave and Wave's boards while Wave was bridal style in one of the clones arms.

"... How about this for ninjutsu." The three clones said with amused looks on their faces.

"Oh nice. If Finn and I weren't injured, 3 of us can do a nice jutsu battle." Jake said as Wave blushes from being held.

Ken looks amused a Wave was set on her feet.

"Well while we can do that in the future… should tell you that if you want to learn how to make clones you'll need hair restore magic for this… pull enough hairs and you get bald spots… hair regrowth is one of the safe magics learned and stuff so…" Ken said as Finn smirks when he pulls his hat off his head to show long flowing locks as Ken gets wide eyes.

"Or you have the hair of the globs… seriously is that sparkles?" Ken said while Marceline, Bubblegum, and other women like Ashley look jealous of Finn's hair.

"Not sure what his secret is but try and not look smug Finn." Ashley said with a cute pout on her face when she saw Finn's long locks.

Finn actually blushes from that pout but chuckles.

"Sorry ladies. Hair is just natural."

"Well hope you'll have a fun time getting that hat back on because I'm sure one hand will make that very hard." Bubblegum said when she gave Finn a half lidded look.

Finn made tsk noise.

"Dang PB… you gotta ruin that too?"

"U-Um… want me to help with that then?" A feminine voice said making the group look to see a cute looking petite white furred rabbit humanoid woman… she jolts when many look at her.

Marceline smiles at her when she saw how adorable the rabbit humanoid looks.

"Who are you by the way?" Marceline asked.

"O-Oh… I'm Clover… I'm actually from the newly made Rabbit Kingdom… the Princess should have been recently inaugurated at the last meeting of Royals." The introduced Clover said when she looks at the group nervously.

Surge smirks.

"We'll talk about cute enough to eat."

Clover blushed brightly from this as Maite giggles and grins.

"Hehe yeah… maybe we should kidnap her and have fun tag teaming her Maite said when she licks her lips when she eyed Clover carefully.

"Especially since she looks to be hiding a package like you sis." Maite said when she had a sparkle in her eyes.

Clover jolts.

"H-How did you know?" She said.

Maite smirks more.

"Hehe… X-Ray magic enchantment… one of my eyes has been replaced with an artificial one and I must say… VERY impressive… bigger then many males here by a mile, and some by just a few inches." Maite said when she blinks as she used an example as her left eye changed color to show various modes of vision magic it seems.

"Huh?" Some of the males said as Clover blushes brightly.

Surge chuckles more at this.

"Hehe… Oh… I'll enjoy things if we tag team on missions." Surge said when she licks her lips at Clover in a dominating way.

"Okay… getting off track. Who's next?" Bubblegum said.

This had chuckling happen as the group looks at a duo… one looked like a Fox man humanoid and well… a serious unit of a Lion man.

"Hmhmhm… well I'll help this be simple… I'm Bordux… and this is my ally Aggro the Iron wall… we're mercenaries who normally work for the highest bidder… Aggro normally as you can tell is the muscle between us and is hard to damage and I normally make the plans between us and I cast spells and what not to make sure that no one will give Aggro and I too much trouble… sometime I have to stop Aggro from doing something a bit dumb occasionally but ehh… help is never perfect sometimes but when in a battle… never underestimate Aggro." Bordux said while he smiles calmly at the group.

"Hey, didn't have to say it like that." Aggro said but did winked at the females as he flexed his muscles.

Some of them did blush as Bordux made Aggro jolt when Bordux eyesmiles ominously at him.

"Remember those two monkey women you impregnated and we have to send child support to them VIA my contacts?... they look alot like this Khan person though… not trying to be racist but do the names Tei and Lei me anything to you?" Bordux said as Ken blinks and then looks pissed.

"Wait… YOU did that to my sisters!?... they were married women!" Ken said when he had the fires of rage in his eyes when he and his clones all look pissed at Aggro.

Aggro jolts.

"Uh oh." He said.

"Now now… first off Khan or Ken was it?... first off we had no idea at the time… mainly your sisters were hired to kill a target we were trying to bodyguard… Aggro and I just made a deal with them and I guess they got duped by some shady market man… I think his name was Choose goose before his merchant ID was revoked… when we checked the birth control herbs that Tei and Lei told us about when Aggro beat them in a fair fight for our clients life… they gave him a good time for their lives and well… lets just say the four of us were pissed because we had no idea about the faulty birth control… I mean Aggro and I pay a good profit to them so unless its being intercepted, they should be well off in raising Aggro's kids and you and your clan should know that being Ninja or Kunoichi has risks… very least last we heard in letters that the husbands of Tei and Lei don't mind the kids since they could be helpful for their clan in the future but after talking to them peacefully… mainly me since Aggro looked like he would puke at the time… we settled on paying child support with missions so you somehow take aggro out… not only do you put Tei and Lei in a bad spot with less income…you would anger me and believe me… I've beaten Aggro in fights and I can assure you… I can already think of ways to deal with you if you get any funny idea."Bordux said as he conjured a book in his hand making Aggro jolt.

"H-Hold on Bordux!... don't need to do that!... you REALLY don't want to know what he can do with that book Ken!... believe me… scares the sh*t out of me and I have a weird body that can deal with physical attacks yet Bordux really does not bluff… he plans for things to the point even Tei and Lei were shocked at how many steps he has to plans and plans within plans if some ideas don't work… not knocking the pretty pink princess with the fine ass here but when it comes to intellect… I think Bordux beats her when it comes to battle based plans by a mile… tech… not sure on that… but battle… I never saw a person take Bordux on and live without getting a serious lesson in tactics." Aggro said when he tried to be the voice of reason here for Ken and Bordux to calm down which was saying something.

Seeing the look made Ken stop.

"Fine. I won't cause trouble."

Aggro looks relieved with this as Bordux looks amused as he dismissed his book.

"Hmhmhm… looks like you're already protective of your technical In law eh Aggro?" Bordux teased when he had his hands behind his back.

"More like trying to stop you from going nuts. All that planning you added." Aggro said.

"Riiiight…" Bordux said when he looks amused as he looks at Bubblegum.

"Sorry about this Lady Bubblegum, I'm just protective of my allies… I'm sure you would understand… after all nothing beats physical might and magical might then a strong intellect that can keep up and adapt to the situations at hand… so if you want me on the field or want me in a battle… as long as you keep your offer of a reward for Aggro and I if we gain some of Marceline's fragments… we don't mind doing some quests for you as long as we have some time to plan and prepare." Bordux said when he smiled calmly at Bubblegum.

"R-Right. Of course." Bubblegum said.

This had Ashley giggle when Bubblegum blushes a bit as many look to one of the last two people yet to be introduced…

To some surprise to some and some not so surprise to Finn… he looks amused when he saw his great niece… his trained Hero to be student… Bronwyn.

"You know… something told me you would be here Bronwyn… guess when you heard many of us were in trouble, figured you could try and make it big as a heroine huh?" Finn said when he looks amused.

"Better believe it Uncle Finn." Bronwyn said with a smirk.

"Hehe… well guess this really will be Bronwyn's big break since you can't do much right now Finn… well… not unless you want to get a second robotic arm… for now though should leave something to Bronwyn since she seems pretty capable right now." Marceline said while Wave looks amused.

"Well with one of my extreme gear, should be able to do more… heard she was a skater girl so should like to be able to more or less skate over the ground more or less then on simple wheels." Wave said when she looks amused when it seems she had a guinea pig for her extreme gear testing now.

Ken smirks at Bronwyn.

"Well nice to meet a cutie like you."

This comically had Finn use his shadow thrust stance and moved to have his blade at Ken's neck while Jake, though protective, not able to move fast since he couldn't move from lady formed spiked ball hands.

"I'm sorry… considering how… you're before her protective grandpa Jake and great uncle… mind not trying and flirt with Bronwyn otherwise I'm not liable if you become one bald monkey man or worse."Finn said with serious killing intent coming from him in waves more than with Cedric.

Bronwyn felt embarrassed from this as Ken didn't show fear.

"Was just being nice."

Bubblegum sighs as she looks at Finn.

"Finn… try and not cause trouble… we have lost many to my… speech… don't want another gone and try and sue us for you making a monkey man bald… Bronwyn is a grown up… so Finn… Jake… calm down… because I'm sure with your training Finn… don't you think she can protect herself?... something tells me while humoring a few possible dates… I don't think anything serious would happen with her and Ken unless he has a more reserved personality behind the… monkey antics he does… or are you saying Bronwyn is so weak she needs your help even after all the training she went through?" Bubblegum said to try and reason with Finn and by proxy Jake.

The duo were quiet.

"Just protecting family Pb." Finn said.

"Y-Yeah… what if KKW hears of this?" Jake said while Bronwyn looks irritated now.

"Dad didn't give many issues when I was training with Finn, gramps… besides I got older than 18 awhile ago and moved out of my old home… so mainly I'm my own woman living on my own… and I did experiment with some men and women before so not like I can't have a few people to have fun with… I mean you should get why more than Uncle Finn since I know from Grandma that you go into heat a lot gramps, same with Dad, and the same can be said for me." Bronwyn said as Finn blinks.

"Wait… you go into heat Jake!?... is that why you leave the treefort sometimes?... I never knew!" Finn said when this seemed like an info dump for him as Marceline laugh immensely.

"Oh Glob this is rich!" Marceline said while laughing as Jake was blushing brightly.

Though a voice did speak getting their attention.

"Well Marceline, while you enjoy your laughter… may as well help introduce the final helper sticking around while I help Finn recover." A voice said making the group look to see Minerva or a Minerva bot while she was standing next to a… human male?... he looks surprisingly average for a human... this was strange given how rare it was for humans to leave the human villages.

Many blink in surprise as was Finn.

"Mom? I didn't know you were coming. Though who is that?"

Minerva smiles as she held a hand towards the human.

"Let me introduce you to a new friend… mainly he wanted to help Marceline thanks to her connections to his family from before the humans left for the Island so…. Here is Emerald Ranmyaku… his parents are special seekers with organic bodily buffs that give them great strength when under pressure… Emerald doesn't seem to have inherited that trait though but he was adamant in coming to help Marceline." Minerva said as the now identified Emerald, a human with somewhat pale caucasian skin though wasn't too pale blushed as he rubs his head… he didn't look too strong so he could just be a normal human given what Minerva said… he had long brown hair down to his shoulders… green eyes… and while he had decent arms and legs… given the heavy clothing he wore… was hard to tell if he was in shape or not… honestly he looked pretty average.

Marceline blinks in surprise.

"Really? Didn't know I made a connection. Was it an ancestor of yours?"

Emerald this time speaks while he moved to a side bag he carried.

"Yeah… you may recognize this… its a replica of the hat my great great grandma wore… so many greats so we normally just call her Granny Jo in the family tree…" Emerald said when he showed Marceline a hat which was an exact replica of the hat that Jo used to wear which Marceline recognized instantly when she momentarily remembered the little girl of Two bread Tom's tribe before he left Ooo with the humans after Marceline helped them.

"Holy!… Jo is your… wow. Glad she was able to make a family. Shame I wasn't there for the wedding." Marceline said with a sad smile as she remembered the girl.

Emerald moved to pass Marceline the hat as he stepped back after.

"Don't worry, given things no one blamed you… honestly you probably could have helped though since some issues in the past with Granny Jo and Two bread Tom… well… thanks to some records Granny Jo kept… thanks to her and Two Bread Tom having arguments on the construction of the first Guardian and more… well Granny Jo and some humans split off and became the first Hiders for some time… unfortunately while she had a few kids and stuff allowing me to be born in the future, given things that I'm not entirely sure of since some of the records in the past were not recorded… well looks like the Seekers came to get her and the others … honestly I'm not sure what was happening back then but lets just say that things were strained with her and Two bread Tom in the past and my family didn't favor many things on the Island for awhile until grudges died over time…" Emerald said while he rubs his head.

Marceline was surprised.

"Damn… I had no idea. If I knew Two Bread Tom was gonna be like that, I would smack some sense into him. Granted if I was bitten… for the first… I'm not sure if the humans from before would welcome me."

"Well actually Two Bread Tom and Granny Jo did have their differences… they still remembered you till their dying days… honestly they put up various art pieces on the Island and more so if you did so… would be a hero greater then Finn… no offense Finn… Marceline just saved our race more or less from extinction from Vampires… honestly she may as well be a Goddess or… whats the word Ooo people use… Globbess to many of us?" Emerald said before saying that last part to Finn since he didn't want to upset Finn though Emerald gave Marceline a pretty big compliment when he called her a Globbess… oh if Hunson heard that he would hurl.

Marceline was blushing brightly before hearing Finn say that.

"No offense taken. Marcy helped, pretty much all of us since I wouldn't be born either. Guess you can say she is a Globbess… bad ass one at that."

Marceline blushed more as Cedric looks amused.

"Hehe… keep up the compliments and Marceline may get a new skin color at this rate… she looks like a humanoid tomato right now." Cedric said as Emerald blinks at this.

"Really?... given what I heard, figured she would be used to compliments and stuff by normal people and her friends… was just telling the truth… to us humans Marceline may as well be a deity and given how she kept my family alive and more… honestly I'm just doing what Granny Jo couldn't and try and repay Marceline no matter what." Emerald said while he looks serious with that part.

Marceline blushes more before she tries to calm down.

"W-Well… thanks dude. Maybe later I'll tell you what Jo was like."

Emerald nods at this before Bubblegum clears her throat.

"Well… given things I think it would either be best to work in pairs like Aggro and Bordux, Surge and Maite, Cedric and Azure… that would leave Emerald, Khan or Ken depending on what you want to call him… Bronwyn, Clover, well… they would have to decide who goes with who unless your OK going solo to some places and Wave may stick around here to help with tech support so she would more or less be exempt from this list." Bubblegum asked while Emerald rubs his head.

"Well I don't mind going solo… honestly I feel like I would slow whoever I'm with down… Miss Minerva said I don't have powers thanks to it getting skipped so probably for the best so I don't get on anyones bad side." Emerald said while he had his hands in his pockets.

"You sure? Maybe I should go with you." Bronwyn said.

"Well given how experienced you are, I don't want to slow you down… besides with how many fragments are around, best to have the experienced people go for the tougher areas of Ooo… I mean we got a large map and… there is one in a place called the Agony of the soul dungeon… I mean seriously… need I say more?... who named those places anyway?" Emerald said while he shrugs his arms with a half lidded look on his face.

"Uh… people that made it before?" Jake said.

"Maybe, but my point stands… probably best for me to go after an easy fragment while the real fighters and stuff go after the harder stuff." Emerald said while he rubs his head again.

"If that's what you want Emerald." Minerva said.

"Yeah probably for the best… you can tag along if you want Bronwyn but… pretty sure your skills would be best elsewhere so I'll let you decide things." Emerald said when he looks at Bronwyn mainly.

"Thanks, but I'll still join you." Bronwyn said.

"I see… hehe… guess in a nutshell we could be the new Finn and Jake with a normal human teaming up with a badass shapeshifter hero… hopefully no one gets the wrong idea if they see us traveling together." Emerald said while he looks a bit amused though said that last part with some worry… more so given how Finn and Jake reacted to Ken and what not earlier.

Bronwyn rolls her eyes.

"Don't worry about them. Besides, I'm old enough to date."

Emerald blinks at this and figured Bronwyn was just talking in a general sense as he looks at Minerva.

"Well Miss Minerva… I guess once Bronwyn and I pick a good fragment to go after… see you later?... not sure how long I'll be gone but hope you can let mom and dad know I'll be helping Marceline out for her helping my family centuries ago." Emerald said while he smiles at Minerva with a kind smile on his face.

Minerva smiles.

"I'll make sure of that." She said as she did a mental link to a different Minvera bot.

Ken though was feeling a bit jealous.

'Damn… I was actually hoping to partner up with the cute hybrid.'He thought.

As Ken stews on this, Bubblegum looks at the map and hums.

"Hmmm… well if you want one that is somewhat safe, especially if Bronwyn is with you… I would suggest… here." Bubblegum said when she looks at the map of Ooo and points at a fragment which showed to many and well… Finn blinks when he saw where the Fragment was.

"Wait… is that… near the Nightmare Kingdom?" Finn said as Emerald gulps.

"N-Nightmare Kingdom?... uhh… is it too late to pick the Agony of the Soul Dungeon?... figured a smaller dungeon would be better then near a Kingdom of nightmares…" Emerald said with some worry as Bubblegum giggles.

"Actually Emerald, the Nightmare Kingdom, though a ways away, is more or less a kingdom ruled by the Princess of the Nightmare Kingdom… Nightmare Princess… she has two sisters Lullaby and Slumber Princess and Finn helped the Kingdom out long ago, the Kingdom used to be called the Nameless Kingdom before Finn picked Nightmare princess as the ruler… she is helped by her sisters and a Butler named Pillowment Butler the Chooser of Royals for Kingdoms without a ruler… enough said despite the name, its actually rather peaceful except for Adventurers since Nightmare Princess has the power to grant wishes on the level of warping reality… she more or less is one of the best wishmasters in the world to this date as far as I'm aware." Bubblegum said as Emerald blinks.

"Wait… if thats the case why not send Finn to her and ask her for a couple wishes to just heal everyone injured in the blast that happened from what I heard about and to gather all the fragments at once if she is that strong?" Emerald asked while Bubblegum sighs.

"Two reasons really… even if we did make the trek… first off there maybe a limit to the range of her powers so even if she can warp reality for her kingdom for the ultimate adventure that may give Finn a high like no other… given that reality all over Ooo doesn't get warped, she doesn't have all encompassing power… and two… while she may effect some fragments, she may not effect all like the fragment with the Vampire Kings power for example… from what Marceline told me of his name when she heard it once, Morlock is one of, if not the strongest mortal being on Ooo… Marceline even told me in a straight up fight at her strongest… well… she may not be able to beat him… the first time she got bitten, Morlock purposely took a stake to the heart on purpose and the second fight was barely a fight and more like him throwing a tantrum in wanting to be mortal… honestly now that I think about it… if you see a lion, try and be careful… this one is Morlock's mortal form and given that one of the fragments had his power… his lion form maybe attracted to one of them specifically so just to be safe, if you see this Lion anywhere near a fragment… get it away from him FAST… last time he was willing to be mortal and was civil… coming back like this may make him hostile so try and not underestimate anything if you see a lion like this." Bubblegum said when she typed some things and many saw Morlock's lion form in a picture on one corner of the screen.

"Yeah… though I should call Nightmare Princess and let her know what's happening." Finn said.

"You can do that but try and be careful Finn… given that she maybe limited in what she can do, trying to make wishes over the phone may not work… you can try but best we could probably get is just her helping Emerald and Bronwyn out in locating this fragment… from what my reading say… it looks to be near her kingdom in a large dark forest with some kind of massive mansion." Bubblegum said as Emerald gulps.

"Oh boy… first Soul agony dungeon now haunted forest… first real adventure for me and I'm already feeling goosebumps." Emerald said while he looks worried though Bronwyn giggles as she rubs Emerald's back.

"Hey don't worry, I learned things from Uncle Finn. It will be a cake walk since he showed me some places he and gramps went to. Though just in case, let's head to this dungeon train, Finn showed me and get some gear." Bronwyn said.

"Dungeon train?... man Ooo is weird…" Emerald said when he rubs his head as he and Bronwyn start to leave when they had a plan of action for now to get gear and stuff.

Jake looks at Finn.

"What places did you show her and seriously?… the train? You better not have gone nuts there again just like when you dealt with your breakup with Phoebe."

Finn jolts at this as he chuckles nervously.

"N-No!... not since Bronwyn used knock out gas on me and dragged me out…" Finn said while he looks nervous as Jake facepalms.

"Finn… you're grounded from going to the Dungeon train alone… very least someone has to babysit you there and with knock out gas or something… PB mind making some kind of tranq strong enough for Finn because BOY you don't want to wonder how obsessed he was with fighting respawning monsters and crazed boss guys… Finn turned into one for a time before we left… I got webbed by a spider staff thanks to Finn before he recalled that web when he got his senses back." Jake said while he gave Finn a half lidded look.

Finn jolts again.

"T-They don't need to know that. And PB, don't make Jake's request."

"Oh… OK… here Jake, didn't make a tranq long ago but made stun bombs recently so there should be less time for Finn to recover." PB said when she placed some stun bombs on Jake's lap and he chuckles evilly as he rubs his hands together.

"Hehehe… excellent." Jake said like an evil mastermind.

Finn then use this card.

"Jake… you send those stun bombs and I will send Neptr and… have him pie you to oblivion. Don't matter when or where." He said.

"Hmmm… fair enough but pie me with Milady and she may just turn you pink for a month… or worse… green like Fern!... may make people think he is back!" Jake said while comically having a flashlight under his face for dramatic shadows as Marceline shakes her head.

"The Morphine given to them really make them lax huh Bonnie?" Marceline said when she looks at Bubblegum with an amused look.

Bubblegum sighs.

"Even older… still like kids."

Cedric whispers to Azure.

"Can't believe those two act like that."

Azure giggles while the scene went to Emerald and Bronwyn as Bronwyn drove a car over the grasslands.

"U-Um… are you sure you can drive this?... I never heard you driving a car before from Miss Minerva…" Emerald said while he was buckled up which was good since if not… would have been sent flying from the seat with how bumpy the grasslands were.

"Don't worry. I just got my license like… three days ago." Bronwyn said.

"What?" Emerald said and when Bronwyn and Emerald drove up a hill…

"Ohhh…." Emerald starts to say before he and Bronwyn flew through the air.

"FLLIIIIIIIIP!" Emerald said in both a literal and metaphorical sense though he was surprised when the Car actually transforms in the air and turned into some kind of plane like contraption.

"W-What!?" Emerald said when he looks shocked as Bronwyn giggles at how shocked Emerald looks.

"Upgraded by Bubblegum. Helps getting by those dangerous roads." Bronwyn said.

"I-I see…" Emerald said while he relaxed in his seat and sighs a bit in relief when things smoothed out… as he closed his eyes… he didn't know Bronwyn glancing at him a few times with a smirk on her face.

'He's different than Uncle Finn but… he is cute.'Bronwyn thought.

As Bronwyn flew herself and Emerald through the air… they got to the dungeon train in no time… honestly Emerald looks in awe when he saw the train but… looks confused.

"Uhhh… how are we getting on and… how is this train thing even running?... I don't see the Engine area or even some kind of front to it and… its just connected?" Emerald said though he was surprised when Bronwyn flew to fly over the train and lands on it so they wouldn't have issues getting in from a roof entry point.

"There we go." Bronwyn said before she helped Emerald inside after the two got out and Bronwyn used her powers to shapeshift to some level to help get herself and Emerald inside of the train.

"Now… brace yourself." She said before getting to a guarded stance.

"For what exactly?" Emerald said though comically… a large slime monster lands on Emerald's head as he muffly screams as he ran around trying to get the thing off his head while he looks greatly bewildered when a large slab of meat was inside of it like perfectly cooked meat though this made him panic more as he worried he would turn into cooked meat.

Thankfully, Bronwyn manages to punch the slime off of Emerald's head which also drops the meat as the slime creature gets splattered to the wall.

Emerald pants a bit while he held the meat on the bone and looks at it in confusion before he looks at Bronwyn.

"T-Thanks… why is there meat in this?... and… is this safe to eat?..." Emerald asked while he looks confused when he saw the meat… hell looked perfectly cooked.

"Oh it's safe. I had some of that before. It's part of the prize you get. Before you ask, there's prizes. Not sure if you're into video games but the foes we'll face and beat will respawn differently but we will get interesting prizes as we go through the train… though wait till we get to the bosses." Bronwyn said.

"R-Right… though guess I'll be following you since I'm not sure how handy I'll be… not unless I get a weapon or something at least." Emerald said while he looks around and he saw a few slime monsters and saw that some of them had prizes but given how gel like they are… hard to tell if they had weapons inside of them.

Bronwyn smirks.

"Leave them to me. Just enjoy your meat." She said as she went to deal with the slime creatures.

As Emerald watched this happen… he watched Bronwyn fight while she had a grin on her face while she looked… happy to be doing this… honestly it was hard for Emerald to wonder why people liked to fight like this… maybe a thrill and stuff?... either way… Emerald lightly bit into the meat he has and blinks when it was oddly good.

"Huh… not bad…" Emerald said though as he was chowing down… a Crystal ant spawns near him making him jolt.

"Uhhh… Bronwyn!... what is this!?" Emerald said when he looks worried when he saw a large gem like Ant approaching him and Emerald saw it rush him… he got wide eyes and avoids the hits and when he looks to see what he could use to defend himself… well… he comically bonked the Crystal ant on the head with the bone part of his food and well… the ant broke surprisingly easy while Bronwyn looks amused as Emerald looks confused when he looks at the bone and the and remains.

"Huh?... either I'm stronger than I think or that guy was… really fragile." Emerald said when he didn't expect that to happen.

"Well that guy was made of crystal. Basically glass. Still good job on the hit. Better check what it dropped. Can be handy to you." Bronwyn said.

Emerald nods when he followed Bronwyn's advice… she smiles when she looks pleased with herself since she felt like a real trainer of sorts right now… though she comically backhands a crystal ant with a mace fist as Emerald picks up some kind of gauntlet.

"Huh?... armor?" Emerald said when he looks at Bronwyn.

"So… do I just put it on?... nothing is cursed right?... heard rumors of cursed equipment so would I have to worry about that?" Emerald said when he worried he maybe stuck with items if he just tried them on without rhyme or reason.

"Well if it happens, I know someone Uncle Finn is seeing that can help remove any stuck object." Bronwyn said.

Emerald blinks at this.

"W-Well… OK… I trust you…" Emerald said as he got ready to put on the gauntlet… though Emerald and Bronwyn look shocked when the Gauntlet well… turned a bit… liquidy?... and more or less shot on Emerald's arm as he screams.

"AH!... Get it off!... Get it off!... its eating me!" Emerald panicked when he thought the gauntlet was trying to eat his arm as he rolls around while many slimes and crystal ants comically sweatdrops at how panicked Emerald looks as he ran around while trying and failing to get the slime like gauntlet off his left arm.

Bronwyn tries to do some damage control.

"Emerald, calm down. It's probably not eating you."

This had Emerald slowly calm down when he laid on the ground as he looks at his left arm when the odd gauntlet starts to settle to look like a classic black knight armor gauntlet with some spikes on the knuckles but had some odd weird runes on the metal.

"Huh… a bit neat. Might make some damaging punches with that." Bronwyn said.

"M-Maybe…" Emerald said as he got up before he looks at his armored hand.

"How would I get it off though?... I mean I would have to wash up and stuff…" Emerald said though comically seems the gauntlet heard that and turned into a bracelet on Emerald's arm… perfect for Emerald to clean up and stuff properly.

"Uhh… is this thing alive?" Emerald asked when he wondered if this gauntlet was sentient.

"Maybe… but knowing you own it now, you can do some neat things with it." Bronwyn said.

"Maybe…" Emerald said while he wondered if this gauntlet was good or bad but since it wasn't doing anything harmful… well he didn't mind it sticking to him… hell when Emerald needed a weapon… it oddly changed to a sword for Emerald's right hand so he could switch to offense or defense if he had it go back to his left arm and form a small shield… honestly Emerald and Bronwyn got a lot of items in a large bag but seems Emerald got the jackpot of the items when he had an item that covered many roles somehow… either he used up a lot of luck in his life or the items Bronwyn got in the bag outclassed many of the items since some had crazier effects when they took stock of things after Emerald was nursing a bump on his head.

"T-Thanks for covering for me Bronwyn… didn't expect that… guy to rush us from a door… you said he was a boss monster but looked like a dungeon traveler like us… is that what would have happened to Finn if he went nuts here?" Emerald said while he looks at Bronwyn curiously as she played with something similar to the battle moon that Finn got during his time here and had a small floating pearl near her head which emitted a small light source around her.

"Yeah… I mean I handled it well, but Uncle Finn went attack happy after beating some foes. Happened before when he was dealing with grief from his breakup with the Flame Queen." Bronwyn said.

"I see… shame… place seems fun in short bursts when not worried about getting overpowered… aside random boss fights… place seems cozy and stuff… pretty glad we found this item though…" Emerald said when he found two disk-like items…

"Slap one on the roof near where we land and one in here and we got an instant teleport to the Car if needed or if we take the disk here from to somewhere else and if we test it… could teleport back to the dungeon train for supplies and back to where we were… honestly I played RPGs with fast travel but its another experience to feel it for myself." Emerald said while he smiles when seemed to cheer up a bit.

Bronwyn giggles.

"Knew coming here was good. And I will say you made some good hits."

Emerald blushed from this as he rubs his head.

"N-No… you did most of the fighting, was just defending myself… honestly if my mom or dad or my brothers were here… they would have done much more than me." Emerald said while he looks thoughtful.

"Maybe but don't sell yourself out like that. With enough practice, you can get better. I believe you got potential. It's like what my great grandfather did to Finn. He made him feel bad but… it was a test because he truly believed in Finn which helped him get the family sword. Unfortunately, I never got to see it because some dumb butt of a demon kidnapped gramps and destroys the sword because he claims it was his blood that made it." Bronwyn said.

"R-Really?... wow… Finn just sounds more amazing… honestly getting by serious tests…fighting the Lich… while Marceline maybe a hero to many humans… honestly Finn feels like a role model for me… he doesn't have powers or at least if he gained some over his years of adventuring… well he never seemed to use them… honestly I'm hoping if things go well I can be a quarter of the hero Finn could be… kind of… my dream to be a hero but… pretty silly since without the items from the dungeon train… would be pretty hard to do that since unlike Finn I never got the same training he did… mainly I'm just trying not to die." Emerald said while he scratched his cheek with his hand.

"Well, Uncle Finn is great, but even he had to get help from items and from friends. As for powers… I think I heard he had some mind powers after losing his arm to his human dad… but that was a while ago. Uncle Finn does have flaws… but is still a good person." Bronwyn said before smirking at Emerald.

"Though I don't mind giving you some training."

Emerald blushed from this as he rubs his head.

"T-Thanks… do I call you master or Mistress with training or just Bronwyn?" Emerald asked since if he was taking advice from Bronwyn, may as well try and be proper about it.

Bronwyn blinks a bit.

"Maybe… but you can say my name if you feel comfortable."

Emerald blushed more as he nods his head.

"R-Right… sorry if I bring you trouble Bronwyn… hopefully I can repay you in the future for the lessons you give me…" Emerald said before he starts to sort through the items to see what they would do… not knowing Bronwyn was smirking as she looks at Emerald.

'Hmmm… I think I might actually know a way he can pay me back… it might also lead him to call me… Mistress.'Bronwyn thought.

After this happened… the scene showed nearby a floating drone from Bubblegum's castle… aside Wave and Bordux who stayed behind for backup, mainly Wave with tech and Bordux to support Aggro with a communicator… everyone else had left while Jake and Finn were getting ready to leave with Lady to head back to the hospital to rest more though… Finn and Jake had twitching eyebrows when they saw Bronwyn looking at Emerald like he was a peace of meat as Marceline laughs a bit on her end… they heard the talk and stuff so they knew Emerald wouldn't do anything inappropriate to Bronwyn… the other way around though…

"Hehe oh boy… looks like Bronwyn may have found herself a new man." Marceline said.

"Over my dead boy I'll-!" Finn tried to say as Bubblegum pinched his ear.

"Will do nothing… same to you Jake… first off Bronwyn is an adult so if she and Emerald hook up is their call… and second you two leave and I'll have Huntress and Lady REALLY get onto you two so your call in angering your special ladies… just in case I'll be calling them to make sure you won't do anything stupid while your still recovering." Bubblegum said while she looks at Marceline.

"Keep an eye on these two… same with you Wave and Bordux… these two may do something stupid even for them if they wanted to try and get to Emerald and Bronwyn." Bubblegum said when she starts making calls.

"Hey?!" Finn and Jake said as Bordux chuckles.

"You can count on us, milady."

Marceline chuckles more at this as she looks to the monitor… while the map showed showing the groups working to get where they needed to go… Emerald and Bronwyn were finishing up in putting things in the trunk of the car as Emerald looks at Bronwyn.

"Guess the next stop is the nightmare kingdom right?" Emerald said while he looks at Bronwyn curiously.

"That's right. I met them before, cool ladies. Granted they've been a bit sweet on Finn whenever he visits… then again so have most royals." Bronwyn said.

"Huh?... wait so is Finn dating all the royals?" Emerald said when he didn't think Finn was that popular or if he was… he was seriously a ladies man in not getting killed by all the royals for dating so many women at one time.

"Hmm… hard to say. Could be sexfriends. He and that Huntress woman do like to swing… based on what my friends text me whenever they see them. Like when they were at the jungle kingdom and a video was made of Finn… having fun with the Jungle Queen. I won't say the details for my sake." Bronwyn said.

"I see… well hopefully if things get serious I'm sure Miss Minerva will enjoy hearing about this… I mean she never mentioned Finn being in a relationship with anyone besides Huntress so I'm wondering if he told her about other ladies." Emerald said while comically… on the other end of the monitor…

Finn was paling when his mother came by and overheard things and she eyesmiles ominously at Finn.

"Oh my my… seems like my baby boy is more popular than I thought… hopefully you WERE planning on getting serious with some of these ladies just in case, right Finn?... still, I'm surprised you never told me about other women… I thought Huntress Wizard was your girlfriend but guess I was wrong…" Minerva said when some sweatdrop when they could see an ominous demon head form behind Minerva metaphorically… oh sweet merciful glob seems Minerva didn't like hearing her son was a potential playboy.

'You are in so much trouble Bronwyn.'Finn thought before doing major damage control.

"It's not what you think mom. Huntress and I are… having fun with friends. She is still my girlfriend and I treat her like a Queen. As for the serious stuff… that has not been talked out… yet." Finn said.

"Hmmm… I see… well just make sure you use protection just in case… after all…" Minerva said before she made many sweat when Minerva got a bit serious.

"Considering what I heard… you are at least ready to become a father just in case one of these flings of yours goes a bit to far right?... you won't be like Martin and cause issues young man?"Minerva said with a serious tone to her voice and while Finn could counter a bit… he… really couldn't fault Minerva given what he heard and saw of his old man… honestly Minerva worrying for him and the women in his life was sweet and he held up his robotic arm in a peaceful manner.

"Y-Yeah… I will be responsible… don't worry mom… believe me I want to act as far from my dad's own actions as far as possible." Finn said hoping this eased his mom of her worries.

Minerva smiles.

"Good." She said before kissing Finn's forehead.

Finn blushed brightly from this while he rubs his forehead where he was kissed as Marceline giggles as Minerva looks at her.

"Hey I'm curious… have you and Bubblegum have relations with Finn by chance?... I mean now that you're human, if you wanted you could try and have a child with Finn or maybe Bubblegum before fragments are brought back to you." Minerva said while she smiles when she looks at Marceline… given the moment… maybe odd of her to suggest this but given Marceline was now a living human now, she wasn't hampered by her undead state in the slightest right now.

Marceline jolts from that.

"W-Well… Bonnie and I haven't… got to that area yet." She said.

"I see… well should be an idea to consider… oh and if not Finn given he may cause issues in the future with confusion just in case… why not try Emerald or maybe some of the nice boys who came here like Cedric, Ken, Bordux, or Aggro?... you only have a limited time before your powers are back and your undead again so should at least think on this… for now I should help get Finn and Jake back to their rooms to rest so see you later Marceline." Minerva said as she comically picked up Finn bridal style and carried him out of the room with a hum.

Finn was blushing brightly from this as Marceline looks at her girlfriend… unless wife.

"That was a bit awkward. But… think she's right?"

Bubblegum after she puts her phone away after she finished her calls… well she blushed as she looks at Marceline.

"Well… we have dated awhile and… this would be a rare chance to try things… if you want we COULD try something now… but if you don't want that… its understandable… just in case we should get some eggs from your uterus before anyone gets back so that if we do want kids in the future, should be simple for in vetro fertilization… and… sperm from you as well if we use a co*ck growth spell for living sperm samples and what not… normally I don't like magic but… can make an exception for this…" Bubblegum said with a surprisingly cute blush on her face.

Marceline blushes brightly.

"Well to be honest… would be nice to try having a kid so… I'll definitely try it with you."

Bubblegum blushed more as she nods her head.

'N-Nice… I'll have Dr. Princess help with the egg gathering from your uterus later when the procedure is set up… given you have no powers right now, will have to be more careful than usual since you have no regeneration but don't worry, its pretty safe… after that well… we can try some things the old fashion way… though…" Bubblegum said before she smirks at Marceline.

"Given this WILL be rare…I'll enjoy seeing you twitching on the bed this time instead of me for a change." Bubblegum said before she walked away with swaying hips to tease Marceline a bit.

Marceline blushes from that as Wave chuckles.

"Looks like the Candy Kingdom will get an interesting heir, if they get that Finn guy over."

"Maybe… though seems like many of us will be having fun as well if we ask for a fun time as a reward… play our cards right and could be King or Queen Consorts to two good Royals." Bordux chipped in while he looks amused.

"Huh… didn't expect a merc to be interested in being a Royal." Wave said as Bordux chuckles.

"No… I don't… though having an intelligent woman like Bubblegum and a worldly experienced woman like Marceline at my sides would be a boon in many ways… so may as well say that if I can have fun and win that kind of potential contest… good for me but fun ride all the same even if I don't make the cut." Bordux said as he pulls out a digital notepad he was given.

"I'll be working on supporting Aggro and the others like Cedric's group, Ken's group, and seeing how things go… for now I wish you the best in your development plans Wave, the better the extreme gear made, the faster we can get these fragments with your tech helping us… who knows… Bubblegum and Marceline may reward you given their tastes so again… may not be just us men getting lucky with some interesting women." Bordux said before he walked away from Wave while leaving her alone to consider this.

'Hmmm… he does have a point… maybe I should get on that fun card. May get myself a guy too unless I go for a lady.'Wave thought.

As this happened, the scene showed one last moment with Emerald and Bronwyn as they flew towards the Nightmare Kingdom's borders… as they flew through the air… Emerald looks at Bronwyn.

"So just to ask just in case… do I need to worry about manners around the Nightmare Princess?... because I want to make sure that I don't anger her by accident by being too stuffy but I don't want to be too rude around her given her powers." Emerald said while he looks a bit worried.

"Just relax, I'll do the talking. Just be yourself." Bronwyn said.

"R-Right… think some of these items we got should be a good gift to her though?" Emerald asked while Bronwyn got a teasing smirk.

"Oh?... want to wow her?... must say your forward." Bronwyn said as Emerald looks alarmed with his gauntlet funnily enough making an exclamation mark as he panicked.

"N-No!... I mean I never would think to try and romance a Royal!... or any woman for that matter… most ladies I run into seem too good to date a guy like me… I mean Marceline is like a Globbess human or not, the Nightmare princess has so much strength if she can do what she can do easily if its with wishes… and I mean… you… probably have so many admirers if your taking over for Finn in his heroics one day so I'm sure a guy like me wouldn't be on your radar…" Emerald said while he scratched his cheek with a finger as he looks out the window of the flying car.

Bronwyn blinks a bit after hearing that.

"You never know. Admirers are one thing but for me… I only want to date someone I like." She said.

"I see… anyone interest you?... Cedric seems like a fun guy and Ken looks like he would be a funny guy to hang with… not sure about Aggro after what we heard and Bordux… guys a mystery to me…" Emerald said while he rubs his head when he thought on those 4 mainly.

"Hmmm… Aggro has his own issues, Bordux… like you said a mystery. Need to know him better. Ken, would say cute since he can do ninja stuff. Cedric is fun, but seems like he's already taken by that Azure girl… unless he's doing a harem. Can be a maybe for him. Though there's one more. But I need to take my time. He's a bit shy." Bronwyn said.

"Hmmm?... well not sure who this other guys is but hope things go well… you look like you would get anyone if you showed interest so hope things go well." Emerald said while he was clueless that Bronwyn could be mentioning him… seems he had a pretty low opinion of himself so didn't put him in the list of people that Bronwyn maybe talking about given how popular she was.

"I'll be napping for a bit… seems like we will be a while in the air if this navigation thing the princess made is right." Emerald said as he had the liquid metal slime that he seemed to call it move on his command to make an eyemask which was rather cool to the touch as Emerald starts to doze off a bit.

Bronwyn did giggle before having a thought.

'Oh Emerald… you have no clue for what I have planned.'

This had the camera go from the flying car to show it flying fast over the land of Ooo… looks like next chapter would be the start of a few interesting moments and a meeting with an older Nightmare princess and her siblings in the Nightmare kingdom… the scene fades to black as the Car vanished over the horizon.

Stakes 2: The Stakes are higher - Chapter 1 - Atomsk_the_Pirate_King, Twilight_Master_Emerald (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.