End of Time - Chapter 70 - Makuro767 (2024)

Chapter Text

Link glares at the creature named Gloom Hands by the soldiers who came across it. It is as unpleasant as ever. No matter how many times he fight one, he will always be disgusted by the thing. At the very least, he is now able to fight off the draining affect on his person. During every mental trial, he purposely thought of this thing to fight as his ‘nightmare’. He takes his time testing what can and cannot do to fight it.

He shouts as the possessed Guardian shoots an energy beam at him, using the hard scales on his forearm as shield, he parries the beam back at the Yiga powered machine, “HYAAH!”

It whines in pain as the hands, having been decapitated, screeches in pain as they pull away before the machine explodes. It quickly swallows another Guardian with a Yiga on the head. The pest screams in terror as the malicious creature takes over their ride and their body. Seeing this, more and more of the Yiga runs away. A few remains, horror and curiosity rooting them to their spot.

Link’s shout breaks more of mental suppression that the Gloom Hands placed on the Hylian Army as well as the Champions. Brandishing the Master Sword, her blade glowing bright in the presence of evil, he orders them, “Champions! Take the army into your Divine Beasts and stay far from the citadel! Go to Zelda!” When he notice Daruk hesitating, he barks, “NOW!”

They finally move, his voice injecting a bit more courage into their hearts. Link exerts his influence on them, allowing their battle lust fight off more of the screeching Gloom Hands’ affect on them. He slices to the side, sending more malice ripping beam at the two more Gloom Hands possessed Guardians. He stands between them and the people as Daruk slowly backs away, “Stay strong, Brother! I’ll see you with the Princess!!”

As Vah Rudania climbs back to his feet, Vah Ruta starts tooting and sending more water to the sky to further douse the flames burning the citadel. The few people of the market place around the citadel still on the ground quickly being helped by able soldiers, both Hylian and Zora, into the Divine Beast. A few Yiga attacks and Link uses his spirit to grab hold of their souls, causing them to stumble and freeze on the ground. Their little mortal souls struggles in his hold, unseen by anyone but him and the Gloom Hands watching him.

Once Vah Ruta starts swimming away, Link destroys their souls with the weight of his heavier spiritual pressure. With a savage grin, he rolls his shoulder and takes a battle stance, “Come,”

The creatures screeches at him, trying to disturb the tranquility of his spirit. They remind him of a few hand monsters of his past lives. Before this, Link could never really understand why he felt so disturbed by the presence of hand monsters and why they were so effective at disrupting his focus and why they were all present in his many nightmares. But now that he recalled a life where he was groomed to be a sex slave, he understand.

So many unwanted touches.

So many disgusting hands holding him down, forcing him to submit, trying to turn him into nothing but a doll for their sexual pleasures.

Even now that he regained some of his might as a deity, he cannot help the shudder of his very soul at the sights of hands. Reaching and grabbing him. Staining him. Tainting him. Suffocating him.

They are the representation of his time under his slave master.

Fury burns in his chest as he starts the battle. He hardens the scales on his body, though they are microscopic enough to past for skin, so that he can brace against their physical attacks. They glide on the ground, though the sickening wet noise of blood accompanies their movements, and the spidery legs of the Guardians are more used as weapons rather than legs. The mostly dead Yiga on the head groans dully, their brain long consumed by the malice of their chosen master. Link have no compassion to give them. They chose this fate.

There are many kinds of wisdom in the world. Many types that molds itself through experiences and choices made along the way. But true wisdom remains that doing evil brings nothing but suffering more than doing good.

Many thought that the meaning behind the road to hell is paved with good intention meant that good intention itself brings one to hell. However, the opposite is also true. To do good, one must suffer. The road to heaven is paved by sacrifices. A lesson many learned too late in life and only understood in death.

A lesson he learned again and again with each return to battle evil.

He uses his wings to fly over the monsters as they shoots their energy beams at him, the influence of the Gloom Hands causing the energy beam to turn pinkish-red instead of its original blue-white. Link sends out more crescent slashes to the legs of his enemies, ‘disarming’ their sharp physical weapons. After that, he focus on cutting the arms as quickly as he can, knowing that they can regenerate if he’s too slow to end the fight. Changing the composition of his diamond scales to topaz, he starts generating strong electrical charges, sending them to his enemies and stunning them.

He changes his topaz scales to sapphires, sending cold air to freeze them in place. Frostbitten, he sends beams of crescent holy energy to shatter them.

Link rinse and repeat, slowly chipping away at their stolen vitality.

He is holding back.

He knows that Ganon is watching through those damn eyes in those hands. He refuse to show what he can really do to the bastard. He refuse to show his full hands. This is the only reason why he is even wasting time dancing with this abomination.

He managed to ‘kill off’ both of them at once and braces himself for two Phantom Ganon to attack him. True to his expectation, they appear.




Side way.




Rinse and repeat.

Back up, back up!

Avoid the acidic and poisonous goo.


One down.






The redness of the sky from the accumulated miasma from black magic recedes. Revealing clear dawn rising on the horizon. Link stands there for a moment, breathing hard. Completely relishing his hold on his divinity might make the battle easier but…

Ganon is studying him.

Pretending to be mortal that is a smidge more special that the others are the best way to trick him. He will never learn who Link really is. Deceiving his enemy is the most important aspect of this battle of will between them. He refuse to be like when he first battled Demise. Going all out against the small fries, minions, only to be too weak to fight the main battle after.

How pathetically stupid he was.

The land quakes underfoot and he looks in the direction of Central Hyrule. Through the eyes of Rhoam, who becomes his first believer, he can see that the Yiga have managed break two pillars keeping the Calamity contained. He listens as Rhoam starts barking order, telling his soldiers to prepare for the people of Great Plateau to evacuate to the villages behind Fort Hateno.


There are some problem there. It seems that the foolish Duke there have decided to bargain with the King by holding the fort’s passage hostage.

He will not be alive for long.

As much as he wants to deal with the pest that have decided to rear their head back out of their nest, he have to focus on the war first. Spreading his wings, he flies towards the Gerudo Desert…

The wind shifts to hot and dry but that isn’t the problem. There are weird mushrooms growing all over the desert and he can barely look past the sand shrouds to see the Gerudo fighting to keep strange ReDead like creatures out of their home. People are barricading themselves in Gerudo Town as mothers and daughters run for the shelter while the men huddles near the gate, sending tearful goodbyes. A few Hylians and Ritos that can find or have training to fight are also helping guarding the women. Even those who can’t fight are trying their best to keep the creatures away from their family.

Link notice merchants using any of their goods to help the women either fight back or heal.

The thunder crashing beyond the sand shrouds inform him exactly where Urbosa is. He flies through the violent sandstorm and sees two strange moth-like creatures attacking Vah Naboris. At the same time, there is something inside it. He can hear battles.

Fortunately Vio is also inside with Urbosa and he is covering her back against their quick enemy; a strange creature like a the one he just fought as Akkala Citadel except with a legless humanoid figure. It is quicker than Urbosa…a year ago. This time, Urbosa is able to keep track of it. Especially with Vio’s preternatural senses keeping a better track of its movement.

However, the downside comes with the two strange giant moths outside splitting her focus between keeping it away from breaking Vah Naboris and facing the strange creature before her.

Focus on that beast. I will deal with the two outside,”

Vio relays his words to her and Link quickly rams his body against one moth attempting to break the long legs of Vah Naboris. It screeches and its partner quickly retaliates while the injured one tries to heal itself. Link prepares the Master Sword, ready to attack the two bugs before him.

They are weak to elemental attack,”

Link accepts Vio’s observation, explaining why Urbosa is split between attacking them and defending herself. Of her people, her line is the one with the special ability to call down lightning. Very few Gerudo are blessed by Din after Demise took over the line of the Gerudo King. Any male born to the Gerudo will be taken over by Demise, slowly corrupting their soul until they were replaced by the will of Demise himself. After all, nothing corrupts as easily as Power.

Once again changing the composition of his scales to topaz, he generates his own electrical charges and covers the Master Sword with the element. Every strike, close or distant, will be charged with lightning. The moth screeches at and him charges forward. Link flies out of the way.

Now, it is a battle in the sky.

However, he notice that they keep low and under the cover of the sand shrouds. Looking up, he takes note of the sun and hums. These things do look like they belong in the dark. Nodding to himself, he closes his eyes and calls upon the wind of the desert. The sand shroud moves, revealing one moth who immediately screams in pain before falling to the ground. Its partner immediately generates more wind with its wings to create sand shrouds.

Vah Naboris howls as the light flickers between blue and red. Link frowns. He cannot delay the battle for much longer. As much as Vio trains Urbosa, it seems that this fight have been going far longer than her stamina can handle. Especially with the kind of enemy they are facing, Urbosa’s speed to just defend herself is eating away at her strength. If this continues, her accumulated fatigue will make her useless for the near battle.

His ears flicks towards Central Hyrule as he hears a familiar sound; one more Sheikah barrier down.

He need to hurry.

He generates more electrical charges around him, completely covering himself in a shroud of energy that lashes out at the space around him. Taking control of the dry desert wind, he flies into the sand shroud. He stays in one spot, listening for the buzzing of giant moth wings. Pulling in the energy closer to his skin, he appears as if unguarded. Harmless.


The moment the moth attacks him, he slices his blade right across their eyes. It screeches in pain as it crashes to the ground. Link flies closer, using the wing to bat away the other and using the sand to shield the sight from Ganon’s eyes. He stabs the Master Sword right through it’s head and pushes the force of thunder storm right into its brain, causing it to spasm and scream in pain before stiffening in death.

Link immediately leaves the moment he senses the other moth breaking through the strange wind keeping it away. Using the sand shroud as cover, he waits. His scales takes on a sandy grainy appearance, camouflaging him like a Lizalfos against the sand. He watch as Ganon’s moth pet lands where its partner once was. It lifts its feelers up and around. Link influences the wind to hide his scent.

The sand shifts around his feet and the moth turns in his direction.

Link stills himself. Turning into a mockery of a statue. Which is just as well as there are random statues of past Gerudo guardians standing all around the desert. In the sand shroud, it is almost impossible to discern what is part of the scenery and what is an enemy waiting for an ambush.

It moves towards him. Link shifts the sand a few feet from him, attracting the moth’s attention. He watch as it charges and runs straight into a pillar of a ruin. While it shakes its head in confusion, Link charges at it. He slices the Master Sword, sending a beam of holy energy to once again blind his opponent. Once it scrambles at its injury, Link releases the gathered energy inside him as he slams his weapon right between its eyes.

Lightning burst the beast into smithereens.

At that moment, the sand storm begins to settle and Link quickly make his way to Vah Naboris. The red light flickering over the blue more and more often now. He climbs into the Divine Beast and found Vio holding the Sheikah weapon in place inside his chest while Urbosa is attempting to drink a vial of Fairy Tonic with trembling hands, rooting their opponent and buying the Gerudo Chief a moment of respite. However, her injuries, clearly from lightning attacks, are much more dire than the tonic can heal in time.

He trills for the ones hiding in his hair to help her. They gladly flies in her direction.

He then looks at the creature and calls to Vio to share memories of its movement. It seems that the metal poles it summoned before calling down lightning had been Urbosa’s undoing. Even if she is more immune to lightning strike than most because of her ability, it doesn’t mean that she cannot be injured if the lightning attack is stronger than her mortal body can handle.

He dismisses Vio, who let go of the weapon at last for the creature to escape. Link glares at the thing, the eye is obviously something of the Sheikah’s and not Ganon’s. He smiles, “This make things easier,”

He releases the accumulated lightning under his skin and jumps away from the attack the creature aimed at his head. He strikes back at the same time, the Sheikah shield ringing under his attack. It staggers back before flitting away. Link parries its attack with his diamond hard scale on the back of his forearm before pushing the Master Sword forward, tip first.

It disappears.

Link narrows his glowing eyes and disappears from sight himself.

Urbosa watch as the two clashes here and there, faster than her own body can follow after almost a whole day battling on two fronts. She looks at Vio who is already healing thanks to the fairies that are now hiding in both their hairs. She stands back up and uses her Scimitar of the Seven to bat away the electrical charges that the two releases. Knowing that there is little she can do for the battle before her, she turns to the main control.

Vio warns her, “You will be exposed to friendly fire,”

Urbosa wipes the blood under her nose, “I am the Chief of the Gerudo. My people needs me,”

Even though the sand shroud is gone, the monsters that have joined the stranger creatures that had appeared when the ‘mushrooms’ appeared are still attacking Gerudo Town. Her heart aches for Zelda, knowing that this their enemy’s way of keeping them away from going to her aid. A beep echoing through the chamber of the Divine Beast informs her that two more Sheikah barrier have fallen.

She tenses her legs, “We don’t have much time,”

She rushes forward, running faster than ever, using a technique that Vio helped her discover to make her movement faster with the electrical charge in her body. She will be extremely fatigued after this but she will make her way to Zelda. She owe this much to Lillianne.

In between the two fighters and their attacks, Urbosa weaves her way between fires, and rolls, jumps, skids, and finally climbing up the steps towards the main control. Once again, she wrestle control away from the creature that have been trying to steal the Divine Beast from her. Connecting to Vah Naboris, she looks at the army of monsters clashing with the Gerudo and the few non-Gerudo fighters that had stayed as they have daughters in the town as well as wives.

Never look down on the sacrifice of a good man, a good husband, and a great father.

She moves Vah Naboris and uses the lightning generated by the Divine Beast to attack the edges of the monster army, thinning their number from behind. They screeches in terror as now it a pinched battle between her and the angry fathers and Gerudo soldiers.

Something rings behind her and Vio’s voice echoes by her ear, “Don’t worry. I have your back,”

Urbosa returns her focus on the battle, silent tears burning at the back of her eyes as she notice her dead sisters. One sight causes her lips to tremble; a man with a Gerudo under him, both severed in two at the waist, the cradle in the Gerudo’s arm missing it’s occupant. She hopes that one of her Gerudo had taken the babe behind the safety of the town’s wall.

In her chest, fury ignites brighter than ever.

She hisses, “Calamity Ganon…”

She lost her best friend to his follower. Her goddaughter's reputation and childhood destroyed by him. Her people taken and abused by his followers. Her people threatened by his awakening alone. War visited her town over and over because of him.

“I will never forgive you,”

There was once a story that claimed that the Calamity Ganon was once a Gerudo King. For more than 10 000 years, the Gerudo exists without a king of their own.

“We do not need a King that will bring nothing but harm to our own,”

She denies him. She denies any connection between them. She denies his origin as the rare Gerudo male. To her, it is a blessing that there are never a King among her people to serve. Though the Hylian King is the King of Hyrule and thus a King that the Gerudo followed, Rhoam at least tries his best to not enslave them. Because slavery is all that awaits the Gerudo if they welcome Calamity Ganon.

“You are not one of us,”

She will behead him with her scimitar herself for all the ill he brought them.

End of Time - Chapter 70 - Makuro767 (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.