Change of a Champion - Chapter 33 - FigWitchwood (2024)

Chapter Text

“Candidates, line up, please,” Hoz instructs the four final warriors. The sun is barely shining over the horizon. The dew and chill yet to dissipate.

Barta, Seena, Talen and Gaddison. They shift on the lab deck, backs to the castle as Link gazes upon them. It seems, despite Purah and Hoz’s hope that the others would drop out, that he will be taking these four across various places in Hyrule to test their decorum and ambassadorship. Well, and to a lesser degree, monster containment.

“Today you will be taking part in the third and final trial,” Hoz says, pausing at the looks of confusion from Talen and Seena.

“Third trial?” Seena asks with a bit of irritation.

Link waves and says, “Yes. Third trial. The first was the Trial of Intention. By the sheer number of candidates that had answered the call it was very clear that the intentions of many were riches, titles, and closeness with the princess. This post is not glamorous. We needed to ensure that those who continued had true intentions and clarity of the position they were striving for.”

“And the second?” Talen asks, in curiosity, glancing at Zelda behind Link’s shoulder.

“The second was the Trial of Survival. We needed to observe champions’ measure of ingenuity, survival and knowledge of the main location of Hyrule you will be serving. Yes, there will be tours of the nation. The ability for transportation travel at the Princess’s behest. However, I need to ensure that the princess will be provided for fully. Of the three trials, it is the most practical, day to day practice of my post. As nothing is provided, we needed to ensure that you could provide and serve.”

“And this final trial, Master Link?” Barta asks.

“This final trial will be the Trial of Practice.” Link prepares to explain when Seena interrupts.

“What else is there to your post?”

“Hush, Seena,” Barta growls. The elder Gerudo peers to Link, “Our apologies, Master Link. Please, continue.”

“As the Personal Guard to the Princess, you hold a measure of power. A position that flexes as the needs of the Kingdom arise. You are not just in service to the princess, you are also in service to Hyrule. As you interact with citizens, leaders, other armies, your responsibilities will morph into that of ambassador, general, and protector. It is a fine line that must honor the many cultures, traditions and rules of the wide variety of people that make up Hyrule. Though you mainly serve the highest power of the nation, no one is to bend a knee to you. The goal of the Personal Guard is the protection of peace and respect.

“Today, each of you will receive a trial in a specific area of Hyrule. You will treat this trial as if you have already received the position. Treat me as you would treat the royal you serve as we answer the call for aid by a leader of Hyrule. I will not be assisting you in any way. Once the leader has given you your quest, you will need to undertake the task on your own using all the knowledge and skills you possess as an ambassador to the Hyrule crown.

“This test will determine which of you will take my place… a decision not made solely by me. It will be an accumulation of the previous trial and this one. I urge you to take this trial seriously,” Link explains, nerves settling in visibly on Talen. “As for deciding the order of the trials, Captain Hoz, if you will.”

The captain steps forward jiggling a small drawstring bag, offering the opening to Talen at the far right of the champions. The Hylian inserts his hand and pulls out a slip of folded parchment.

Opening it Talen reads aloud, “Two.”

Hoz moves to Gaddison, reaching in and procuring her slip. “Three.”

Seena repeats the gesture. “One.”

Barta holds a single hand up to stop Hoz, a warm smirk on her face as she says, “It appears I am last.”

Link places his hands behind his back. “Each of you will have a time limit of three hours, a timer that begins once we transport from the Landing. Please remain either in your tent or within Lookout Landing itself, as if any return before the three hour mark, the next candidate’s trial will begin. Lady Seena,” the knight calls to the young Gerudo, her attitude is eager and proud. “Your trial will occur in Hebra. You have a half hour to prepare accordingly and meet me at the Skyview tower to the left.”

“I am ready now, Master Link,” Seena urges.

Gaddison’s fins twitch, knowing that Link’s instruction is not one to question.

Link, however, smiles warmly at Gerudo, explaining, “I appreciate your tenacity and preparedness, Lady Seena. However, I will also need the time to prepare for our journey. Please, meet me at the Skyview Tower in a half hour.” The young Gerudo shifts her weight, nerves fluttering in the bid for patience. “As for the rest of you, are there any questions?”

Gaddison clears her throat. “Are we expected to remain in decorum the entire time? During our trial that is,” she asks seriously.

Part of him is saddened by the question. Again the delicate balance of personal and professional. And for Gaddison, such a need for propriety isn’t required. But the others, he cannot give such a pass to… they are to remain professional with Zelda. And knowing Gaddison’s steadfast decorum from the last four months, such a display isn’t required. Grinning, he announces to the four, “I ask that you remain within the bounds of the post you intend to inherit… Use with discretion the relationship you intend to have with the royal you are serving. Does that clear up the expectation?”

Gaddison, behind full decorum, lets the tiniest smirk surface, replying, “Yes, Master Link.”


“Any other questions?”

Silence falls over the group.

“I bid all of you champions, good luck and may the Goddess bless your endeavors.”

“I simply do not see why the Rito would need our aid, Sir Link,” Seena says, adjusting the fur coat around her ears, the clanking of jewelry muffled by the sleeves.

Link tries to find patience with the young Gerudo. The intricacies of political and international relationships amongst the nations aren't common knowledge, he reminds himself. “The Rito are skilled, experienced warriors. Regardless of the reason, Lady Seena, to call upon our aid means they have exhausted all of their options that ensure their people's safety. Many a nation setting down pride to even reach out. Placing their belief in us is reason enough. If a nation has humbled itself to call for help, we must meet that with equal humility.”

“Yes, I suppose, Sir,” Seena huffs as they make their way toward the Lucky Clover Gazette. “I just hope that whatever help the Rito need, it will be worth our time. I do not wish to have an easy trial.”

(Awfully boastful, this Gerudo warrior.)

Link feels his irritation flaring under his decorum. He had planned to have Seena take care of the lynel nearby… however, if this arrogance continues into rudeness, he will be stepping in to reassess the quest.

Unfortunately, by the time they climb the stairs to reach Teba, the knight had already decided the lynel was off the table. Between the questioning of why he had brought her there, having to explain how helping others in the kingdom is not beneath the crown, and nearly ignoring every hello and greeting from the Rito along the way, he isn’t sure how Seena could salvage the trial.

“Ah! Master Link!” Teba beams, wings wide, a smile plastered across his face. The feathers fluff and smooth back down as he reaches for a hug. Link’s frustrations dissolving as he returns the joy. Pulling back, feathers standing in full joy, he says, “My friend, congratulations on your engagement! Saki and I are thrilled! Many blessings to you and Sidon.” The Rito elder puts his hands on Link’s shoulders, “My, have you gotten taller?! How is that possible? Nearly six inches if I am not mistaken.”

Tulin flies down and drops onto the deck, eyes bright with an open beaked grin. “Welcome, Master Link! Who have you brought with you today?”

The reminder of the task at hand, causing a twitch of Link’s eyebrows. A gesture Teba catches immediately.

“Ah yes! My apologies. You are here to answer our call for aid…” Teba begins, dropping the jubilant tone to one of more tempered calm, his arms dropping to his side.

Link stands tall and begins to speak and sign, “Yes, thank you for reaching out to us. We are pleased to be of service. This, with me today, is Lady Seena of the Gerudo.” He gestures to Seena who gives a stern nod. No bow of respect… not even a Gerudo one.

“Welcome, Lady Seena,” Teba replies, eyes flashing to the knight. “We are pleased you could make the long journey here. I know our village is quite out of the way for many, with a climate much too cold for most. Your aid is greatly appreciated.”

“The pleasure is ours,” Link says and waves. Though Link had voiced appreciation he had instead waved to Teba, ‘change of plans.’

The white plumed leader nods, Tulin raising a suspicious eyebrow reading Link’s hand signs. Teba continues, “As you mentioned in your letter, you will have Lady Seena take the responsibility for the aid we require.”

Link warmly replies, “Yes, please utilize her services as you need.” Teba nods at the hand signs waved, Tulin looks between the knight and his father, confused but understanding that there must be a reason for the auxiliary discussion being had.

“Very well, Lady Seena, if you would step forward so I can discuss with you our need,” Teba bids to the Gerudo, who smirks and steps forward next to Link. “You see, we have had to replenish our food supplies this past year from the anomaly that had befallen the Rito. Mostly cutting us off from our food sources. Now that the blizzard has ceased, our main issue is the monsters that have taken residence in the very caves we use to feed our people. A few cave systems in particular have far too many monster numbers for us to safely handle on our own. One of these caves is the Brightcap Cave nearby.”

Seena scowls at the elder, “I see your predicament, however are there not more caves that you could forage from? Is it that important to clear out this cave in particular? Are there no gleeoks or lynels to dispatch?”

Teba simply stares at the Gerudo woman. The very confirmation of Link’s decision to adjust the trial in full focus as feathers on Teba’s chest flare in subdued anger. To suggest that feeding his people was not as important or glamorous as taking on a larger monster.

Feathers falling slowly, Teba clears his throat and replies, “Those monsters are not a danger to us or our feeding grounds. Perhaps once my people have stable food supplies, we can reach back out for aid in dispatching of those creatures. For now, this is a matter of feeding the Rito. This cave in particular is a struggle for our warriors due to our height and the entrance of this cave placing us in a compromised position for major injury.”

Seena nods, “Of course. And what about these monsters do the Rito find difficult?”

Teba flashes a look to Link. (I know, Teba… I know.)

The Rito elder explains, “You will find the cave is overrun with frost likes, frost lizalfos and horriblins. Though the Rito can survive extreme temperatures, the frost likes that inhabit this cave can cause severe damage when hit by the bursts of frost. I do not recommend getting hit by them.”

The Gerudo warrior folds her arms and nods, boasting, “This should be no issue for me. Who do I speak to for details of this cave’s location?”

“Gesane, whom you have already met upon entering the village, will have more information about the Brightcap Cave,” Teba chirps evenly.

“Well then, I will waste no time,” Seena replies, turning to Link. “May I be excused to take care of this problematic cave, Master Link?”

Link nods. The young Gerudo immediately turns to descend the stairs. A growl rumbles in the knight’s chest as he rubs his face. His scales itchy. He probably should have soaked last night… he was just far too tired. Zelda didn’t really sleep. The fight with the Yiga and wounding Hylians had caused her to be restless the night before. And all yesterday she kept bringing up small talks to fill her mind, ease her anxiety. Not that he minded the talks… they needed the time to just chat. Finally getting Zelda to express her love for Gaddison, plans for courtship, and his plans for when he is permanently in the Domain

After a minute Link waves, ‘My apologies for their rudeness. I will send the supplies needed to take care of the lynel. The next warrior will be taking care of the stalnox encampment after Seena finishes here.’

Teba heaves a full sigh, “It is nothing to apologize for my dear friend. I know full well of the hubris of a young warrior. I just hope she does not end up injured as I have.”

“I just hope the clearing of the cave is useful…” Link laments.

Teba fluffs up, a warm smile as he soothes, “Any aid is useful. So,” he trails with a coy grin, “these trials… how are they going?”

Link heaves a deep sigh.

“That bad?”

“Not bad… just, hoping the blessing of the goddess shines through,” Link whines. “You are hosting two of the four trials.”

Teba throws a knowing smile, “You no doubt will find the right replacement. How is the Zora King?”

Link smiles and waves, ‘Ready for me to remain in the Domain. We both are. Never thought I would actually see the day that I would retire.’

The elder laughs heartily, “Oh I am sure your quests will never cease, but there is no Hyrulian who has interacted with you that does not wish your happiness and retirement. Glad to see you have finally conquered your fear of a headwind.”

The reminder of that moment six years ago ignites a cascade of love and care not just from Teba, but also from Revali. The opposing methods of showcasing that care is highlighted, but not unseen all these years later. Fondly the knight grins, remembering the blessing disguised as a challenge. “I hope that bastard enjoys eating his bow,” Link chuckles.

“Is that what the bet was? Good thing you carry his bow now. The tears Kanali would have shed, having built that bow for Revali, only for the champion to be required to eat it.” Teba squawks, placing a winged hand on his shoulder.

Tulin chirps in wonder, “You knew Master Revali?”

Link nods, waving, ‘I did. There are days where I miss him.’ (Only sometimes.)

The glint of respect and understanding in Teba’s eyes softens the memory of his friends long gone and their bids of blessings for him. “He will be glad to know his blessing was not wasted,” Teba replies.

“Indeed,” states Link. “Now, if you will excuse me… I have to oversee Seena’s final trial.”

“Good luck, Master Link.”

Of course Seena had gotten too confident. Not only did she nearly end up with frostbite on her arm, but she continued to complain how it is concerning that the Rito warriors could not handle the cave full of monsters. Fussing over the fact that she could not remember exactly who Gesane was yet refusing to ask any of the many Rito who she should talk to… according to her, it was the only reason she did not finish faster.

It is at this point that Link’s patience snaps, giving Teba the permission to set the young Gerudo straight. The Rito elder kindly reminding her that the most talented warriors are still made of flesh and bone. His use to the Rito now is leading them as an injury from his hubris had permanently crippled him. As a warrior it is a mark of shame that never leaves. Pain that constantly reminds you that the hardest fall of a warrior is their pride. And thankfully, the Rito understand that a warrior always protects his people, if not in a different capacity. One could only be so lucky to find such community and support. That to not only find the humility to call upon warriors outside your own people, but to graciously offer more than a sword in battle.

Link thanks the leader as he and Seena transport back to Lookout Landing. She walks away with her bandaged arm, already given a healing elixir to help with the pain.

Gathering Talen, the two return to the Rito Village. This trip also does not go well. At first Link has hope. Talen, though not faring well in the cold, holds far more decorum and politeness than Seena had… at least until Tulin attempted to assist the Hylian. Talen scoffs at the young Rito, ignoring Tulin’s very valid advice of shooting the stalnox in the eye and to look out for octoroks as they tend to monitor the vibrations in the ground and camouflage themselves well in the snow.

Not heeding the sage’s advice was his undoing. Talen completed his trial just barely within the three hours allotted, only finding triumph when he had used Tulin’s technique for felling the monster. They return to Lookout Landing, Talen thanking the knight for the experience and the challenge then promptly leaving to his tent, his ego bruised.

Huffing a frustrated sigh, Link leaves the Landing to gather Gaddison already outside her tent.

He waves to her, ‘We are heading to Gerudo. Are you prepared or do you need more time?’

Reading his frustration, she asks, ‘Will we be able to soak there or should we do that now?’

The question causes his brain to freeze, thoughts ceasing in the surprising bid for preparation. He still is not used to caring for his scales. Still not openly admitting his scales publicly, and needing a reprieve from the Landing, he makes the swift decision, ‘We can soak there. Ready?’

She nods and moves to stand next to him, spear on her back.

“Hold onto my shoulder and prepare to suddenly feel weightlessness followed by heaviness,” he instructs as he pulls up the map on the Purah Pad. Gaddison follows his command. He taps the Mayatat shrine at Kara Kara Bazaar, the blue light enveloping them as they transport.

The heat of the bazaar suffocates him as they appear amidst the bustle of the oasis. Catching the attention of the many travelers and Gerudo shop owners, he hears the whispers rise at their appearance. Mindlessly he scratches the side of his face, clipping the pad back on his hip.

“Come, your scales are too dry,” Gaddison bids walking to the small oasis pond.

Link follows Gaddison’s lead to the small pool, the very thought of being in water alluring after the morning he has had. As Gaddison dives into the water he realizes there is clothing under her armor. It seems Lato had created a set of clothing for Gaddison to wear in other climates, tailored to her body, almost unnoticeable if it didn’t slightly alter the color of her scales.

Dipping into the warm water himself, his scales immediately soothe, relief washing over his grated nerves. A moan leaving his lips as he dives under the water, gills fully opening to take in the sensation of water rushing in and out of his lungs. He closes his eyes, letting the relaxation fully set in as he sinks to the bottom of the oasis. The soft sand under him makes him homesick, reminding him of the sand in the training grounds, the sand of the shrine under the great bridge.

(At least I will be able to see Si when I take Barta to the Domain.)

He again breathes deep through his gills, opening his eyes slowly to Gaddison staring at him in concentrated confusion.

‘What?’ he waves to the Zora, hand signs slowed under the water.

‘Gills? Since when?’ Gaddison asks.

‘Since scales.’ He chuckles and points to the surface.

They head to the surface; breaking the water, Link suddenly realizes the difference in this new fabric from the old. The parts of his armor out of the water cools his skin in the Gerudo heat. His scales comforted, his body temperature regulated, he smiles at Gaddison. “Lato is talented. Hylia. How are your scales faring?” Link asks the Zora.

Gaddison stares at her arms, slight awe in her voice, “It is as if the heat has gone and we are just experiencing a warm summer day in the Domain. So interesting.” She turns her attention to the knight. “How long have you had scales and gills?”

“About two months,” Link huffs, moving his wet hair to cover the scales on his cheeks.

The Zora watches as he adjusts his hair. “Zels doesn’t know, does she?”

“I am waiting for the end of trials. She has not been… faring well… I refuse to add to her plate of worry and anxiety. I am honestly surprised she has yet to notice anything other than my even larger appetite,” Link explains as they begin to rise from the water. “We have a bit of a walk to Gerudo Town. We can converse along the way.”

They briskly begin their trek along the barely visible road to Gerudo town. The sands shift in the light breeze. Ease falls over the pair as they march onward.

Gaddison comments absently, “This sand… it shifts like very watery mud. Or a very murky lake from a heavy rainfall.”

Link had never made such a connection, then again, he has traveled all of Hyrule. His frame of reference is a bit wider. He chuckles, “Welcome to Gerudo. There are sand sinkholes and rivers as well… or at least in the loosest sense. Not sure if there are actual water rivers here in Gerudo. At least on the surface.”

“Interesting. Am I the first Zora to enter Gerudo?”

“Technically no… I brought Bazz to the bazaar we just left to ensure your safety. But in Gerudo Town… you will be the first as far as I know.” A silence falls as they continue around ruins and over the Desert Rift.

Link breaks the silence, asking, “Tell me, two things, why the hearty cheesy risotto… and where did you learn the recipe?”

A blue blush creeps over Gaddison’s scales, a hand reaching to the back of her neck. “I had picked up my shirt and trousers from Lato the day you both left. While I was there, his delivery of dyes came from Hateno. Marot had told me that Hateno is notable for its cheese and mushrooms. So I asked the Hylian making the delivery if there were any recipes they could pass on. The man wouldn’t stop talking about hearty cheesy risotto and gave me the recipe. And since mushroom risotto is Zels’ favorite meal, I couldn’t resist when I saw both the rice and cheese at the shop in the Landing.”

(Of course she made it with Zelda in mind.)

“Did you know it gives full rejuvenation?”

“Well… yes and no,” Gaddison admits. “I knew from Sena that anything hearty gives much higher rejuvenation. Though, if I am honest, I had no idea the mushroom I found in the shelter cave was an edible mushroom until the merchant Beedle at the Wetland Stable confirmed that it was edible.”

Link replies, “And what made you go into the shelter in the first place? Let alone go through the cave opening?”

Gaddison furrows her brows, “This may be nothing, but I thought I heard a voice when I passed the shelter ladder. It reminded me of my mother’s voice. It piqued my curiosity, so I dropped down. There was no one in the shelter and I almost just turned back and left, when a light breeze from the cave caught my attention. I can’t explain what drew me to the opening, but a few steps in I see the mushroom and pick it.”

Link’s mind races. The voices, the pull and draw to investigate something for seemingly no reason, gathering without full knowledge just knowing that the item will be important later. It reads as a blessing… guidance from Hylia, the goddess ensuring success. He shoves the thought out of his mind.

“And the golden apple? Why include it? It wasn’t needed for the recipe,” he asks.

Gaddison chuckles, “That is due to me studying Hylian anatomy and health with Yona. It is actually documented in our records that for the best healing for Hylians, adding a golden apple to meals gives them a boost. I was quite thrilled to hear from Mubs that there was an apple forest so close to the Landing.” The Zora rubs an arm, “Again, I want to simply care for Zels… I wasn’t expecting you to have me give it to her.”

“Well, you succeeded… flawlessly. That risotto was far better than any I have ever made. Find pride in that at least,” Link admits proudly.

Gaddison’s scales flush once more as the walls of Gerudo Town come into view. Silently, the flutter of fins catches Link’s attention.

“Are you nervous?” he asks, the confusion thick in his voice.

Softly the Zora confesses, “Zelda speaks so highly of Lady Riju… the Gerudo chief has her respect, a kindred leader as they are close in age and in responsibility. I only wish to bring Zelda pride today.” Scales flutter in anxiety across his friend’s body.

He claps her on the back, disrupting the swirl of thoughts beginning to take over. “I have no doubt you will make a good first impression.”

Giving him a weak smile in response she falls a step behind him, taking what would be the normal position for the personal guard. Walking up to the gate he sees Babi and Lianna lightly conversing. Catching their attention both still, studying the Zora behind him intently as they approach.

Babi throws her glaive out, “Halt.”

The knight peers at the Gerudo trainer, a sly smirk forming on his lips.

“What brings you to Gerudo Town?” Babi asks harshly, eyes moving from Link to Gaddison. The curiosity brimming just under the surface of hazel eyes.

Link finds his decorum and says, waving, “I am here at the call for aid of Chief Riju. My personal guard, Gaddison, is here to assist.”

A twinkle of mischief flashes in the Gerudo trainer, surely informed on today’s visit, as Link had clearly outlined the Zora’s test in his letter to Riju. Babi withholds the smile as she booms, “There are no voe permitted into Gerudo Town, aside from soon to be king of the Zora… and you,” she teases at the knight, “Are far too tall to be him.”

“I assure you I am him. Perhaps proof?” Link asks, knowing full well that Babi is simply having fun at his expense.

Lianna, sensing the game joins in, “Yes, Master Link always carried a particular weapon. If you could procure such weapon, we would gladly let you in.”

“That sword slumbers unfortunately… Perhaps another item would suffice?”

Gaddison clears her throat behind him. “If I may, Master Link?”

Curious, Link nods.

Gaddison brightens and addresses the Gerudo guards warmly, “If I may offer, that if it is an issue to have my king enter the town, that I may do so on my own? We do not wish to cause an issue with your traditions and I have no qualms of an escort to Lady Riju. I simply do not wish to keep her waiting. A compromise of sorts?”

Babi blinks incredulously at the offer, her eyes landing upon the knight. Link gives a satisfied, proud grin to the trainer, causing the Gerudo woman to belly laugh.

“I like this warrior you have brought to our walls, Master Link. Honorable, respectful, and sharp. I hope her kind fare well in our sands. Please,” Babi waves her glaive to allow for them to pass, “Vasaaq, Gaddison. Master Link.”

The knight nods, hands clasped behind his back, he continues into the town. Gaddison silently trails.

(Of course she would offer a compromise. A bid for peace in the midst of a possible misunderstanding.)

Curious eyes latch onto them as they move through the market. Young vai stopping to gawk at the Zora never seen in town. Whispers, stilled movement, piercing curiosity at the two… awe and wonder at the strange species and the changed knight.

“My vehvi!”

The gasp of the voice stops him in his tracks, his attention zeroing on the familiar figure under one of the palms in the market. Furosa gazes at him in wonderment, a basket of fruit slowly lowered to the ground as her eyes remain on Link filling with tears. It’s in her gaze that he realizes the time that had passed since his last visit here not five months ago. Having grown, wearing new armor, the ease radiating off of him. The mother figure that had nursed him from the pit of darkness seeing this light had to be… emotional for her.

Furosa attempts to withhold the tender emotions, her eyes fluttering to the silent Zora behind him.

“You are busy,” she croaks with a smile and a wave, gathering the basket once more from the ground, “If you find a moment…”

“You will see me before I leave, vaba,” Link states, the use of the familial term causing a wave of fresh emotion that the elder swallows.

Uttering with a bow of her head, Furosa softly says, “May the Heroines bless such a visit of the future Zora King.” Without returning Link’s gaze the older Gerudo shuffles quickly away.

With no time to waste for Gaddison’s difficult trial, Link resumes their trek to Riju. Climbing the stairs as the breeze ripples the tapestries draped over the palace walls.

Reaching the top of the stairs he sees Riju in her chair sit up straight, arms resting on the sides of the large throne she has yet to grow into, Buliara flashing a softened scowl next to her. Both preparing for the propriety of the moment, not realizing the Zora behind him is well versed in dealing with royalty. He stops short of her throne just up the short stairs, ready for Riju’s coldness.

Link opens his arms wide, boasting and signing, “Chief Riju, an honor to be permitted within the walls of Gerudo Town. The Zora of the Domain appreciate this gesture of goodwill to aid in your call.” Link gives a greeting of arms as Gaddison drops to a knee in a Gerudo bow.

The gesture causes a flutter of surprise on both Buliara and Riju. As both Link and Gaddison rise, the scrutiny of the Zora behind him flares in the chief’s eyes. Coolly and curtly, Riju replies, “A call we wish we did not need to make. However, you say this guard of yours can solve our monster issue? I have doubts. Our sands are not forgiving.”

Link chuckles, forcing his nerves over the upcoming trial down as he says, “The monster will be contained in one way or another. If you would give the details to my personal guard, Lady Gaddison, we are at the mercy of a time constraint.” Link steps to the side, the Zora’s fins fluttering once more despite the warm decorum in place.

Riju stares at the Zora, intently studying the guard in silence.

Buliara flashes Link a look before clearing her throat, the sound shaking Riju from whatever judgments and musings she was making. “Yes, my apologies. Our need,” snaps Riju, fully focusing on the Zora, “It seems there is a molduga that has taken up residence at our southern training ground. Our army is unable to utilize the area with this creature roaming the sands.”

Gaddison nods, softly saying, “I see, Chief Riju. May I inquire for more details?”

Riju gives a curt nod.

With honest curiosity, Gaddison asks, “I take it the area is too dangerous for your sand seals as well, is that correct, Chief Riju?”

Riju leans on a fist, staring straight through the Zora. The question hanging in the air.

Gaddison, sensing she has possibly caused a slight in the leader explains, “Chief Riju, I simply do not wish to place any of your sand seals in danger should I need one to reach the southern training grounds. Otherwise I will find other means to reach the area the molduga inhabits, your Ladyship.”

The flutter of fins and brief darkening of scales tells Link that she is still quite nervous interacting with Riju.

Sitting straight once more, arm falling back to its rest, Riju confirms, “Yes, the area is too dangerous for sand seals. The primary reason we have yet to fell the beast is due to our inability to reach that area safely. You believe you can take on such a creature when we have failed to reach it ourselves?”

Gaddison places her hands behind her back standing straight as she answers with the warm mask of propriety, “I find honor that my king believes I hold such skills, Chief Riju. However, it would not be wise for me to simply take his word without knowing more about this creature and the sands it inhabits. If I may ask more questions of you, or the soldier most familiar with this monster I am to dispatch?”

Riju throws a dark laugh, sneering, “It seems to me you are already quite knowledgeable of the Gerudo. A byproduct of the Zora embracing Master Link all these years. I am sure you know more than you are letting on in my presence, whether that is out of politeness, humility or otherwise.”

(Oh Riju’s distrust of her is deep. She didn’t seem this reluctant in her letter to him. Is she placing Gaddison under her own test for Zelda’s sake?)

Gaddison shows no offense as she warmly states, “I can study for a lifetime, it does not compare to the Gerudo living amongst the sands. Your word will always carry the weight of priority. The Gerudo are experienced in not just their own land but that of all of Hyrule. To dismiss such experience and knowledge would be foolish, Chief Riju,” Gaddison softly retorts, again surprising Riju. The Zora continues, “I know this is the first time my kind have entered your borders. Allowing such vulnerability in opening your gates to a people most have only met amongst other areas of Hyrule, if at all, is not lost upon me, Your Ladyship. Your suspicion of me is valid and grounded. I do not take your trust lightly. As the royal I serve places their trust in you, so will I with their safety while I hope to gain enough knowledge to confidently subdue this creature.”

Riju fully scowls at Link, her confusion and slight irritation at odds with her budding fondness for the Zora impressing her. He shrugs. (sh*t Riju, I didn’t train her… don’t look at me.)

“Buliara,” Riju commands, a dismissing wave of her hand punctuated by the clang of bangles, “Please take Master Link’s guard to our captain. I need a private audience with our King to be.”

“Sarqso, Chief Riju,” Gaddison beams, giving a greeting of arms and following Buliara to the barracks.

A swell of pride washes over him as he returns his attention to Riju, who has hopped out of her chair closing their gap, both confusion and tender emotions fluttering on her face.

“What was that?!” Riju shrills under her breath, her jewelry clanking in the wide sweeping gestures toward the guards that have just left.

“Good to see you too, Riju,” Link jeers, a coy smile stretching wide.

Riju’s face scrunches as she glares at him, realizing that she now is looking up at him. Her eyes flutter over his form, the scrutiny of his armor, the tiny rainbows cast over the floor in the midday light. He sees the questions behind her eyes as she utters, “You… you look so different, Link. Zelda has not mentioned any of these changes in her letters to me…”

Link heaves a sigh, “She has been preoccupied… and stressed.”

“Apparently,” Riju flatly spits, again the suspicion over the nonanswer causing the chief to grimace. Hands come to her hips, a tender smile at the knight. “Congratulations, my friend. My heart rejoices over Sidon accepting your proposal.” Link cannot contain the joy, his heart eager to see his partner in a few hours. She continues, “You look happy. Healthy. Are you using the oils we sent to the Domain? Your skin looks great. Or maybe it is the armor… Sidon has quite the eye for your fashion, despite it being very reminiscent of voe armor.”

Link lets out a hearty laugh. “The Zora quite liked the design of the voe armor. And no, it is not oils on my skin. Just a long soak is all.”

Riju’s brows crush together. “What do you mean?”

He again laughs, “I will explain another time… perhaps when I return after these trials with Zelda’s new guard.”

Arms folded, a light air of frustration surfacing, Riju asks, “Did you train this one? Her knowledge and propriety is notable.”

“Nope. All Sidon and the Advisor to the Domain crown. I purposely separated myself from any that wished to take up the call. No favoritism,” Link explains.

“Wise. Noble. As for this Zora, I see how she has come this far.”

“Is there a reason why you are being so harsh?”

Riju shifts her weight on her heels, replying, “I would be quite upset with myself if I did not place any candidate under some pressure. It is the very reason you brought her to me, correct? I am the most abrasive of the leaders. If she can pass my scrutiny, she will do just fine with the others.”

“You are not wrong. However, I worry if she can handle the molduga. Just like I slightly worry about Barta handling the Domain lynel.”

Riju waves a hand, “Both will fare just fine if they have made it this far in your trials. This Gaddison though, I like her. Do you think she will get along well with Zelda, should she succeed today?”

Link fights the curl of his lip, the mere struggle catching Riju’s attention, as he soothes, “They get along just fine. This Zora is Zelda’s trainer in the Domain for the battle technique she is learning.”

Eyes squint at him, reading the withholding of more information. “What do you know!? Out with it!” Riju demands pointing a finger at him.

He pushes her hand away gently, dismissing the underlying truth with another, “You are just witnessing my pride is all, Riju. This training has led to Zelda fully besting me in a spar. And holding her own against a Yiga attack that happened not two days ago at the Landing.”

The news shocks the Gerudo chief. “She was attacked by Yiga Clan?”

He nods. “She was a bit shaken, her first battle against an enemy that was not a monster. But her training has progressed quite well, enough to be of practical use.”

Riju eases as Teake and Buliara emerge from the barracks, dropping into a Gerudo bow.

The captain rises and says, “My apologies for the interruption, Lady Riju. Master Link.”

Riju’s brow twitches, inquiring, “Where is the Zora?”

The matching smiles on both guards’ faces baffles Riju even more.

Teake replies, “Lady Gaddison is surely out in the market at this rate, preparing for the molduga.” She flashes a lopsided grin to Link, “This Zora reminds me of you. I have faith in her to succeed. If you wish any feedback let me know, but she is determined to complete this task.”

Buliara chuckles, passing a slightly concerned look to Link, “I just hope the sands do not cause her any issue. For a species more attuned to the very thing we lack, I mirror my Ladyship’s concern of her safely handling our climate.”

Link nods, “I need to follow and observe. As your concern is also mine despite the Domain outfitting her with clothing that allows her to adapt, I do not want any harm to befall the Zora.” He gives a bow to the Gerudo women, “If you will excuse me, we shall return soon.”

He leaves them, heading to the top of stairs. Instead of walking into the market he turns to the left to climb the upper walls of the palace, walking along the aqueduct that runs above the buildings of the Gerudo. He scans each of the stalls looking for the Zora to no avail, stopping to perch above the archway between Starlight Memories and the Inn. She should be preparing for the molduga, but he doesn’t see her at all.

(Where did she go?)


The sound of children in the alleyway behind him captures his attention, spinning to see four young Gerudo vai all touching Gaddison’s head tail. He slowly moves closer to the group, Gaddison’s back to him.

“Do all Zora feel like that?” Aaqlet asks Gaddison crouched low for the young children.

Mattison puffs up to boast, “Yes! Kapson used to hold my hand in Tarrey Town. He was so nice.”

Kalani asks the Zora, “Did Furosa get you a drink? You cannot go out in the sands without a drink! It isn’t safe!”

Gaddison smiles bright and nods. “Yes, I got a drink from Lady Furosa. Sarqso for properly preparing me. Would you all like a scale to show that you met a Zora?”

All four children light up, smiles bright. “Yes, please! Can we!?”

“Do we all get one?” Pearle asks excitedly.

Gaddison gently takes her head tail back from their hands and pulls a few loose scales from the end.

“Does that hurt you?” Mattison asks, concern crumpling her brows.

The Zora giggles softly, letting go of her head tail, she gently explains, “No, these were going to fall off anyways. Just like you sometimes do not feel a strand of hair falling, it is the same for me. Now, you said you have a friend that is sick?” The Zora holds her other hand palm up, the young girls mimicking her gesture, smiles and excited bouncing as they await their gift.

Kalani nods, answering, “Yes, Markure is very sick. She will be sad to have missed your visit.”

“Well then,” Gaddison says, handing each of them a pink scale, pausing at Kalani last, “I will give you an extra scale, just for her! Promise to give it to her for me?”

Eyes fill with wonder as Kalani nods with a wide smile. “Oh, I will, Lady Gaddison! She will be so excited, she will get better in no time! Savaaq!”

Gaddison stands and waves goodbye to the young vai as they excitedly run off to show off their new treasure. Briskly she walks into the market.

The warm feelings morphing into curiosity about this drink, Link drops down and bounds up the stairs to the Canteen. His eyes adjusting from the bright light outside, he hears Furosa chuckle from behind the counter.

“Ahhhh, the Zora King graces my humble establishment… how can I be of service, vehvi?”

He sees Furosa scrubbing the counter with oil, the smell of the safflina permeating the air.

Link replies, “I unfortunately cannot stay long… I am here to check on the Zora that just left… I am testing her to take my place next to the Princess.”

Furosa stops scrubbing, a stern look on her face as she says, “It matters not what transpired here, she is blessed by the Heroines. You have nothing to fear.”


“What do you mean by that?”

“I am glad to see you so happy,” Furosa quips, fully ignoring the question. Warmly she gushes, still polishing the counter, “The light shines from you despite this stress and pressure. I hope peace showers upon you when you find yourself permanently in the Domain.”

“Vaba, please.”

Furosa continues to wipe the conditioning oil into the wood, dismissing, “Those who are blessed answer the unsaid prayers of those around them, big or small. This Zora does just that… as do you. That is all that matters.”

“And what did she bring you?”

Furosa chuckles, as she throws the towel onto the counter, leaning on her hands, “The children sent her in here for a drink. I gave her one. She refused to leave without payment. Gave me the chillfin trout that I had been wanting to find a trade for… it was a fleeting thought two days ago and she provided. Now go. She will be heading out into our sands by now. I hope to see you soon before you fully retire, vehvi.”

Link grumbles, knowing the elder is spot on in her assessment. And she is correct, needing to head out towards the open sands to oversee how Gaddison handles this trial. Before leaving, he unclips the Purah Pad, gathering most of his stock of splash fruit and dumping it on the bar. Furosa’s eyes go wide, flickering to the knight.

He waves warmly, ‘A gift from the Domain, the Exalted One would like to open talks of trade for your liquor… though they cannot consume voltfruit, they offer splash fruit for you to use as you wish to experiment with in the meantime.’ A sneer paints his face as the owner crosses her arms.

“Vaq! You are a menace, go!” She playfully spits at him, a laugh falling as she examines the fruit now all over the bar.

Returning to the aqueducts he travels to the south gate. He peers out to the southern oasis, the heat of the day moving the air, undulating lazily across the vast expanse. The landscape of the sands have shifted slightly. It appears a current of moving sand has surfaced in the area around the southern training grounds, creating a river of sand for the molduga to occupy. Zonai ruins pushed together now stand between the Town and the oasis. The perfect spot for Gaddison to utilize. Just as he predicted he sees her climbing the ruin in the distance.

Using the Purah Pad he zooms in to watch… ready to come to her aid should this fail. To his right he sees the telltale movement of sand that gives away the location of the molduga surfacing. Gaddison observes its movement as it dips below the current of the shifting sands. She procures an apple from her pouch and throws it. Near enough to allow her to attack when the molduga lands.

The molduga senses the apple and picks up speed towards the fruit in the sand, Gaddison crouched down, ready to strike after the monster surfaces. The molduga breaches high into the air, crashing down with a rumble and a wave of sand, the monster wheezing on the surface. Gaddison prepares to throw what looks like a bomb flower, when the ruins beneath her shift. The current pushes up against the ruins as she grabs at the stone to steady herself. Link’s stomach drops, forcing himself to remain overlooking the fight on the town wall. His urge to protect flaring despite knowing he has to let her do this on her own.

(I do not know what I would do if Gaddi gets hurt… and Zels would never forgive me.)

Recollecting herself, Gaddison stands on the ruins once more as the molduga flops and dives back down into the sand. Gaddison procures another apple, reeling her arm back to throw, when Link sees the molduga speeding from the other direction. The warmth draining from his veins, he watches the molduga ram the ruins, Gaddison caught by surprise falls into the river of fast moving sand. Making contact with the molduga, Gaddison’s body drops and rolls over the back of the beast and into the sand.

sh*t! sh*t! sh*t! sh*t!

Link jumps from the wall, running as he unclips the pad, tapping the Karahatag shrine. Heart racing he waits for the blue to dissipate as he slips in the scramble to run around the side of the shrine to the precipice of the oasis. Eyes searching for Gaddison or the molduga, the fear and adrenaline begin to take over as he pulls his bow, bomb flower fused, ready to attack. But he must find Gaddison first.

The seconds go by as he finds nothing. No Gaddison. No molduga. His heart sinking into panic as he continues to frantically search. Not again… not another too-late-to-help-his-friend tragedy… his heart cannot handle the guilt that would remain knowing that he had yet again been responsible for his friend’s death. Unable to look another Zora… his husband, in the eye should he return with the news of Gaddison’s death. He just needs to find her… give her the fairy just for this occasion… but time is of the essence. He MUST find her.

Hylia… please let her be ok…

The roar of the molduga sounds. The ground rumbling, Link pulls back on his bow, posed to attack.

From within the river of sand in front of him, Gaddison shoots high into the air. The molduga erupts just behind the Zora. Relief immobilizes Link as he watches his friend twist in the air, flinging a knife at the soft gum tissue exposed on the molduga. Perfect aim. The beast roars in pain, opening its mouth wide. Gaddison throws a bomb flower down its throat before diving back into the sands.

The bomb erupts from within the monster and the molduga flops to the ground with a thunderous crash. The ground shakes from the impact. Link crouches to find stability so he can shoot at the beast. He has to end this. End this trial so Gaddison is not hurt.

Yet before he can stand, Gaddison blasts out of the sand once more in a spot to his left, throws another bomb at the heaving beast and dives back into the shifting surface. His brows pull together as he tries to make sense of Gaddison’s actions.

(Is she… doing that on purpose?)

The molduga lazily flops, wiggling its entire body to retreat below the dunes once more. Other than the beat of his racing heart, silence falls. Nothing but the wind whipping, hot sand sweeping across the surface. No sign of the molduga or Gaddison.

Another roar signals the start of this dance of breaching, throwing knives and bomb flowers. His friend gracefully submerges back into the depths of the wasteland. The howls of the monster succumbing to the failed attacks, heaving at the second attack while it is immobilized. Angrily scuttling to the safety of sand after Gaddison disappears once more.

(Swimming in the shifting sands? Can Zora do that?)

The question is answered by the repeated roar of the molduga speeding in haste towards its target, the futile attempts to chase and catch the strange creature swimming in its sands. The sigh of relief is heavy as Link’s arms drop from their position to shoot the arrow. Gaddison seemingly, effortlessly launching herself like any Zora in the Domain would up at the top of a waterfall. He watches mesmerized, the thrill of discovery as it fully settles on him… Zora can swim in the moving sands. What could have been a fatal mistake, falling into molduga-infested sands, ends up being the discovery of a lifetime. Ease as she throws the final bomb flower down the throat of the molduga and landing fluidly on the ruins once more. The explosion deep within results in a motionless hulk of monster slowly darkening in hot sands. The defeated molduga explodes in a puff of smoke, leaving behind molduga parts in the slowly drifting earthen river.

Link huffs out an incredulous laugh as he gazes at Gaddison standing shakily. Stowing away his bow, the feeling of elation at her success reaching his fingertips. She did it… the trial he had worried so needlessly over had been completed.

(Hylia… that was… she f*cking did it.)

Breath heaving, the Zora sways then grabs her side, falls to her knees. Instinct and protection morphing the adrenaline coursing through him to move.


He jumps and glides to the zonai ruin. Running as quickly as he can once landing in the swift sands, hoping he isn’t too late to help her. He climbs up the side of the ruin.

“Gaddi! Gaddi are you alright?” Link asks, climbing over the ledge to find her hunched, one arm holding herself up. He unclips the pad, hands trembling as he attempts to find splash fruit in his inventory.

Gaddison begins to laugh, panting out dismissively, “Link, brother, I am fine. My scales are just dry where I hit the beast. We can return to the town to update Lady Riju.”

Frustrated by being unable to find the splash fruit, he summons Sidon’s sage power. The wispy outline of the Zora King casting a bubble of water around them. Gaddison immediately sighing in relief at the humidity now surrounding them.

“Let me see,” Link demands as Gaddison stands still holding her side.

“No, I said I am fine. We can further assess me when we return to the Landing. Right now we need to update Chief Riju. Are we walking?”

He jumps over the lab deck railing, heart light having just given Gaddison first aid. The temple water he had given Zelda this morning was unused and it immediately replenished the dry cracked scales from where the molduga physically contacted the Zora. Link left Gaddison to heal and soak with Purah and Zelda. The Sheikah researcher is no doubt eager to study the phenomenon of Zora's ability to swim in Gerudo sands.

He chuckles at the memory of Riju, Teake and Buliara’s faces as they reentered the south gate.

Lashley jogs up to them as they approach, uttering in wonderment, “By the Heroines did my eyes deceive me… I have never seen someone remain in the sand with a molduga and survive… Shall I call someone for healing?”

The sage power dissipates as they enter Gerudo. Link shakes his head. “The injury is minor, we will be meeting with Chief Riju then leaving for full medical assistance. Sarq, Lashley.”

They enter the market and begin climbing the stairs when Teake comes running up, jewelry and armor clanking, following them inside the palace.

“Sa’oten! That was…. I have never seen... Lady Riju!” Teake beams to the chief dropping to a knee, Riju’s face taking in Gaddison's hand at her side, Link's subdued concern and the Captain's excitement.

“What is going on? Has the molduga been subdued?” Riju asks seriously.

“My Lady,” Teake beams enthusiastically, “The Zora took care of the molduga by out swimming the beast!”

Riju's head snaps to the Zora, earrings and jewelry clamoring. Buliara's mouth hangs open.

“When Master Link ran into the sands, I was called to make sure our aid was not needed. It was the most magnificent sight! The Zora swam in the sands to bait the creature and when it surfaced behind her she turned and attacked. I have never seen such a masterful technique,” Teake gushes.

Riju looks to Link, “Zora can swim in Gerudo sand flows… did you know this?”

Link beams, the relief, joy and pride uncontrollable in this moment as he barks, “I had no clue! It was why I ran to her aid… I thought she was in legitimate danger.”

Riju stares at Gaddison, concern and awe laced in her words as she states, “There is no way you knew… your kind have never set foot in Gerudo… are you injured?”

“The molduga seems to have stripped the moisture from my scales where I touched it, but I am in no danger, Chief Riju. I simply need to soak back at Lookout Landing,” Gaddison says. “I am pleased to say that the beast has been taken care of, Lady Riju. Sarqso for allowing me the opportunity to be rid of it for the Gerudo.”

Gaddison drops to a knee to bow, wincing in the movement.

Link gazes to Riju, silently asking for the permission to leave to get Gaddison the first aid she is refusing in Gerudo.

“Yes, please, take her for aid. She has done well. Pass our approval and blessing to the others making this decision. The Gerudo are impressed and you have our gratitude Lady Gaddison. May the Heroines find favor in your path.”

Now, he must test Barta.

He finds her purchasing arrows at Mubs’s shop. Turning just as Link walks up, Barta beams, “Ah Master Link. I assume it is time for my trial?”

Link nods and waves, ‘Your trial will be in the Domain. Do you need time to prepare?’

“No, Master Link. We may leave whenever you are ready.”

They transport to the marker Link had set just past the bridge of Luto’s Crossing.

As they walk towards the Domain, Barta says, “I deeply apologize for Seena’s behavior and my inability to come to your aid the night of the Yiga Clan attack. A shame I hope to resolve today for this trial.”

Still reeling off the high of Gaddison’s trial, Link drops his decorum, soothing, “I do not hold those things to you, Barta. Though I do appreciate the apology, such shame is not necessary. Seena is young and will need the experience to find such wisdom in interacting with others. As for the Yiga Clan attack, they used the trial rules to their benefit. It is not something you should find shame or responsibility for.”

(Like I have much room to talk… I carried the shame of my failure from the last century for years… but I do not wish that on anyone.)

Barta grunts in response. Passing around Ruto point, the path to the Great Bridge in sight, the Gerudo asks nervously, “May I ask how the other trials have gone? Seena would not share her experience with me, but I sense it did not go the way she intended.”

Link shifts into his decorum, commenting vaguely, “There will be a lot to discuss when these trials have concluded. You alone will have a trial in the Domain. If I remember correctly, you aided in the delivery of my stove some years ago.”

The Gerudo nods, “Yes it was my first visit. An experience I remember fondly. It will be interesting to witness the now Zora King…” A deep rumble of a chuckle falls from Barta. Her eyes full of mischief as she rolls her eyes to the knight, “You have changed drastically since those years. I am curious to see how he has also changed, in light of your engagement. Congratulations, Master Link. You wear happiness well.”

The knight flashes his amusem*nt, replying, “Thank you, Barta.”

The Great Bridge comes into view, Rivan and Bazz at the beginning of the bridge to greet them. To Link’s surprise, Barta falls back a step behind him. (Oh, Gaddison was not the only one who noticed my normal position to Zelda.)

Bazz greets them, “Pleasant Tidings, Sir Link. I see you have answered our King’s call for aid. I have been tasked with escorting you to the King, if you would please follow me.”

“Thank you, Captain Bazz.”

The captain walks them across the bridge in silence, Zora busy going about their day casting smiles and greetings of arms at Link. Just as Link is about to take the first step up the stairs to the throne room, three pups run and jump, two wrapping around his leg and a third to his hip.

“King Link!” they all say giggling as they hang on tight.

“Are you staying home this time?!”
“You came back so quick!”
“Can we play? We miss you!”

Link chuckles as he leans to catch his balance. He waves to Tumbo, Keye and Laruta, ‘Not this time. I must take my friend to see King Sidon.’

All three pups look at Barta, scrambling off of Link to stand at the stairs.

Tumbo smiles wide and says, “Vas’aaq!”

Keye gets excited, “Oh yeah! Curator taught us some Gerudo! Sav’saava”

“No, Keye it’s sav’saaba,” Laruta corrects. “Welcome to the Domain, Ladyyyyyy….. ”

Link turns to Barta who has a mild look of surprise. He answers for her, “This is Lady Barta.”

“Sav’saaba, Lady Barta!” The kids all say out of sync, giggling and running off, shrieks of embarrassment and glee as they return to the lower level.

Link chuckles and continues to climb the stairs, his heart fluttering at the interaction. It’s as he comes to the throne room, Sidon standing in front of Dorephan hands behind his back that Link feels the rush of emotion. Pride, homesickness, yearning, and ease all mixing together and stealing his breath. The Zora King brightens as he walks up. He will never tire of the sight of Sidon greeting him. The years of anticipating that smile. Years of imagining Sidon in his armor. And now, walking up to his soon to be husband, testing for his replacement so he can retire… it is a welcome that he never imagined he would ever experience.

‘Pleasant Tidings, King Sidon,’ Link waves, unable to find his voice in the swell of this moment. Muscle memory takes over as Link gives a greeting of arms.

Rising, the slight twitch of Sidon’s lip causes his heart to race. It isn’t until Barta stands up that he realizes that the Gerudo had bowed with him.

(Pay attention Link, you are here to test for Zelda’s replacement.)

“Welcome back to the Domain, Sir Link. Lady Barta,” Sidon beams, head tail wagging. “I hope your trip here was pleasant. Your hasty arrival is most appreciated.”

Link signs and waves, “Yes, our travels were smooth. It has been many years since my personal guard has been in the Domain, though I am glad to bring her back to your borders, I regret that it is under such circ*mstances.”

Scales bunch, actual concern fluttering over Sidon as he says, “Indeed. This is not our first experience calling upon another to dispatch a lynel within our borders. A call I am quite hesitant to make, but it is one that has been presented to us.”

(Oh, Si… This will be nothing like my lightning strike…)

Sidon directs his attention to Barta, calmly standing in anticipation of her quest. “Master Link believes you, Lady Barta, have the skills to subdue this creature.”

Barta grins, “I trust that my chief and Master Link would not have allowed me otherwise to aid you. Though I have my doubts that my services are needed, the Zora are well trained warriors with the capabilities to handle such a beast. Especially if any are akin to your warrior Gaddison, I do not see my necessity. However, I find honor that you call upon me at all, King Sidon.”

Sidon throws a glance at Link for the surprising commentary on Gaddison. (What impact has Gaddison had on the Gerudo woman? That was full respect for her… is it simply from the Yiga attack?)

“High praise from a Gerudo warrior. I will pass along such praise to her commander,” Sidon states, knowing full well that Link and Bazz already know of Gaddison’s abilities.

Barta chuckles, “If I may speak to the Zora Captain after I have slain this monster, I would like to pass along such praise myself. But to the task at hand, where is this lynel?”

The Zora King straightens, saying, “This particular lynel has settled upon the Ukuku Plains, just on the other side of Mount Ploymus, north northeast of the palace. It has made travel to the Sokkala river system dangerous for hunting.”

The Gerudo hums in acknowledgment. “I see. The need to provide for your people is indeed a priority. I will begin preparing at once, unless there is more information I need?”

“Simply that these creatures are ruthless, a danger both from afar and in close combat. Our guards have each lent such caution in monitoring the monster. I urge you to prepare thoroughly and steel yourself for a challenging fight. We do not wish to see you injured,” Sidon darkly warns. “I bid you good luck.”

“Sarqso, Your Highness.” Barta drops to a knee in a Gerudo bow, rising to nod to Link and leaves the throne room down the stairs, the sound of heels across the polished stone steps fading away.

Pivoting to Sidon, Link sees the worry. “(Esshleshi, are you sure about this? I worry when it comes to lynels,)” Sidon pleads to the knight in Old Zoran.

Link scoffs, dismissing with a hand wave, “(Barta will be fine. Besides I have not left any candidate completely on their own. I will be watching.)”

Sidon huffs knowing he has to trust his partner, “How are the trials otherwise?”

Link fights the grin, pride seeping into every inch of his body remembering Gaddison’s trial success. “They have been surprising.” Knowing Sidon is quite interested in Gaddison’s progress, he instead shifts to another observation. Smirking at his partner, the knight teases, “(Most of all you, so turned on by me bowing to you?)”

Barking a laugh and pointing a finger at the knight, Sidon’s scales flush, a hungry smile spreading as he retorts, “(Troublemaker you are! Just because you see it now… I have always been flustered by your presence, you should know that by now quite well.)”

Link raises an eyebrow, coyly admonishing, “(And you cannot smile at me like that! Thank Hylia, I have gills now, stealing the very air from my lungs.)”

Both break into a snicker. Link looks at the Exalted King gazing at the two in confused awe, mouth half open, fins flared in full pride.

The knight waves a ‘yes, father?’ at the former king causing a light breathy chuckle.

“And since when did you learn our mother tongue, Sidon?” Dorephan asks the Zora King.

Sidon passes a fond gaze to Link, the same unknown gaze from their discussion of Domain Dancer protocols pulling over the Zora’s face as he answers, “About three years ago… after overhearing Link practice with the Curator.”

“Such news warms my heart,” Dorephan says, “Though watching you both interact in any form brings me joy. I look forward to such laughter daily when you are permanently with us, my son.”

(Ugh, it cannot come soon enough.)

“Yes,” Sidon continues, still gazing at Link with the unnamed expression, “Having Link by my side gives me confidence... His presence is greatly missed in his absence. Even the smallest decisions feel incomplete without him.”

Link tries to find his breath, the emotion of such an intense, honest statement of his worth just being at Sidon’s side overwhelms him. He huffs, “(I miss being at your side as well, Esshleshi.)”

“Have you done Gaddison’s trial yet?” Sidon asks, once more pulling the focus back to the trials at hand.

The grin of satisfaction cannot be contained as Link reports, ‘She has completed her trial. Of course, your training proved most useful as she succeeded beyond my expectations and Riju’s.’

Sidon flashes a guilty grin, “About that… we did not provide her training.”

“I’m sorry?!” Link exclaims.

Sidon’s large scaled hand reaches to the back of his neck, explaining, “By the time Bazz and I were able to convene and discuss what we should teach her, she had already taken it upon herself. She had already spoken to Muzu, the Curator, Sena, Marot and Yona.”

Link blinks at his partner, the disbelief heavy in his face. “(You are telling me you had no oversight in her training? All the knowledge, the preparation, the cooking, the foraging, the decorum training- Gaddison put together herself? Esshleshi, you cannot be serious!)”

(There is no way they did not have a hand in this level of expertise…)

A soft look is thrown at the knight, stunning him into silence in his bewilderment. Gently Sidon replies, “(I learned my native language, trained to fight by your side, built monuments to your feats, memorized your favorite foods and meals so we may never run out, noted your personal preferences so you may have the home of your dreams, studied Hylian anatomy so that I could heal you, learned every story you uttered in the greatest detail, studied our sister nations through the lenses of experiences you painted, mere heartbreak and sickness realizing I couldn’t offer that as your partner…)” The Zora King’s eyes fill with intense love thrust directly at Link, as he utters, “(Do not underestimate the lengths a Zora in love will go to… in pursuit of the honor and pride for the one they hold most dear.)”

(What did I do… to deserve this love?)

Swallowing the overwhelm at the showcase of the depth of the love and blessing thrown at him, he tries to grasp at the implication of Gaddison’s zeal for her own training. His eyes moving to his hands as he attempts to control the tenderness swirling within.

Gaddison had trained so fully… it was almost as if he had trained her himself. But he didn’t. She gathered all the knowledge on her own. All for Zelda. All for caring for his sister, regardless of these trials. A dedication that couldn’t be taught in such a short amount of time, unless the Zora had already decided a lifetime of care would require those things. The trials were just the excuse… the catalyst for closeness and care under the guise of duty. In a way giving them both the freedom to be close, to interact daily, to travel together, to support one another without decorum getting in the way or requiring a reason to be in the Domain.

Link utters, “Clearly… the Goddess smiles down upon the Zora… Gaddison excelled in all of the trials. Barta’s trial here is the last. Then I will be discussing the results with Purah and Hoz for the final decision.”

Sidon gives him a reassuring smile.

“I am sure that there will be no doubt when you get to that point. Go now,” Sidon softly commands, “You have a final trial to oversee.”

He had to say, Barta impressed him. She prepared by conversing with multiple Zora about their experiences with a lynel in this area. Spoke with Marot while buying more arrows, had Dento check the quality of her bow, offering him rupees in exchange for his expertise. There wasn’t a warmth that pulled people in, but at the very least a level of respect in all the interactions. At some point while he was still in the throne room, Barta had spoken to Torfeau heading toward the healing pools.

“She said she recognized me from years ago,” Torfeau says, a light blush to her scales. “Thanked me for the open kindness we had shown her and her fellow comrades when they had arrived to deliver your stove.”

‘That was kind of her to pass along such praise,’ Link waves.

“Yes, indeed Sire,” Torfeau beams, rubbing her arm nervously, fins fluttering.

‘Is there something else?’ Link waves warmly.

“Well, she asked about Gaddison.”

Link’s eyebrows shoot up. ‘What about Gaddison?’

The Zora shrugs, attempting to dismiss her own feelings causing scales to flutter, “Just how we feel losing such an honored and capable warrior.”

‘And what did you tell her?’

“Simply that it brings us pride that she could outshine Hyrule’s very strongest warriors to take your place. Though, we will miss her, should she succeed,” Torfeau states, her fins fluttering once more.

“Yes,” Link quietly soothes, the signs of something more simmering under the surface that isn’t being said nagging at his mind, “we will indeed feel her loss. And tell me, how do you really feel?”

Torfeau gives a weak smile, attempting to once again dismiss the underlying comment, “Oh, my King, I am sure it is nothing.”

“Please, Torfeau. I assure you, I value anything that is a concern to any of our people.”

The Zora gazes around nervously, saying, “Well it isn’t a concern… just an observation from the last few months. With the adjustment of guard rotation, all in preparation for the trials and accommodating the Princess’s training schedule, I have had quite a few rotations with her… and…” Torfeau trails off. Lost in thoughts and memories from the past few months. Softy, she says, “I do not want to make any assumptions. I know Gaddison was busy, studying, training… it was just noticeable… how much happier she was when you and the Princess returned to the Domain. Especially the rotations in between the combat training with Princess Zelda. And it was noticeable when you both left. I just wonder,” Torfeau sighs, gazing away from Link, “I wonder if this may hold more importance to Gaddi than most realize… and what happens if she is not successful.”

The slow soft smile that grows on his face. The fellow Zora that worry for Gaddison’s happiness. He quietly states, “You wish to see her happy?”

Torfeau’s gaze returns to the knight. Nodding.

Link waves with a warm smile, ‘I assure you, Torfeau, your wish is that of many. Including my own. Though I can say with confidence, knowing Gaddison, she will pursue her happiness… regardless of these trials.’ Torfeau brightens, the litany of emotions crossing her face. Relief, happiness and finally realization at what Link is implying. Her mouth parting at the subtle hint. Link grins, ‘A blessing to have such support from your people. I hope, in time, we may be able to showcase such support as a Domain in the future.’

The Zora says, “I do as well, my King.”

Once adequately prepared, she then traveled up the path given to her by Numien, setting out towards the Ukuku plains.

Carefully Barta scaled the side of the mountain, observing the lynel from afar amongst the brush and trees. Once capturing its attention, she unleashed a barrage of arrows squarely in the monster’s head and neck. Bringing the lynel to a kneel, she began her close combat, scimatar in hand. Link noticed the shine of the blade, metal no longer decayed throughout the kingdom meant sharp sturdy weapons were being made once more.

He watches as she repeated the process, dodging, hiding, attacking from both afar and near. Carefully staying out of the lynel’s range like many Zora had suggested. Eventually, swinging her last strike, the lynel defeated, Barta stands panting in satisfaction.

(That was as good as I could do myself… not bad at all. Though, this will make our final decision quite difficult back at the Landing. Purah and Hoz will have to deal with another contender for my post.)

And now, sailing down onto the Ukuku Plains, he has to admit the Barta could easily protect Zelda as decently as he could. Sure Barta may be a bit rough, what Gerudo isn’t at first. But Link cannot deny Barta’s skills having passed these trials.

She gazes up at the incoming knight and beams, “Master Link! I am pleased to report the lynel is no more. Would you like to store these lynel parts? I have no need for them, though I know you tend to like to be prepared.”

Link drops the last few feet from his glide, jogs up and takes the monster parts, stowing them in the Purah Pad. He waves at the unharmed Gerudo, ‘Do you need a moment before we transport back to the Domain?’

Barta shakes her head, a satisfied grin as she replies, “I am ready to inform the Zora King of my success.”

The sun begins to hang low in the sky as they return to the throne room where Bazz, Dorephan and Sidon are waiting.

“Welcome back Lady Barta. Has the lynel been felled?” Sidon asks warmly, already reading Link’s smile as they had entered.

Barta again bows to the Zora King, replying, “Yes! A worthy challenge for a Gerudo warrior. My thanks for such an opportunity to aid you in such a way. I hope the peace of those waters are fruitful for the Zora of the Domain.”

Sidon gushes, “A feat we do not take lightly, Lady Barta. If there is a way we can repay you for your skills, time and assistance, please speak now.”

Barta raises an eyebrow, unfamiliar with the generosity of the Zora Royals, eyes flickering to Link. The Gerudo offers, “No payment is necessary. However, I would ask a small favor if it is possible while I am here in the Domain?”


Sidon looks to Link, the knight waving a ‘no idea’ to the King.

“I will surely attempt this favor, what is it you desire?” Sidon asks curiously.

The Gerudo warrior smiles, coolly requesting, “I would like to speak to the Zora that has been battle training the Princess.”

Link’s brows crush together. He asks, “Why do you ask such a thing, Barta?”

She warmly replies, “When the Yiga attacked Lookout Landing two nights ago, angry that I had been unable to help fight the soldiers, I went for a walk. To clear my head. I overheard the talk of the other warriors, I was surprised to hear that the Princess fought incredibly well. To the point of seemingly not needing a guard for protection. As a member of the Gerudo army, once tasked with training the Princess, I would like to meet this trainer for successfully preparing the Princess with a fighting style that has produced such great results.”

Bazz’s fins flare at the implied honor, catching Barta’s attention. She asks, “Was it you, Captain, that trained the princess? I had already intended on congratulating you on the warrior Gaddison sent to the trials, but it would not surprise me if the Princess’s training was your doing as well.”

Bazz looks to Sidon.

“Unfortunately,” Sidon cuts in, “We cannot have you speak to Princess Zelda’s trainer at this time.”

Barta frowns, questioning, “Is there a reason why, King Sidon?”

Sidon wheezes a half laugh, answering, “It is simply because Lady Gaddison is at the trials currently. She is not in the Domain at the moment.”

Shock runs over the Gerudo, turning to Link with a serious expression. “Lady Gaddison is the trainer to the Princess?”

Link nods.

Barta bursts into a hearty laugh. The Zora exchange confused looks.

“Sa’oten, the Heroines are indeed mischievous! It was never about succeeding or failing. The Zora was right...” Barta barks, turning her attention to Link. “I wish to be dismissed from the trials, Master Link.”

This time it is Link who is shocked. “What?! Barta you have succeeded in your final trial. Why do you wish to be dismissed?”

Crossing her arms she becomes quite serious. “I do not want to be included in the final decision of your replacement. I have already proved to myself that the thing I thought I could not overcome was simply a mirage in the heat of sands. I do not possess your spirit, Master Link, to take your place.”

Link is stunned, unsure of what to make of the reasons given to him. She had come all this way. Succeeded. Yet at the mere mention of Gaddison being Zelda’s trainer… she steps away. Why?

“What do you mean? You do not possess my spirit, how so?” Link asks, baffled by the sudden turn of events.

The Gerudo warrior answers, “Anyone can fight. Anyone can forage. Anyone can speak to leaders and royals. But not everyone has your spirit. I find no shame in lacking such spirit. I will be able to return to Gerudo with honor nonetheless.”

(That still did not answer my question.) Just by her expression he knows it is futile to argue with her. A decision made in earnest and in information Link didn’t have. What did Gaddison say or do to earn this respect? To the point that the Gerudo warrior would step away, knowing at this point full well Gaddison had been succeeding in these trials. (Is she giving the post to Gaddi?)

Barta addresses Sidon, “The Zora are a strong and honorable people. I hope I have brought you honor today. Should you find you need the aid of the Gerudo, you can count on me to answer such a call. Your warriors are strong, trustworthy and respectful. There are few warriors I would place my life in their hands. Master Link and Gaddison are two of very few. May the Seven Heroines bless the Domain and their people as you and Master Link reign over these lands. Sarqso, King Sidon.”

Taken aback by the praise to the Domain, Sidon utters softly, “Thank you, Lady Barta. The honor is ours to be so trusted. May your travels back to Gerudo be safe and full of ease.”

Barta gives a Gerudo bow and says to Link, “I am ready to return when you are… seeing as there is no time limit anymore, please take your time. I will await you at the inn.” She smiles and leaves the throne room down the stairs.

Link gazes at Bazz and Sidon, the shock of what just happened still not fully sinking in. Sidon breaks the silence.

“Yiga Clan attack?”

(Of course he would latch on to that detail.)

A sigh leaves his lips. He explains, “An ambush during the second trial that resulted in Gaddison fighting alongside Zelda while I took care of a blademaster. No injuries were had, no damage to the Landing. The unfortunate timing of the event had Lady Barta locked out of the Landing, unable to assist. The Gerudo are the most experienced in dealing with Yiga Clan. Zelda held her own, including saving Gaddison’s life.”

“Saved… what do you mean?” Bazz demands.

Link chuckles darkly, “The ability to read Gaddison coupled with that speed we cannot fathom prevented a fatal blow. Zelda wounded both of her attackers. The first taste of battle was overwhelming for her, but she has since settled from the event.”

“Thank Hylia for that training,” Sidon quips. “Still, surely such a declaration of respect for Gaddison must be based on some interaction with the Gerudo warrior? Do you have any ideas?” he directs to Link.

“I have no idea!” Link barks, “I know they sparred yesterday in preparation for today, but other than that I haven’t seen anything that would indicate such a strong stance.”

“Interesting,” Bazz comments. “And this Lady Barta did well today?”

“Quite well. Barta is Gaddison’s only real competition in these trials. I am flabbergasted as to why she would step away after learning that Gaddi is Zelda’s trainer.”

Bazz chuckles, “Well Gaddison has a way of making easy friends. Much like you do, brother. I wonder if that is what Lady Barta means by not having your spirit?”

Perhaps? Is that really all this is? All Link knows is with Barta backing out, this leaves Gaddison in the lead to take his post.

Link shrugs, “I cannot say for sure as Barta only gave that as her explanation. However, I must return to the Landing so I can speak to Purah and Hoz about these trials. You will receive word of the results by end of day tomorrow.”

Change of a Champion - Chapter 33 - FigWitchwood (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.