Today : KNTV : June 20, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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away. we are continuing today in the bay on roku, pluto and other streaming platforms. you can find us there. we'll have more on the shooting in oakland and scott mcgrew is following the latest out of the supreme court. 23 decisions could come today and tomorrow. plus meet the petaluma skater eyeing her ticket to paris. yes, skating. even though skating is usually a winter sport. yeah, because i was thinking, like, what are you talking about, willis? it's the kind of skating i did back in the day. home in the back pocket . feathered. hey, nice. thanks for joining us. the today show starts right now. have a good morning. good thursday morning. yet another day of extreme weather is on tap. >> and everyone wants to know when will it end. good morning. it's june the 20th. this is "today." ♪♪ oppressive. >> just like being smacked in the face.

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>> tens of millions now in the grip of that dangerous heat wave. even more records are set to fall today, while the season's first tropical storm creates a flooding emergency in texas. and crews out west struggling against raging wild fires. we will have complete coverage and al's full forecast. war of words. escalating tensions between the white house and israel after this claim from benjamin netanyahu. >> the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to israel. israel, america's closest ally. >> the biden administration outraged and pushing back. >> we generally do not know what he's talking about. >> so what does it mean for the war in gaza and the push to free hostages? a live report from the region just ahead. 10 commandments controversy. louisiana becomes the first state to require them in every single public school classroom. opponents already vowing to fight the new law in court. we'll hear from both sides straight ahead.

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on trial. the american ballerina held in russia over a $50 donation to a ukrainian charity appears in court this morning. the first time she's been seen in months. her family fighting for her release. we'll have the very leetest. new details. new video from the night of justin timberlake's dwi arrest. the team speaks out about the incident. those stories, plus in the nick of time. dramatic video shows the moment a father jumps into a pool to rescue his drowning daughter and uses cpr to save the toddler's life. >> i heard her try to cough. when i heard that, my heart just filled with joy so much that she was saved. >> how she's doing. and the important message on water safety her parents want everyone to hear.

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and like father like son. 15-year-old charlie woods qualifies for his first usga championship, an event his dad won three times. what he's saying about following in tiger's very big shoes today, thursday, june 20th, 2024. ♪♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, guys. welcome to "today." it's 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. so happy you're joining us on this thursday morning. savannah is off. wow. how about charlie woods, man? >> chip off the old block, right? >> watching those two next to each other. >> you know, his dad won this thing -- >> yeah, uh-huh. >> the amateur like three times. so it looks like he could do it as well. >> we'll see. meantime, summer is officially here. just a couple hours away. the summer solstice hitting at 1:50 pacific time, which makes this, by the way, the longest day of the year.

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and it turns out, it's right on time. >> that's right. more than 80 million under some kind of heat advisory with several cities from michigan all the way to maine expecting the heat index to reach triple digits. >> the heat out west is continuing to fuel those wild fires. in new mexico, more than 1,400 structures have been destroyed, including about 500 homes. officials in california, they're sharing concerns about the fire season's early start. >> the first named storm of the hurricane season is in place. alberto, causing flash floods across the southeastern part of that state. >> we have all of this covered, everything you need to know, and of course we have al's all-important forecast. let's start with nbc's erin mclaughlin, in a steamy central park. the heat is on. erin, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. we're seeing dangerous conditions nationwide. out west, those wild fires had

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turned deadly, killing at least two in new mexico. here in the northeast, that heat dome continues its dangerous grip with officials warning folks to stay inside and stay safe. this morning, dangerous weather from extreme heat to fires across the country, with over 80 million under heat alerts. >> please stay in the house. stay cool as you can. >> reporter: in the northeast today, half a dozen cities are forecasted to either meet or exceed record highs. in bangor, maine, it's never felt hotter. >> it's like being slapped in the face. >> reporter: folks are staying safe any way they can. shopping malls around churches turned cooling centers. connecticut, crowded beach. >> the only spot open are in the ocean. >> reporter: philly's game, sun block dispensers to deal with the scorching temps. >> water. >> reporter: the major league team taking every precaution. >> we increased medical staff for games this week, especially those games that are during the day. >> reporter: wild weather also

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bringing dangerous conditions out west. in new mexico strong winds and thunderstorms triggering a massive sand storm dropping visibility to less than a mile causing multivehicle crashes. two fast-moving wild fires killed two people. destroying 1,400 structures, prompting a state of emergency and the evacuation of thousands of residents about 150 miles south east of albuquerque. officials say the severe weather could affect fire fighting efforts. >> we have two devastating enormous fires. when i say enormous, it means it is getting more and more complicated to address. >> reporter: back here in new york, it is sweltering. a spokesperson for the new york fire department tells me they have seen an uptick in the number of emergency calls. they don't usually see that uptick until day three, day four of a heat wave. so they're bracing for even more emergency calls today.

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hoda? >> yeah. and the runners and the bikers still out there in central park as per usual. all right, erin. thank you very much. from new york to texas now because a disaster declaration has been issued for parts of texas, now feeling the impact of tropical storm alberto. heavy rain and storm surge from its outer bands flooding several communities, as you can see here, leaving entire neighborhoods underwater. nbc's sam brock joins us now from freeport just south of houston. sam, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. alberto, as you said, the first named storm of the season has been blamed right now for three deaths in mexico. despite the fact it is 700 miles away from where i am in freeport, texas, look at the state of the housing developments here. there is 300 homes, almost all of them covered in water with folks being forced to wade in and out. alberta making a monstrous splash this morning kicking off what's predicted to be

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a record hurricane season. the tropical storm moving over the coast of mexico, but managing to drench texas and louisiana in the process. the texas governor declaring a severe weather disaster as residents like roy scott urge neighbors to take the storm seriously. >> i said, if you go out there in the bay, if you go out there, you're going to die. >> reporter: vacationers in free port, texas, we are greeted by a wall of water at their front door. how high was the water? >> thigh high. >> yeah, at least mid-thigh, yeah. it was -- it was hard. >> reporter: as some tried to evacuate, others opted to run out the storm. cars and trucks trying to make their way through the blinding rains. the rising waters even prevented ambulances from reaching stranded homes. trying to get your ambulance into a lot of these neighborhoods. how difficult is it? >> it's impossible. there are some back there, some houses that are almost completely underwater. >> reporter: rains were also inundating roadways in louisiana, like highway 1, just the beginning of what's expected to be a powerful and punishing

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hurricane season. and experts are predicting this may end up being the busiest hurricane season on record due to unusually strong ocean heat. noaa forecasting in the range of 17 to 25 named storms and predicting 8 to 13 of them will become hurricanes. craig, back to you. >> all right. sam brock there in texas. sam, thanks. 7:08. all eyes on al roker. >> it is already making its way into mexico. we're pointing out the fact you don't need a hurricane or a major tropical storm to cause big problems right now. it is making its way in. what we've got here is tornado watches for the central part of texas to the south brownsville, corpus christi. we will be watching that rain fall. just about down as far as the heaviest. it is going to cause a little

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bit of flooding. now to the heat. 65 million people from grand rapids down to charleston, bangor down to maryland under heat watches and warnings. we also have about 30 million folks out west as well. air quality problems. 47 million of us from chicago to boston looking at problems with our air quality. temperatures today, it is going to feel like 96 in buffalo. 94 in boston, 91 in elkin. and the heat wave continues as we move into tomorrow with it feeling like 95 in new york city. near 100 in nashville. st. louis 99. moving into the weekend, some hot, some not. it depends where you are. if you are south of it, it stays out. columbus temperatures into the upper 80s, low 90s. st. louis mid to upper 90s. but, boston, you cool down. saturday 74 degrees. philadelphia, though, staying into the 90s. norfolk, virginia temperatures into the 90s as well. this swelter continues into early next week. craig? >> al, we'll come back to you in a few minutes. meanwhile, another major story we're following this morning the escalating tensions between the united states and

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israel over the on going war in gaza. the white house now postponing a meeting with israeli officials after prime minister benjamin netanyahu accused the u.s. of withholding weapons. nbc's matt bradley joins us with more on this from jerusalem. matt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, craig. another sign of that increasingly acrimonious relationship between the biden administration and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. axios reported that the white house was enraged after the u.s. scolded the u.s. over delayed arms deliveries. a new war of words breaking out between washington and jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu accused the u.s. of not sending promised weapons to israel. >> it's inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been with holding weapons and ammunitions to israel. israel, america's closest ally, fighting for its life. during world war ii church hill told the united states, give us the tools.

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we'll do the job. i say, give us the tools and we'll finish the job a lot faster. >> reporter: the white house's response also coming quick and sharp. >> let me just start off by saying that we genuinely do not know what he's talking about. we just don't. >> reporter: there had already been tension over a previously delayed shipment of bombs to israel over u.s. concerns it might be used to kill civilians in rafah. >> as you know, we're continuing to review one shipment, but everything else is moving as it normally would move. >> reporter: the white house denied reports that it canceled a meeting with israeli officials over the video. but u.s. officials told nbc news they were reluctant to reward netanyahu with a meeting and that it had been postponed. more pressure for netanyahu this morning after the main idf contradicted the goal of defeating hamas. saying overnight, anyone who thinks can eliminate hamas is wrong. adding the idea that it can be destroyed without new leadership being installed in gaza is throwing sand in the eyes of the public.

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the government saying that the idf is committed to destroying hamas. and craig, we're seeing more attacks in the red sea. the british military is reporting that a greek ship that was attacked a few days ago by yemen's houthi rebels has sunk, craig? >> matt bradley for us there in jerusalem. matt, thank you. also this morning, a controversial move in louisiana is making headlines all around the country. the state's republican governor signed a new law requiring the ten commandments be displayed in all public school classrooms. critics are quick to question the constitutionality and of course threatening some lawsuits there. let's bring in nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarett. walk us through what happened there. >> all right. the governor signed this new law. the poster will have to be posted, as you say, in every classroom, a big poster. but it also has to have some context saying that the ten commandments has been a part of american history. they are trying to do that they show it's not just about religion. the bill's sponsors know it

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could trigger legal issues. it also pointed out, the state funds will not be used to do this poster. it will come from private donations. louisiana is the only state in the nation to do this, and the governor is already saying he welcomes lawsuits. he can't wait to be sued, he said. >> so it sounds like he's anticipating this lawsuit. how do we expect this will play out in court. >> so, as you might imagine, the supreme court has had things to say about this in the past. back in the 1980s, skye kai tried to do this exact thing, guys, and the court said no good. violates the first amendment. they struck it down. but more recently over the last couple decades the court's composition has changed. it might be that the bill's sponsors that this u.s. supreme court has a conservative supermajority might look more favorably on this. as we have seen a line of case over the past couple years really being much more sympathetic to religious views of expression. >> our senior legal correspondent laura jarrett, thank you, laura. to an update on a story we have been following for months now. a los angeles woman, also a ballerina, detained in russia and held on charges of treason.

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early this morning her trial got under way. nbc's chief international correspondent keir simmons has the very latest here. keir, good morning. back home i california. her trial as you say getting under way, but then a minute later adjourned, postponed because of proceduralissues. and just last year russia increased the maximum sentence for the charges she faces, treason, to lifetime >> reporter: hoda, good morning. it's more agony. her trial getting under way and minutes later, adjourned, postponed because of procedural issues. just last year, russia increased the maximum sentence for the charges she faces treason to life time imprisonment. this morning, our first glimpse of american in months, casually dressed, sitting in the dark, managing something of a smile. in court for her trial in russia, only to learn she will wait longer. the case postponed until august. a long way from her life in california. an amateur ballerina who became a u.s. citizen and friends say was only in russia to visit her elderly mother.

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the 33-year-old charged with treason because, her boyfriend says, she gave $5080 cents for a ukrainian charity. in a statement overnight he told nbc news, she is an innocent young woman her whole life ahead of her. she is full of compassion and donated a small amount to a u.s. nonprofit to help people in need. she is not an activist for any cause. expressing the hope the court will see that prosecuting her is a mistake and send her home to los angeles. she joins a growing list of american citizens imprisoned in russia, including "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich whose trial begins next week facing the same judge. his newspaper says he is innocent. the u.s. says he is wrongfully detained. president putin this morning in vietnam, after a visit to kim jong-un in north korea, signing more strategic partnership agreements has said talks are

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under way to exchange gershkovich following the 2022 deal for wnba star brittney griner, who was freed in a prisoner swap after time in a penal colony, she says, she will never forget. and that news, hoda, that evan gershkovich faces the same judge next week will be noted by his friends and family, the way the case started and stopped today, perhaps a warning for them to brace themselves emotionally. hoda? >> indeed. keir simmons there in germany. keir simmons, thank you. big day in the weather department. what's happening? let's bring mr. roker back. what are we looking at, buddy? >> good morning. good morning to you. severe storms in northern new england. that summer sizzler continues. we have a flood risk in the northern plains and parts of the upper midwest. we will look at that in the next half hour. showers and storms in the southwest. lots of sunshine and heat out west. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.

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(man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. coming up, we're going to

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talk about the summer solstice. >> that's today? >> that's it. we're going to explain what it is and why it's the earliest ever. >> oh, okay. cool. thank you, al. coming up, new details and images from justin timberlake's dwi arrest as a member of the star's team speaks out. we have kaylee hartung in studio with that story. hey, kaylee. >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys. we have seen the photos of timber lake in handcuffs. now we have what we believe new surveillance footage. with the star set to be on stage tomorrow night for his world war, coming up, we will tell you about the potential consequences he could face. >> all right. we'll do that in just a moment. also ahead, dramatic video of a father using cpr to save his young daughter after a near drowning. why this dad wants all parents to see it and the important message the family is sharing on swim safety on this first y of summer. summer. da golden 1 credit union agrees,

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7:21 am

"you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me you just remember what your old pal said. life is a journey boy, you've got a friend in me." everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. now through august 4th, 2024. vist the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time. still ahead, we have a slew

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of still ahead, we have a slew of stars. >> we do. two-time oscar winner emma stone and jesse plemons. they'll give us a sneak peek of their movie. and eva longoria will join us talking about her return to tv. but, first, your local news. so i talked to my doctor. she told me i could build on my wins, without changing my antidepressant. rexulti, when added to an antidepressant, significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. and less depression... that's a win. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have an increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur.

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7:25 am

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risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. 726 i'm kris sanchez, and here are the top stories is starting with our breaking news and gunfire during oakland's juneteenth celebrations. i'm bob redell here in oakland, where several people have been shot

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during a juneteenth celebration last night here around lake merritt, you can see there's a bullet hole in one of the buildings here along grand avenue, police say this started around 815. as you can see in this video, with an illegal sideshow at this intersection here at grand and euclid. and in about 30 minutes later, there was a fight. a number of people ran down to that. then a number of gunshots. also today, part of highway one near big sur is set to reopen this weekend after a year and a half of repairs. caltrans says. highway one at paul slide will reopen sunday. will also once again give direct access to nearby impacted communities. the stretch of roadway, you might remember was closed in january of last year because of storm damage. two other major slides are still under repair. regent's slide is set to open this fall. dolan point, though, won't open until next summer. meteorologist kari hall is here with our first day of summer forecast, and it's going to be a nice one. starting out with clouds and cool temperatures, we're headed for

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the upper 60s in san mateo in martinez, 81 degrees. really comfortable weather, but it's going to get much hotter tomorrow with a lot of our inland valleys in the upper 80s and low 90s, but that's not the peak of the heat we get the hottest day on saturday, triple digits in concord on saturday. chris. all right. thank you kari. and don't forget you can watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8:00 this morning, including the latest out of washington, where we are waiting for some key supreme court rulings. you cacatch thatn

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let's get ready. first day of summer, everybody. it's a girls' trip! ladies! lots of folks here. hello, young lady. everybody doing good. your 10th birthday. happy birthday to you. we've got some girl scouts in the corner. 34th anniversary. there you go. it's your 50th birthday. there it is, ladies and gentlemen. >> wow! >> first around the horn in the summer. we will do it again at 8:30 with our executive producer pete brine. he will carry me. >> oh, nice. >> all around. >> he carries me everyday. >> the rest of al's barbershop quartet will be joining him. for the next around the horn. >> that's right. i have an outfit just for you, craig. >> that's great. lot of folks out there. >> i know you have a special version. you have the one with culottes. >> all right, al. happy to have sheinelle jones here.

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>> good morning. >> savannah is enjoying a little time off today. >> let's get to headlines. first up in this half hour, new details and video now emerging in the wake of justin timberlake's dwi arrest. we're also hearing from his attorney for the first time. >> nbc's kaylee hartung is in studio with the very latest on this one. kaylee, good morning. >> good morning. justin timberlake told police he had one martini before being pulled over, failing field sobriety tests and being arrested. his attorney says he looks forward to vigorously defending timberlake, suggesting that the ten-time grammy winner is gearing up for a legal fight right in the middle of his world tour. >> justin! >> reporter: in the days since justin timberlake was arrest and charged with driving while intoxicated, the spotlight on the singer is intensifying. ♪ cry me a river ♪ this morning, new surveillance video shows a vehicle that matches the description of the one timberlake was driving, heading in the direction where he was pulled over by police. sag harbor pd have not responded

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to nbc news request to confirm the vehicle in the video is ti timberlake's. the pop superstar so far staying silent in the matter, letting his lawyer weigh in. i will have a lot to say at the appropriate time, but i am currently awaiting full discovery from the district attorney's office. the 43-year-old was seen monday night at the american hotel a hampton's establishment frequented by celebrities. police say they pulled him over just after midnight in a bmw after he failed to stop at this stop sign and swerved in two different places. according to court documents an officer determined timberlake was intoxicated, struggling to walk heel to toe and stand on one foot and using arms to sway with his balance. he told officers he had one martini and refused to take a breathalyzer test three times. according to documents. he was arrested. and released nine hours later without having to post bail. this comes the middle of the ten-time grammy winner's world tour. he was last seen saturday in

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miami and is expected tomorrow in chicago, giving no indication these legal troubles will affect his upcoming schedule. but just as he kicks off the european leg of his tour on july 26th, he'll face his next court hearing. the singer likely joining the virtual proceedings from poland where he'll perform that night. his wife, actress, jessica biel shooting her latest project in new york city. last month she addressed the challenges of their busy schedules. >> when he has his breaks, we'll hang out and try to do something that's relaxing and fun. i mean, he has to relax. like he really has to relax. >> so kaylee, what are the potential consequences here? what might timberlake be looking at? >> he could face up to one year of jail time. but legal experts said that's unlikely. what's more likely for a first-time offender is a fine, community service. and a suspended driver's license.

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>> he has that tour. he probably wants all this wrapped up. >> i think we will be looking to see what tomorrow night is like for him in chicago. >> thank you. >> thank you, kaylee. still ahead, we're getting excited for the paris olympics. a first look at simone biles' new documentary, taking the world behind the scenes of her incredible comeback. but first, summer swim safety is in the spotlight with one family sharing harrowing video of their toddler's near drowning. nbc's morgan chesky has hair story. >> good morning. summer is officially upon us. which is why it is crucial everyone hear this north carolina family's story. how fun in the sun turned into life saving survival and the life saving measures everyone needs to know before heading into the water. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up!

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7:38 am

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7:39 am

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drowned in their pool. >> morgan chesky joins us with this dramatic message and their story. >> when you see this video, it reminds us how critical cpr is when it comes to saving a life. with school out in many parts of the country, pools, lakes, beaches already filling up. but as one family can attest, it only took a few seconds for fun in the water to take a potentially deadly turn. >> i never ever in my life thought that would happen at any pool with my kids. >> reporter: a family's worst nightmare unfolding in their north carolina backyard. >> 911. a kid fell in the pool. the baby fell in the pool. >> reporter: this 2-year-old mila swimming with her family and friends when a fun weekend became a fight for survival. >> i actually was sitting like in this very spot right here. >> reporter: mila's father matthew says he was keeping a close eye on the pool when he briefly turned away.

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home surveillance video captured what happened next. >> i heard my 10-year-old daughter scream out my younger daughter's name, mila, like that. and i knew immediately that blood curdling scream, what that meant. i saw my daughter mila floating in the pool with her head down and her arms like this. i immediately jumped into the pool. >> reporter: matthew and his wife amy both medical professionals are also cpr certified. i immediately started mouth to mouth. i started breathing in her mouth. my friend immediately started chest compressions. >> i heard a cry. and i heard her try to cough. and when i heard that, my heart just filled with joy so much that she was saved and she was alive. >> reporter: mila survived, but the cdc says crowning remaining the leading cause of drowning for children age 1 through 4. and that number is on the rise,

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speaking 20% between 2019 and 2022. which is why safety experts say layers of protection are crucial. starting with supervision. have adults take turns being the designated water watcher. and in public always check for life guards and where they're stationed. next, barriers. residential pools need a fence and self-locking gate. consider alarms on doors that lead outside. and finally, get cpr certified. >> this is vitally important to do breaths as well to make sure that oxygen is getting to the brain. we have minutes when we are talking about a child who has been in water, anybody for that matter. >> reporter: experts say with the right knowledge and training lives just like mila's can be saved. she spent one night in a hospital but since then has made a full recovery. her parents and sister hoping their story helps others. >> everybody needs to be around their little sister or brother

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that can't swim well. >> i want everyone possible to know cpr because it really does save lives. >> reporter: as scary as that story is, so many things went right. the sister saw the parents are cpr trained. they went that quick and did everything within minutes. that's such a good story. a lot of times these things morgan, happen at the beach where things can be a little more tenuous. what do you do there? >> yeah, hoda. we spoke to an expert. the red cross says always swim with a buddy. even if you're in a life guarded area, it doesn't matter, the buddy system still applies. beware of weather and water conditions such as currents or waves, which are not just found in oceans. there could be issues in fresh water as well. an expert we spoke to suggests dressing your kids up in bright colors so they are easily seen in the water by you and potentially a life guard. he says do not let flotation devices create a false sense of security. always be watching. we do want to thank our friends in charlotte for alerting us to

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this very important story. good tips for all of us as we head to the water. guys? >> yeah. all right. >> that includes water parks, all the places. thank you so much, morgan. we appreciate it. all right. mr. roker standing by. lots of severe weather out there. >> we are looking at this line of storms making its way to the east right now. one line approaching minneapolis, another chicago. probably see some airport delays over the next several hours. then as we move to the east, we have a risk of severe weather for 12 million people from buffalo, portland, boston, down to liberty. tornado threat low, but damaging hail and wind, heavy rain back through the upper mississippi river valley in the northern plains. locally they could be looking at five inches. today is the summer solstice. so earth axis usually tilted at about 23.5 degrees. now at 4:20 this afternoon, the north pole will reach its maximum tilt toward the sun. so that means more daylight today than any other day of the year. the sun reaches its highest point in the sky.

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it shines directly over the tropic of cancer at 23.5 north. so we will be enjoying this summer. then after today, every day gets a little shorter. speaking of shorter, this is actually the -- right now this is the earliest we have ever seen the summer solstice since 1796. why? because we have to adjust because of leap years, the fact that the sun doesn't go around the -- the earth doesn't go around the sun 365 days exactly. although, you know, craig does think that it does. >> oh, wow. wow. >> i could see you looking because i made a little mistake. >> no, no. >> but anyway, we have to adjust because of leap years and things like that. so that's why we're actually seeing the sun and this summer day starting earlier than 1796. i was talking to joe biden about that the other day. we enjoyed it so much when we talked with georgeorge washi

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and that is your latest weather. >> all right. thank you, professor roker. >> that was great. >> we liked that. just ahead, high-tech new clothes for the gym that promises to give you a better workout, burn more calories. do they really work? and are they worth your money? >> we'll find out. plus, a can't miss morning boost coming your way after this.

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♪ down in the woods ♪ ♪ the prettiest tree, ♪ ♪ that you ever did see... ♪ ♪ now we all have roots ♪ ♪ and roots help us grow ♪ ♪ we water where we live plant seeds here at home ♪ ♪ grow jobs, grow skills ♪ ♪ so what's good makes more more fact'ries, more farms ♪ ♪ more goods on the roads what we make together ♪ ♪ makes the whole world go. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around all around ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around. ♪ at jpmorganchase, the investments we make help make businesses happen that make jobs happen, that make communities happen. together, we make momentum happen. (♪♪) you will always remember her first bike ride...

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...and how it first made her feel. (♪♪) i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ♪♪ )

7:49 am

♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar.

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♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ this is a craft 170 years in the making. (sniffing sound) for bold, smooth flavor in every batch of black silk. it's something we pride ourselves on at folgers... ♪ i don't give a med bout' my reputation ♪ yeah, i said folgers. we are back with carson. look how sparkly he is. >> summer carson. >> if i could get a boost. >> i have you covered. notre dame swimmer chris giuliano had already secured his place on the u.s. olympic team.

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for the first time that happened this week after finishing second in the 200 meter freestyle, but he wasn't done yet. last night he surprised a crowd of 22,000 people in lieu kas oil stadium in indianapolis by outsprinting the favorite. he won the 100 meter freestyle final. his parents and a big group of notre dame fans watched from the stands and giuliano made his dreams come true. take a look. >> yeah! >> that's awesome. >> the guy in green, that's his dad, joe. he's a little bit excited. >> that's great. but watch this special moment when joe makes his way all the way up the stairs to his wife, cecelia, chris's mom. you can see the emotions coming out of the two. all the practices, all those years of hard work. now let's go to paris and represent team usa. >> that's a good one. >> thank you for that. >> you're welcome.

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uncle al, have you seen your friend craig melvin on andy cohen's show last night. were your ears ringing? >> wait, what? >> what did he have to say? >> a lot of things. mainly, uncle al, we'll give you the details. >> did you doctor the tape? >> oh. >> but eva longoria stops by to talk about her new show and about her winery in spain on the countryside. land of women. we will learn all about it after your local news and weather and these quick messages. >> good sell. against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the “dad cab”, it's my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor today about hpv vaccination. (ambient sounds, clock ticking)

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starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,

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balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression.

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and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at ♪ [song playing - here comes the hotstepper by ini kamoze] ♪ ask your doctor about caplyta. woman 1: ha ha! woman 2: hmm hmm! ♪

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good morning. it's 756. i'm kris sanchez and i'm marcus washington. here's what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco. baseball fans continue to pay tribute to willie mays at his statue outside oracle park. oracle park opening its gates later today. even if the giants are out of town, the team will be in birmingham, alabama, and will

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play at rickwood field in a historic game against the cardinals. today, major league baseball continues to honor and pay tribute to the league, and with willie mays passing, it has also now become a celebration of his life and legacy. gates at oracle park opened at 12 noon for fans who want to watch the game. their first pitch is at 415. now we want to get a look at that forecast for that game or whatever you have planned. yeah, we are going to have some clear weather for the inland valleys, but still that fog lingers in san francisco and along the coastline that will cause our temperatures to spread out today from the coast to the valleys will be in the upper 70s for san jose and some hotter weather is ahead. we'll be tracking that with a full update right here and online. back to you. thank you kari. be sure to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast. we're starting that in just a few minutes. at 8:00, a live update from oakland where gunfire shattered juneteenth celebrations. watch on roku, pluto and other streaming platforms

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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, extreme weather. record-breaking heat impacting millions this morning. >> please stay in the house. stay cool as you can. and fuelling dangerous wild fires as the first named storm of the season causes chaos in

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the gulf. al's full forecast just ahead. plus, work it out. inside the new trend in gym clothing that promises to give you a better workout. >> can you tell if they're helping with my form at all? >> well, your movement is absolutely perfect right now. >> how does it hold up? vicky nguyen gives it a go. and flipping the script. simone biles opens up in a new documentary. >> so i had some mental blocks in the gym recently. >> giving fans some rare behind the scenes look at her mental health, to her personal life, to what's next. >> i'm going for another olympic run. >> we have a sneak peek coming up in "popstart". and vips in studio 1a. eva long longoria back on tv and in a big way. she'll tell us about her brand new show. plus, emma stone and jesse plemons team up on the big

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screen. >> open your eyes and look clearly what's going on around you. ♪ >> hi. >> they're all here live for a star-studded show, today, thursday, june 20th, 2024. [ cheers and applause ]. >> girl scout troop 1883 from california. >> on a mother-daughter trip. >> from mississippi. >> here for my mom's 50th birthday. >> visiting from paducah, kentucky. >> from georgia. >> birmingham, alabama. >> al tu altoona, iowa. >> westlake village, california. >> and destin, florida. >> celebrating carter's graduation. >> from the ohio state university. >> best friends for 50 years. >> from newcastle, indiana. >> celebrating our sweet 16. >> celebrating retirement --

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>> after 33 years in education. >> whoo! hats off, ladies. 33 years. in education. good to see you. good to see all these bright, shining faces outside. 7:30. we got to see a lot of those faces, and we can't wait to get out, get some hugs, say hello. we have sheinelle jones in studio filling in as savannah enjoys some time off. much deserved. >> by the way, something we loo. the team does this every year. they shine a light on every day heroes in the forward to every year. tomorrow on "today." we will take you inside the new york yankees hope week. the team does this every year. they shine a light on every day heroes in the communities. superstars out. aaron judge, as you can see there. garrett paul. they joined us last year on the plaza. so this year we're going to head to their house. yankees stadium. i'll go a little bit later today for a closer look at their inspiring campaign. >> oh, nice. >> we have a kid that you are going to love. >> to love? >> to fall in love with him tomorrow. >> look forward to that, craig. let's get to our news at 8:00. we will start off with, of

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course, that extreme weather. across much of the country, more than 80 million people are under some kind of heat advisory this morning. several cities from michigan to maine expecting the heat index to reach triple digits. now out west, the heat is fueling those wild fires. in new mexico, more than 1,400 structures have been destroyed, including 500 homes. in the meantime, the first named storm is in full swing, bringing heavy rain to the gulf coast and, of course, al is keeping track of all of it. he's back with the latest. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. alberto made land fall into mexico, moving west at 35 miles per hour, 450 mile-per-hour winds. you can see we do have a lot of heavy rain now. still another 1 to 2 inches possible. laredo, corpus christi and on into the panhandle. we're talking anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of rain. we have heat alerts from california to the northeast.

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all told we're talking over 80 million people. but in the northeast, great lakes, 65 million people under heat advisories and heat warnings as well with heat indexes into the mid to upper 90s from bangor to detroit, indianapolis, washington, d.c., continues tomorrow with again that heat -- those heat indexes again near 100 degrees to the mid to upper 90s. but the good news is if you're north of this front, temperatures cool down remarkably from buffalo, boston, traverse city, michigan, but to the south of the front, we're talking temperatures still into early next week upper 80s into the mid to upper 90s. guys? >> all right, al. we'll come back in just a few minutes. meanwhile, al just mentioned there, summer officially arriving today. the 4th of july right around the corner. and this morning, aaa says you can expect a record breaking number of travelers for that holiday. nbc business correspondent brian cheung with everything we need to know as we get ready to plan

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the 4th of july trips. first of all, how many folks are talking about traveling the 4th of july weekend and where are they going? >> happy summer. this comes after a record-number of travellers for memorial weekend. that's one reason why aaa is saying this memorial day could break records as well. they're projecting 79 million traveling. when you break it out, the majority of those will be driving, right? a lot will be taken by car. those over 50 miles. you will also have those that will be flying and also taking trains and planes as well. so, again, this is a lot of people that are expected to be traveling. >> some people are last-minute bookers. they haven't booked their trips yet for the 4th of july. how much do you think it will run you if you waited? >> yeah. when it comes to the prices themselves, we have to remember for those driving, gas prices are cheaper this year. right now $3.44. that's the average per gallon down 14 cents from this time last year. good news for those that are

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doing car rentals as well. it will be cheaper, some data from the government shows that prices for car rentals are down almost 9% from last year. and airfare is down 2% from last year. that depends on what itinerary you are looking at. of course. >> even for last-minute bookings. >> even for some last-minute bookings. depending on where you're going, of course. >> any advice on how to make the trip go smoother? >> july 4th falls on thursday. if you are trying to travel on wednesday and come back on sunday, so is everybody else. so those will be the heaviest traffic days. the best day to travel according to aaa will be july 1st if you can afford to take off earlier in that week. for those that are traveling by plane, of course, some good practices for getting to the airport. you want to get there earlier. try to give yourself two hours in addition to maybe just put everything into your carry-on and don't have to deal with a checked bag. also reserve a parking spot. you can pull up to the airport and get on, at some airports. >> thanks, brian.

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like father, like son. charlie woods, the son of legendary golfer tiger woods qualified yesterday for his first usga championship. woods shot a one under 71 at a qualifier in charles springs, coral springs, florida. the 15-year-old advances to the junior amateurs championship. it will be held in michigan next month. charlie, of course, is following in the footsteps of his dad who won three usga titles back in the early '90s. charlie said, i want to win the usga championship and hopefully one day the u.s. open. >> i'm going to go out on a limb here and predict -- >> he's on his way. >> he will. >> no question about that. >> for sure, for sure. all right. just ahead, simone biles sharing a peek behind the curtain on her road to the olympics. carson has our first look all coming up in "popstart." first, though, can your workout clothes really help you get in shape? vicky nguyen checked out the newest trend in workout fashions. hey, vick. >> good morning. you may have heard of the active wear that helps you burn more calories or correct your

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posture. what happened when we asked real women to try these clothes and what i learned when i wore them to work out. that's next right here on "today." here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...

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...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ ♪ takes everything you've got. ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see... ♪ ♪ troubles are all the same. ♪ ♪ you wanna go where everybody knows your name. ♪ they're grrreat! i came here to find love, but instead i found a best friend. señor snuffles? you stole my sock and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love. ♪ more dog ♪ what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source.

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voltaren, the joy of movement. (america ferrera) some people think it's impossible voltaren, for a snack to be delicious and full of protein. but it's possible to be two things at once. like today i'm business... and i'm casual. (vo) yoplait protein. 15 grams of protein and it tastes so good. saratoga spring water served on the finest tables for over 150 years. and now, the official water of bravo's top chef. ♪♪ (vo) when someone is diagnosed with cancer, they need support. subaru and its retailers ware there to help ...hef. ... by providing blankets for comfort and warmth and encouraging messages of hope to help support nearly three hundred-fifty thousand patients facing cancer nationwide. we call it “the subaru love promise.” and we're proud to be the largest automotive donor to the leukemia and lymphoma society. subaru. more than a car company.

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"today's consumer." this morning a closer look at resistance wear, a new trend in workout clothes that help you burn more calories and also improve your form. >> but are the clothes worth the investment? vicky nguyen is here. >> tell us! >> you were skeptical, weren't you? >> i'm always skeptical, craig. you may have seen these ads on social media companies touting their leggings, shorts, sports bras as the next big thing to give you an edge when you exercise. so we went to the experts, and see if the claims pan out and we found out what real women have to say. >> reporter: new active wear ads on social media promise everything from muscle support and increased calorie burn to posture correction. this sports bra wentz viral

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after taylor swift was seen wearing one. it's workout wear with a boost and it's a fast-growing segment of the $238 billion market. to understand the science behind the claims, we chose popular items to try. leggings that have resistance bands sewn inside that say they will give you a better workout and burn more calories. leggings out the compression support and form science sports apparel, the sports bra taylor wore and the sculpt shorts that help with posture and alignment. we note emma seymour at the good housekeeping institute. they had up to five women test the products for up to three weeks. first we looked at the bra. one of the promises for this sports bra is it will improve your posture. what did the testers say? >> they did find when wearing the sports bra they were more cognizant of their posture. they felt like this tight band in that back gave them that gentle reminder to pull their

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shoulder blades down in back. >> next up, the leggings. >> these are designed to help provide zone compression on your legs to help you in theory aid with muscle strength and recovery. >> reporter: she says testers didn't really notice those benefits but they like the fit. >> the main con they noted sit a thicker material but because of that some did feel it ran hot. >> reporter: the company says the effectiveness of the benefits varies on individual factors and frequency of use and that the medium thickness allows for year-round wear though they have other options to help wearers stay cool. the built-in resistance bands can help you give you a better workout and burn more calories. >> they found them uncomfortable because of the compression but the company says they're excited to take the first steps towards having clothing do more for you. >> so how would i perform wearing these clothes in a work-out lab? we went to the princeton longevity center in manhattan

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where certified physiologist compared my form in regular clothes and the resistance wear as i lunge, squatted, stepped and ran my way toward answers. >> she was warming up and now it's around 83 beats or so. so now we're ready to start. >> he's reading that from a little monitor that i have here right above my sternum. i started in the leggings. can you tell if they're helping with my form at all? >> your movement is absolutely perfect right now. >> reporter: then i wore the sweet flex leggings. >> it is harder to work out in these pants. >> you're welcome at 120 already. >> you saw a difference in my heart rate with the tighter pants. >> yes. harder for me. harder for my workout which mean mrs. calories. >> also cardiovascular conditioning. it's a good workout. >> reporter: next up the form bra and shorts. >> i do kind of feel like it's holding my posture now that i'm running. i do feel supported. >> reporter: we compared to regular workout clothes. >> when you have tight leggings

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on you feel more stability and movement. >> i see your movement is correct, but i also see a little -- a little movement of your hip going in a little. so that's a little bit instability. >> reporter: then it was time for the big reveal. did the claims of our work-out wear really live up to the hype? what was your biggest take away from when i was in regular clothes versus when i was wearing the resistance clothing. >> really your running. with the outfit you were very stable. your heart rate was under control. when you had the regular running outfit on, immediately we notice hip drop on your right side and we also notice your left elbow flying out. you were breathing a little heavier. that is then telling us that the outfits may help. >> yeah. >> we should note these were not scientific experiments. results may vary for individuals. they won't work if you hate working out like carson.

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these companies are not the only ones out there who make clothing with claims. these are the ones we chose because we saw them on a lot of social media feeds. this cannot possibly work or what is this all about. and i was surprised. even when i was running, i felt like everything was held into place. helped me with my form. >> if i'm wearing some resistance wear that makes me feel good about myself, i'm less likely to work out that day because i walk -- i put it on. i'll work out tomorrow. >> you might burn more calories, but i would assume you're going to burn more cash, too. >> these legs start around $74. the sports bra goes for $178. >> the taylor swift one. >> yes, that one. i would just say, don't wear them all day because they're very constrictive. they're tight and the doctors say that's not something you should wear for eight hours a day. >> maybe if you don't have a lot of time and want et get it in and get it done. >> i would think it's harder for

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me to do something i do less of it. when you crank up the bike, hard to pedal. >> the walk to ihop is long. >> interesting. >> interesting. >> you were skeptical going in. >> i was always skeptical. how could this be. just buy a smaller size, it will be tighter. no, the resistance bands are placed in strategic locations. >> it's like the k-tape is inside. >> interesting. let's head over to mr. roker to get a check of the forecast. hey, al. >> i'm tired listening to all of this. i'm exhausted. i feel like i worked out. in fact, it does work. we love that. we're looking at severe storms yesterday in northern new england flood risk through the upper great lakes and the upper midwest. some showers and storms through the southwest. plenty of sunshine out west. that's what's goinon around g

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and if you're heading out the don't, forget channel 108 today show confidential guaranteed to cool you off both >> no! >> what's on "popstart". >> okay. we will start "popstart" with simone biles. the olympic gold medalist the subject of a two part documentary coming to netnetfli. an because you'll be olympics. streamers calling it the most powerful comeback in sports. here is a look. >> wow.

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>> people love to watch the come up. as soon as you win, god i hate her. but everything that happened, it's a trauma response. i wanted to quit 500,000 time. i would have if it weren't for my people. >> we want to make sure she's in a great place. >> she's the greatest in the world but she's also human. >> she bounced back and she really opened my eyes. >> i knew it would be a long journey. but to me it wasn't done. >> that will be so good. on so many levels whether you're a sports fan or not because mental health -- just the idea of perseverance. >> i think you rely on people to tell your story and now she is like this is my story. i'm telling it. i kind of like that, yeah. >> simone biles, "rising" starts streaming on july 17th. next up, the country chart

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topper laney wilson. star-studded "twisters" sound track. here is a sneak peek. here is the track out of oklahoma. ♪ ♪ can you take the home out of oklahoma ♪ ♪ it's where my soul was born to be ♪ ♪ sno matter where i'm going, just rolling like a tumble weed ♪ >> she's the best. "firsters" in july 19th. that song comes out today. but maybe arguably most importantly next tuesday we'll have laney on our plaza. it will be packed. i have neighbors, friends, people i don't like asking me can i come? >> everybody wants to come. that will be good. again, that's next tuesday. next up, tim mcgraw, the grammy winner's golden pipes run in the family.

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his nephew timothy wayne will be his opening act. he put young timothy's talents to the test. >> what do you know? keith whitly "don't close your eyes." play it. ♪ don't close your eyes, let it be me ♪ ♪ and don't pretend it's him, and some fantasy ♪ ♪ darling just once let yesterday go and you'll find more love than you've ever known ♪ >> whoa. >> he took that -- >> blake would have turned his chair in two seconds on that. that's real deal soulful. >> beautiful. >> runs in the family there. timothy signed his first record deal in april and will go out on the road with his uncle. cool. next up, craig, you were up late last night with our friend andy cohen on "watch what happens live." they did a rapid fire be about all of us here at the "today

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""show. seems like you were obsessed with somebody in particular. >> who takes the long nest hair and makeup. roeker? >> roker. >> who goes off the cuff the most. >> roker. >> who do you hang out with the most off camera? >> roker. >> who flubs their reads the most? >> roker? >> who is the most fun to travel with? >> fun to travel with -- >> you're all going to paris. >> roker. you know why, because you when walk the airport with al roker, it's like you're walking through the airport with jesus christ. the seas part. >> all true. >> all that is true. >> it is. >> the comparison is a bit -- >> well, yes. >> but -- >> we got the idea. we get the idea. >> my love for you is well known. >> i love you, too. >> i feel like i'm in the way. >> look at this. beautiful, guys. beautiful. next up, time for a special "popstart" announcement. mr. roker, you my friend have a cook book in the works. >> wait what?

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>> look at this. >> that's the first time anybody has seen the coffver, i think. >> is that bacon? >> tell us about it. >> i'm teaming up with somebody very special, my daughter, courtney. >> yes. >> who is a professional chef. she said, i would love to do a cook book with you. great, you do the work. she tested all the recipes. >> wow. >> she wrote them. did a great job. found the stylist to do it and the photographs. so, it's all coming out october 15th. go to >> did you write some stuff, too? >> i wrote some stuff, the head notes and everything. but we had a recipe tester. she did it while she was pregnant, which was amazing. >> the two of you guys -- you're the real deal. you really cook. you cook really well. these are recipes that you consume. >> uncle al is a big foodie. i follow for what you make nick. >> one of the things -- you will come to see this. one of the greatest moments of your life is when you realize

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your kid is actually good and professional and courtney is a great chef. so i'm just thrilled and proud to be doing this book with her. >> congratulations. that's pretty cool. october it comes out. finally, hoda, for you, "making space" new episode out yesterday, every wednesday. qr code coming up. this week, you're chatting with who? tell us about it. >> oh my gosh. so the woman who founded i.t. cosmetics. this woman has been making cosmetics in her house for years. she got rejected by everybody. went on qvc for ten minutes, sold out, sold that company for a billion dollars. >> no way. >> that girl right there had 0 and took off like a rocketship. now she's written a book called "wor "worthy." it's awesome. take a listen. >> my prayer for anybody listening today, if they're feeling like they're not enough or unworthy of being who they truly are, it's like no-no. those are not the things wrong with you. you think they're the wrong with you. they're the things most right with you.

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you can only have a connection with another human being if you're fully you. >> now, if you hadn't -- >> i love that story. follow these celebrity influencers now in that space, they seem to dominate it, it's so nice to see -- >> she was toiling. can you imagine? i guess somebody saw her and said, you don't have the look we're looking for to sell cosmetics and she just kept going. i love her. >> the latest episode, search for making spaces wherever you get your podcasts. new episodes every wednesday. >> nice. coming up, look who is here. the very busy eva longoria. she has a new show out. she has so much she's working on. >> wine country?

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we are back now! it is 8:30. it's a thursday morning. giving a little extra camera time to the crowd on the plaza out on what is going to be the longest day of the year. first day of summer. >> come on! >> happy birthday. we love true 1883. happy birthday. happy anniversary. hoda said she's cute. >> let me see you. come here, girl. what's your name? >> caroline. >> caroline, you are cute. and this is your sister? you're cute, too. what is your name? >> mary. >> are you a sister, too? what's your name? >> cindy. >> oh, cute. oh, cute. >> that's a lot of cuteness. >> that's a lot of cuteness. all right. let's go inside and take a look at eva longoria. >> she's cute. >> she's very cute. we will talk about her new dramedy.

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eit's called "land of women." she's celebrating some big family and career milestones. look who's here, emma stone, jesse plemons. they're starring in a new movie called "kinds of kindness." it is going to sr. surprise you. i watched it last night with my wife. it's very fascinating. they will tell us all about it in a few minutes. >> looking forward to all that. plus, chassie post is here with shop all day with posting hacks and great fashion finds that you will love and see all summer long, al. and on the 3rd hour of "today," we will break down summer by the numbers, from vacations to sales and what could be the song of the summer. carson, you probably have some thoughts on that. >> i do. i'll save them. i'll save them. >> could be. could be. could be. >> shabuzi. >> when we talk about it, shabuzi! >> the crowd said yes. >> the young people say. also looking at tomorrow on "today," we have been catching up with his costars all week. and tomorrow sam worthington horizon actor, will join us to

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share his take on the western emic. all right now, mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? let's look ahead. first of all, big, big golfing weekend. i know you'll be watching carson. we have the women's pga in washington. sunny skies all weekend long. could be a shower or two on sunday. otherwise, pretty darn good. look ahead to your weekend, we have wet weather, flood risk, northern tier states. wet weather also through the gulf. tropical rain through the southwest. on saturday, severe storms continue in the upper mississippi river valley. sunny out west, no relief from the heat in the mid section of the country. sunday, sunday slightly cooler in the northeast with some showers, stifling humidity in the mid plains building heat out west. good. thursday morning. happy first day of summer. we're going to have more of the same weather from yesterday with some mild temperatures. some of our warmer spots inland, like livermore, will be in the low 80s, but

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getting hotter. tomorrow, 93 degrees will be our high and mid 90s on saturday as we reach the peak of the heat, and then the temperatures coming down a few degrees for the start of next week. but we are going to see a wide range in temperatures in san and that's your latest weather. okay. this picture, 30 years ago today, june 20th, 1994. this young lady was here, and now she's here. what is your name? >> hi. i'm ivy. what is your name? >> easton. and we're here with my entire family. my mom is 70. birthday celebrations. he's four. and it's on mom's bucket list to meet you. >> well, almost 70 to your 70. happy birthday. i love this. this is fantastic. so nice to see you. you too, buddy. all right. hoda? >> beautiful, al. beautiful. all right. july is almost here. so we're going to do something early.

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we don't want to wait. >> no. >> jenna is here to reveal the next "read with jenna" book pick. what you got, girl? >> i'm so excited to share our july pick. are you all ready? can we countdown? >> three, four, three, two, one. >> it is "all the colors of the dark" by chris whitaker. hoda, this is a gender bending masterpiece. this has something for everybody, and it may be my most favorite book i have ever chosen. >> wait. pause. pause. >> i know it is not fair to the other books, but it's true. it is a mystery, which i never ever choose. a small town thriller and an k anything in a week. epic love story. henry hager read it in one week. we know henry hager can't read anything in a week. >> no, he can't. >> so picture this. it is 1975 in missouri. young girls are disappearing. don't worry. it is not triggering. our 13-year-old protagonist are inseparable until patch vanishing leaving heart attack

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in his wake. uncover the mystery of missing girls. it's a story of obsession, deep dedication of friendship and the blinding light of hope. >> you said this is your favorite book? >> favorite, favorite. >> that's amazing. >> and also the blinding light of hope. can we get some of that? >> okay. you got something else? something else exciting is tied to this? >> that's right. my production company "thousand voice vos" is partnering with nbc universal studio group and dinner party productions to turn this into a television series. ow! okay. we would like to invite all of you to a special book club discussion with the author. i'll be sitting down with chris. we will have a live q & a. you can chat with other members of the club and us in breakout rooms. register. just scan the qr code or head to and while y'all are there, pre-order this book. i know it looks big, but henry

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hager read it in one week. >> all the colors of the dark. >> it is so beautiful. >> the fact you love it the most and it is a tv series the telling. >> i also want to tell you it's genre bending. at one moment it is a mystery and it's thrilling. at the other, it is a love story. at the other, it is just a beautiful story of a small town. i hope y'all love it. thank you. this one is for you. >> thank you! coming up next, i get to speak with eva longoria about the many hats she's wearing, her most beloved shows and her cooking skills. but first -- >> cooking skills?

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♪ we're back at 8:39 with award-winning actress and our good friend eva longoria. she has won us over, of course with her role on "desperate

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housewives" and recently made y from threatening debt collectors by whisking them off to the spanish countryside without her directorial debut in "flaming hot." she's returning to tv playing a mother trying to save her family from threatening debt collectors by whisking them off to the spanish countryside without letting them know they're in danger. take a look. >> kate! kate! >> mom? >> kate! hi. >> what are you doing here? >> okay. now you don't listen to my messages either? >> mom, stop. >> okay. it's a surprise. girls' trip! >> a girls trip it is. we're so happy you are here. >> thank you! >> first of all, this has everything you love. first of all, it is in spain, which is a beautiful shot to shoot this. >> beautiful, yeah. >> secondly, it is close to your roots because you are doing a

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lot of this movie in spanish. >> yes, yes. >> tell me what that was like. >> you know, i got it in my head. i was like, i want to do a show in spain. i never acted in spanish. it is bilingual, the show. i have never been to spain, my character. i have. i'm on the run, but i can't tell them why. they're like, why are we here, and i'm like, isn't this great? and it's beautiful. i wanted to go back to tv because i feel like tv is so depressing sometimes. dystopian future, there is a zombie apocalypse. the end of the world. i just want blue skies, drama. >> funny. >> nourishing. >> at the soul of it, it is about family. it is about bonding. i know that's super important to your life. >> yeah. it is about three generations of women, my mother, myself and my daughter. it's very clever. it's very much in the tone of "desperate housewives." it is a true dramedy. people will laugh and be invested in the story. it is just fun.

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it is a beautiful show. >> you didn't learn spanish until you were in your 40s, is that right? >> yeah. spanish is my third language. i spoke french first and then spanish. i didn't grow up speaking spanish. and i didn't grow up speaking spanish spoken in spain. it was a whole different world. it was a lot of fun. >> as i sit with you today, i couldn't believe when i realize that your son just turned 6. >> i have a 6-year-old now. >> you have a six-year-old son now. >> i know. >> how is he evolving and changing? >> you know what i love is he's always with me when i'm working. and, so, if we're in spain, we're like gypsies, we just all go to spain. if we go to rome, we're all in rome. and he's very cultured. i mean, he's like, oh, mom, can we have macaroons if we go to paris. we can eat hamman when we're in spain and i love how global he is growing up and appreciates and understands other cultures and other languages. >> one of the great things about you is you have always been of

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service. i remember you said to me once before, i liked being of service but now i feel the urgency because of my son. i see those kinds of things. you recently won this jeff bezos award, which has to be thrilling. but how has your -- how have your views evolved as your son grows? >> i think there is a dire need to leave this world a better place when you have children. you are like, oh, my gosh. i can't leave it the way it is. and to get the jeff bezos award just allowed the eva longoria foundation to scale what we have been doing, which is investing in women, making sure they reach their full potential because we believe they are the key to unlocking our community's power. i think any time you invest in a woman, it is a good decision. >> well, no kidding. i want to encourage everyone to watch this. you hit it right. there is so much out there that is depressing and makes you feel horrible when you are done. this is fun. this lifts you up. it's funny. it's got everything.

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you will come back on the 4th hour and visit with us. >> yes. >> please watch this. it is called "land of women" available to stream on apple tv plus. you will have to wait a few more days, june the 26th. mark your calendar. coming up next, the stars keep coming. emma stone and jesse plemons in the house telling us about their new movie "kinds of kindness," but, first, this is "today" on nbc. drop your jaw. and jump for joy. pixar fest is here! with a new parade. so, join the party, now through august 4th, 2024. visit the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time. the rash that started at the middle of your back has quickly traveled south to well... let's just call it south. so, you took your rash off to the doctor. and got your rash a prescription. now all you have to look forward to is the added discomfort of having to pick up your itchy bum person. oh wait. no, you don't. you used amazon pharmacy.

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they deliver. ♪♪ flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning! oh, yes please!

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oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. we are back with a pair of hollywood's brightest stars, emma stone and jesse plemons, because they're teaming up in this new movie called "kinds of kindness." it is a dark comedy made up of three short films. jesse playing a police officer whose wife has gone missing at sea. when she's miraculously rescued, he finds something about her not quite right. take a look.

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>> your shoes don't fit? >> oh, they fit. they're fine. guess my feet are a little n. swollen. they're fine. it's fine. >> yep. it gets even darker. what's happening? what does it all mean? emma, jesse, good morning. >> good morning. >> i just called you emma, but are we still going by emma or emma lee. there has been some confusion over your name. >> i'm fine either way. i really am. my real name is emily, though. >> why have you been allowing us to call you emma all these years. >> it was taken at screen actor guilds. sort of like when you register as a business you can't have the same name as someone else. >> now you are reclaiming? >> i have been saying emily my whole life. i guess i just -- you can call me whatever you want. >> we're going to go with emily. >> you can make up a name. >> jesse, by the way, we were

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watching this film at one point. my wife says, is that matt damon? matt damon is in this? i said, no. and you have been getting this a lot? >> still not matt damon. yeah, for a little while now, which there are worse things to be called for sure. it is definitely flattering. but, yeah, throughout the course of my career, i have various matt damon associated nicknames and such. >> like what? emily? >> emily damon. >> both quite handsome. both quite handsome. let's talk about this film for a moment here because it is nontraditional in lots of ways. but three -- essentially three separate films, roughly 45 minutes a piece. when folks sit down to watch it, what can they expect? >> start at the beginning and -- >> just keep watching. >> keep it going. >> it is always hard to know

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what to tell people to expect. this one is maybe extra difficult because it's -- there is just so much going on, and it's three separate stories that sort of vaguely tie together. i don't know. just expect to be -- to think a lot? >> i would say it is dealing with very universal themes that any human being is dealing with, but they deal with these things in surreal, sometimes comedic, sometimes dark ways. >> the director, you guys have worked with him before. you won an oscar last time you worked with him. does that add pressure the next time you work with him? >> i don't think so. i mean, it is really -- jesse and i are about to work on another film with him like right after this in a couple of days. i think there is something about getting to work with people multiple times and knowing them well and feeling that level of trust that actually makes the whole process really enjoyable

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and kind of freeing. i don't know if it's pressure. it's is more kind of a feeling of freedom. >> the film was so well received at caan. you got a five-minute standing applause, standing ovation. you won an award for your performance. you're at a point in your career where you get to work with folks you idolize, robert de niro. do you still get star struck when you work with mr. de niro? >> of course, yeah. this most recent project i project i worked with him on, this mini series called "zero day" the third time i worked with him, so i have reached a point where i'm a little more comfortable. but still i will think to myself, wow, this is crazy. i feel pretty comfortable with robert de niro. and i think, should i be feeling this comfortable? should i button it up a bit? >> really quickly before we go, emma, my favorite part of the film, this dance scene. i think we have some video, not

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to give away too much. but this is -- this is you getting down in nunz. >> yeah. >> what's the story about the moves there? >> just came from her heart and soul. >> came from my heart and soul, yes. there was -- during "poor things" making "poor things" i would dance between takes and things. and this one was something that he saw me do an he was like, we should just recreate this with "kinds of kindness" just make it up as you go but make it sort of like this. >> we're glad you did. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> emily, thank you. >> thank you. >> jesse, thank you as well. >> kinds of kindness in select theaters this friday and everywhere on june 28th. still ahead, summer is officially here, folks. everyone is ready for fun in the sum. but first, chassis post has the versatile fashion, sunscreen to add to your car.

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and we're back with a new shop all day. shop today contributor chassis post here to help you find, make your life easier with favorite activities this summer. scan the qr code, shop along with us. chassis, great to see you. let's start with the stretchy material. great for summer. >> this is the most comfortable thing you will wear all summer long. look, the stretchy material, no binding, no constricting, loosey goosey and you can wear it a million different ways. here is a picture of your team member taylor wearing it just with the straps or layer under a t-shirt or dress it up, dress it down. >> you can wear it as a cover-up. $25 and comes in 35 different colors. >> how about if you don't want the marilyn monroe dress with the winds blowing? >> this is a genius invention. these are jillies dress weights. check them out. these are reusable adhesive dress weights you stick on your dress. >> gives it weight.

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>> so your skirt won't fly up again. >> after three subways went by -- >> billionaire now. >> right. so this is so easy. you can use them again and again. they hold your dress down. >> i love it. very good. what's next? >> with your four, have you ever tried to put sunscreen on your children? >> the little ones it's so hard. >> right. >> so this is solar buddies. >> yep. >> this is so great because it's refillable sunscreen applicator. we have our little tester here, luca. look how adorable he is. his dad is putting on his sunscreen. he was taught to take it and put it on himself, right? >> that's great. >> fun, easy, fill it with your own sunscreen. so adorable. >> we're tight on time. what do you have for the corn on the cob? >> corn stripper. push it straight in. it removes all the corn kernels on the corn on the cob in seconds, right? so easy. look at that. >> and then like jennifer

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garner's mother, take the corn on the cob and throw it out for the bears to eat. >> two more summer products. >> have you seen this? another viral watermelon slicer. we have a video here of your team member. it's like a little windmill slicer. look at that. you push it in and it cuts it into perfect cubes. let's face it, i love watermelon. you don't want to do this with the big knives. >> you pit it out. put the vodka in and ready to go. quickly the crocs. >> double the comfort crocs. this is a new croc. it has the free feel technology so the straps make it feel like you're not even wearing shoes, carson. >> i love it. >> fabulous. >> great job, chassis. they know what to do. the qr code is there. we get a small commission through the links. thank you. happy summer. we're back after a quick check

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good morning. it is 856 a marcus washington. at least four people are injured after a juneteenth celebration suddenly took a chaotic and violent turn in oakland. it happened last night when gunfire sent hundreds of people running for their lives. now, police are still not saying if there's more than one shooter, but this all actually started with a sideshow that sprouted up sometime after eight last night along grand and belleville avenues, about a half hour later, a fight broke out. right now, there are no arrests in connection with the shooting. police did make at least one arrest as officers responded and tried to move people away from that area. happening now, our bob redell is speaking with police. you'll have more

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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," not cool. another day of cool temperatures, record-breaking temperatures on tap. while down south, alberto wreaking havoc and we're tracking all of it. >> then dramatic

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Tennis player Roger Federer; actress Eva Longoria; actors Jesse Plemons and Emma Stone; best summer ever with Chassie Post.

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.