Shepherd’s Pie Recipe (2024)

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Stacey K

I added a few shakes of Worcestershire sauce, as a previous poster suggested, plus 1.25 C of frozen peas with the carrots and onions.


Cheese in the mash I have never heard of. Shredded cheese on top is characteristic of a Cumberland pie, but I always add it to my cottage (beef) or shepherds’ (lamb) pies too. Other than that, Worcester sauce essential, garlic unnecessary (it’s in the Worcester sauce) and peas best served on the side. A fat tablespoon of wholegrain mustard is great in the meat sauce, too, if you have it to hand.


Always found shepherd’s pie lacking in many ways but this is a winner. Added celery (same amount as carrot) which increased the veggie count and reduced the carrot sweetness. Now a standard in our home.


To keep fat low, don't add cheese to the potatoes, it's not necessary and isn't really a problem for flavour. You can always sprinkle grated cheese on top of the potatoes if you want. If you drag a fork over the mashed potato topping, it will give it a nice crisping and looks nice. Definitely let it stand before serving or else you get a gloopy mess.


I always use leftover roast lamb in my version. Get a bigger leg of lamb than you need when doing a Sunday roast and keep the leftovers in the fridge for a Shepherd’s Pie a few days later. I don’t have a meat grinder, so I chop the lamb into a coarse dice by hand while the vegetables (onion, carrot and celery) are cooking. Worcestershire Sauce is a must, while cheese in the mashed potatoes is definitely not traditional.


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My Only addition to this recipe was I added Worcestershire sauce. It made all the difference. This was easy and utterly delicious.


Tasty! Modifications: 1) Instead of 3/4 cup stock, boiled alcohol off 1 cup dry red wine, added 1 cup beef stock, reduced all to 3/4 cup; 2) Added 1 Tbs of worcestershire sauce to the reduction; 3) Mixed in a cup of frozen peas prior to adding the potato layer, which I scored w a fork. Cooked everything in a 12" cast iron skillet which had plenty of room. My 10" skillet volume was 2.25 qts. At 30 min., the edge browned nicely, but center was pasty. Fixed by a few minutes under the broiler.


I put cauliflower in with the mashed potatoes so used less potatoes. Next time, I will only use cauliflower.I used olive oil and the potato water to mash them together instead of butter and milk.I substituted Parmesan cheese for the cheddar.It was really good family friendly, feed a crowd food.


This was fantastic! I made some changes, based on all the recommendations here: Added half bag each of frozen peas and frozen corn right before adding potatoes on top, used Yukon golds instead of russets, doubled the cheese in the potatoes, brushed the top with melted butter, added the 2-3 shakes of Worcestershire to the meat, drained about half a cup of fat out, used 1# each of ground lamb and 90/10 ground beef. I will not be waiting until next St Patrick's day to make it again!


I vegetarian-ized this recipe with the following changes:+1 carrot+8 oz porcini mushroomssubs. med. onion for small onion+1 cup peas+2.5 tbsp vegetarian worchestire saucesubs. vegetable Better than Bullion for beef broth+10 oz Beyond Beef Beefy CrumblesOmit lamb and beefIt turned out very well! I'll be making this again, perhaps swapping turnips for the potatoes.


I've made Shepherd's Pie for years, and fancied an alternate way of doing it. I did the potatoes as suggested, but for the meat, I fried 4 rashers of good quality bacon for the fat. I also didn't add the stock. Instead I added 14.5oz of chopped tomatoes. I did add Worcestershire to the veggies when they were almost done. I also added frozen peas. Its now cooking so I will report back when its done. Oh! And a tip from a Brit... score the potatoes with a fork. It helps to brown.

Geoff G

Added peas and mushrooms, and a turnip to the potatoes. Delish!


I added Worcestershire (1 tb.), whole grain mustard (1 tb.) and frozen peas (3/4 c.) as suggested by others. Instead of cheddar, I used parmesan (2 generous tbs.) in the mashed potatoes and on the top (4 generous tbs.) for a good crisp. Next time, I'll add a little more Worcestershire. It was delicious.


Substituted a cauliflower mash for the potatoes. A nice healthful twist to the recipe. Obviously not quite as delicious as mashed potatoes but still really good. I would definitely make again.

Martha Woods

I added frozen peas

Greenwich Lady

This recipe is really great exactly as it is written. I used organic russet potatoes from Whole Foods. The taste is much better.

Kathleen G.

A great recipe for Shepherd's Pie! I followed the suggestions using red wine for beef broth and adding worcestershire sauce, celery, extra garlic, peas and corn. But, I would NEVER make this unless I had leftover mashed potatoes, too labor intensive, in my opinion, to cook potatoes from scratch. I used mashed potatoes and parsnips. Running a fork through the potatoes made for a lovely, crisped top. I served cheddar or parmesan cheese to grate, ketchup (for my husband) and a green salad.


I loved this recipe. I made the potatoes exactly as instructed. I used a bit more meat than called for (probably 9/10 of a pound of each), added about 3/4 c. frozen peas after cooking the meat, added 2 T of Worcestershire sauce and 1 T of stone ground mustard, and upped the stock to 1 c.) Turned out absolutely fantastic.


I was so excited to make this version of shepherd's pie, as my other recipe is much more time consuming. I made it according to the recipe except used ground beef instead of lamb. It was good, but I didn't find it very flavorful. Next time I will use some of the suggestions here, definitely the worcestershire!


Update: I had leftovers for lunch today, and it was yummy! I will definitely make it again using some of the suggestions.

Susan W

Used 1 lb of ground lamb and 1 lb of 90/10 ground beef and next time would add celery with the carrots and onions. Also, wish I had read the other comments which suggested scoring the potatoes with a fork and putting under a broiler to get top brown and a little crispier. Also don’t think you need to have 6 T of butter mixed into the potatoes. Next time I’ll use half the butter to save a few calories! Otherwise it was fantastically delicious!


Followed the recipe except I used Yukon gold potatoes, added mushrooms, peas, and Worcestershire sauce per other reviewers and it turned out wonderfully. It’s a keeper, thank you!


Delicious. Added more veg. Corn, fennel, etc. also added hot pepper jelly, mustard, worstershire and Lea and Perrin’s HP. Leftover lamb delicious. Omitted cheese. Increase meat to potatoes


This was wonderful! I doubled the recipe for our crowd, added the worcestershire and frozen veggies as suggested by others, and made it in a large cast iron skillet - amazing!


Very tasty made was written using only lamb, but with two fewer tablespoons of butter.I'd say 4 generous servings with just a salad as dinner.


For the topping, half potatoes and half celeriac - always make mashed potatoes this way. Lighter and delicious.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Made this tonight! Followed exactly just added a splash of Worcestershire Sauce. Delicious!!!


I substituted leeks for onions and delicate squash for carrots and it was delish!


Increased the vegetables… leeks, fennel, corn etc. added spices.

Too Sweet

No honey too sweet

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Shepherd’s Pie Recipe (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.