Mission 6: St. Petersburg - GoldenEye 007 Guide - IGN (2024)


Peer Schneider,Samuel Claiborn,Zane_96,+82 more


Part 1: Statue Park

Primary Objectives:

  1. Contact Valentine: easy, medium, hard
  2. Confront and unmask Janus: easy, medium, hard
  3. Locate helicopter: easy, medium, hard
  4. Rescue Natalya: easy, medium, hard
  5. Find flight recorder: easy, medium, hard


Weapons and gadgets:

  • PP7
  • KF7 Soviet
  • Automatic shotgun
  • Flight recorder.

GoldenEye Statue Park Walkthrough

This is a straightforward mission, obstructed by bizarre, Russian constructs, 3Dshapes, and the remnant shards of the collapsing communist union. Missionobjectives in three the difficulty levels don't differ, except that your life meterruns down faster and bullets that hit you do more damage.

Turn around and check out the gate. This is where you'll end up at the end ofthe mission. Turn around and walk into the park, eliminating about four militarypersonnel along the way and picking up a trusty KF7 Soviet. Stay left, pass bya gold star (which you need to remember to get back safely), and under twoconstructs that appear to be arches. You'll approach a set of pillars and a groupof red, blocky letters on your right that read PCCC. Keep going to the left.Soldiers will leap out from nowhere throughout the level, but relatively few ofthem are necessary to kill -- that is, once you become familiar with the markersand shape of the park.

Within about a minute or so, you'll see a red box-shaped thing on your right; itlooks like a shed or an 18 wheeler cargo freight. Enter it to meet Valentin. Nowenemies will attempt to kill you while you speak with him. He'll tell you aboutJanus, and how you need to meet him at Lenin's statue, how Janus is a Leintz traitor, and then he'll walk away.

The real trick is to get to Lenin's statue. From the shed, it's extremely easy toget lost, so watch for sign posts. Looking out of the shed, turn about 10 degreesright. The first sign is a bright white post directly ahead of you. Go to it, andthen proceed along the red fence on your right side. Along this venture you'll begreeted by soldiers, and even on the medium level, they're pretty bad shots.The next sign post appears to your left. It's a shiny hammer and sickle, thatgreat Communist symbol. Stay to your right or you'll end up in a cul de sacwith a tool shed. Remember, keep along the red fence. To get a handy vest ofbody armor, look just past the hammer and sickle at an odd-ball group of shapesin front of you. On the left is the back side of a giant hand, and just beyond isanother golden hammer and sickle. Walk between the hand and the wall to itsright (where you'll find the narrow entrance) to retrieve it.

Come out, make a 180 turn, and continue the same way you were walkingbefore picking up the armor. You'll reach Lenin's statue in about 10-20seconds, switching back and forth through the obstacles (the best strategy is tostay nearest the middle, avoiding the side paths). Walk around the statue onceand face the path you just traversed. Make sure to go through the weaponselection so that no weapons appears. That's right, you want to meet Janusempty handed. In addition, don't walk to close you Janus, or he'll flee (wuss).

Janus turns out to be Trevelyan, your old secret agent associate whom youbelieved dead in the dam incident. The game follows the movie to a T here.

Trevelyan will talk about how everyone else is a Leintz traitor, and deliver amessage about Natalya: she's at the helicopter, and you only have three minutesto get there. Doh! You may get a little damaged here, but it's possible not towith a bucket load of strafing and running.

But first, don't fret, the fourhenchmen with automatic shotguns aimed at you are not that big of a deal.Really. Pick them off however you want, left to right, right to left. What reallymatters is that you pick up their guns, five-cartridge shotguns that pack a meanpunch. The KF7 is just as effective to get out, possibly more effective, but theshotgun is more fun. These henchmen are pretty much the only oppositionbetween you and the copter now, and instead of just military guys rolling out ofthe woodwork to kill you, these dudes will, too. Kill them off fast.

Now to get back. Weave through the constructs until you see the gold hammerand sickle, and then aim a fraction to the left. Once you see the white pillar again(the red fence now should be on your left), aim down the slope so that you cansee the red shed where you spoke with Valentin. Make sure it's to your right aspass it. Now you must retrace your steps. Keep running until you see a blockstructure, which you'll go under.


The next set of landmarks are a tall, whitepillar on the left and a short, squat pillar on the right. Hey, and remember thosecrazy red, 3D letters? They'll show up just after those pillars. A white hammerand sickle will appear on your left, so turn slightly to the right and you'll see ared star and a white shed, the next land marks: run between them, then underseveral constructs.

Now you'll see a path beginning -- it'll lead you back towhere you started, and just beyond that is the helicopter and Natalya.Natalya is lying on the ground to the right of the helicopter. Run up to her andas soon as she begins talking, check the bomb detonation time, and walk towardthe gates. She'll follow you. Now there's just one last step.

You must retrieve the flight recorder, which blew out of the helicopter somewhere in the park. You can leave Natalya at the gates. The recorder is bright yellow (and sometimes red) and appears in different spots on the path depending on what level you're on. The easier the level, the closer it is. In theeasy mission, the recorder is resting at the bottom of the hill from the helicopter;in medium, it's farther along, and hiding just beneath a high red construct on thepath, in hard, there are more soldiers and it's slightly harder to find. If you gotoo far, a message will appear indicating that the tape couldn't have been thrown that far. If so, walk back up the hill to find it.

After you retrieve it, hike back to get Natalya, who's been taken hostage again.Stow your gun (like when you met Trevelyan) and walk through the gate whenthey ask you to. Mission accomplished.

Part 2: Military Archives

Primary Objectives:

  1. Escape from the interrogation room: easy, medium, hard
  2. Find Natalya: easy, medium, hard
  3. Recover helicopter black box: medium, hard
  4. Escape with Natalya: easy, medium, hard

Weapons and gadgets:

  • PP
  • DD4
  • Klobb
  • KF7 Soviet
  • Grenade
  • Watch magnet attract
  • Interrogation
  • Room key
  • Flight recorder

GoldenEye Military Archives Walkthrough

Once again, you're screwed. It seems that Natalya has gotten you in trouble again. A gun and a single round of ammo rest on a table in front of you.

Pick up the weapon and the ammo quickly so that you're armed, and press A to switchover. If you're super quick, you can fire on the two Russian thugs before theyeven get a shot off. Pick up the guards's guns and a door key. Switch to the newfound DD44. Now, a thousand and one soldiers, thugs, KGB and other personnel, and anyone else you can imagine will flood to your doorway. This isn't easy past the easy level. Shoot the first two or three guys who show up at the door, and then run straight out. This takes some practice, and after several tries you should get it. You'll take a little damage, too. Whatever you do, don't stand around. The longer you stay in there, the less chance you have to escape. After about three or four guys appear, charge the door, head straight to the very next door, about four feet away. Open it and plug whomever is in your way. Run and keep going.


You're now in a warehouse room full of crates and ammo. In the center is bodyarmor. Run straight, grab it, and go the far side of the room, and then exit. Now stand at the bottom of the stairs our of harm's way. The guys who were chasing you will eventually come. You should have added to your arsenal a Klobb and a KF7 Soviet. We like the Soviet since it's quieter in short bursts, and a little more accurate. When they arrive, dust them and then wait. They come in waves. A few guys might come down the stairs as well. Keep an eye on the staircase, too. You can do this whole operation from the top of the stairs as well, but it doesn't work as well.

Now (assuming you haven't already done so), ascend the stairs, open a door. There are three ways to go. To your right is one to two soldiers. Take an immediate left down another hallway, kill one soldier and duck behind some crates. Stand up, kill the second guy in front of you and then run in to the main chamber (or you can turn around and kill the guys behind you). But again, the trick is to be fast, not to wait until winter comes.

After passing through the door at the hallway's end, you'll see you're in the main library. Turn left and enter a door (there is a staircase to your left but don't take it). More guards will arrive.

Instead of taking those stairs (which lead to the attic), hug the wall to your right, and run to the middle of that room where a set of double doors is. To the right is a smaller single door. Open it. Natalya will be in there with two to three armed KGB members. Two to your right, one with Natalya on the left. Don't shoother or the guy near her. If there are three guards, one has a grenade and he may set it off.

Shoot the KGB agents as fast as possible to the right but keep your distance. Natalya may try to escape. If she does, she may get caught, and she'll end up in a room near the beginning of the level as a hostage again. If not, she'll hide in the attic. The way to calm her is to instantly kill the guards in that room. Quickly shoot the guy who held Natalya and then quickly move into the corner of the room where the two guys were and reload.

There you'll fend off as many as 12 soldiers. The battle will eventually end. Escape through the door you came through, careful to eliminate anyone else around, and quietly. Before you get Natalya (or if she's with you), make a B-line across the big room and to the left. A set of double doors opens directly to the stairs that descend to the main room floor.

Descend the stairs, and walk across the length of the floor to a doorway (to the left). Open it, take an immediate left again and open the second door. There may be guards to your right. If so, shoot them, quiet like. You'll be in the corner of another library-type room. To your immediate right is another door; open it. You'll appear in a hallway with shining light. Run to its end, take a right, and enter the door.

There's a guy in black who looks like a bad guy, but isn't. Don't shoot him! You'll meet Mishkin, who will have a discussion with you and then hand over the safe key. The safe is right behind him. Open it with the key and remove the black box inside. If Natalya isn't with you, retrace your steps to the attic. If she's not there, she was captured again, and you need to find her.

Go to the observation deck above the main floor by ascending the steps you originally took. On the wall opposing you are two doors. Take this left door into a hallway. At the far end is where she is being held captive. Empty rooms should appear on your left (and occasionally one or two of them have soldiers inthem). If you see a soldier, kill him quietly with one shot. When you get to the room, there are three men in thick dark coats and Natalya. Kill them all to escape that room. (That room also has a secret door. Directly opposite the door is awall. Press B to open it.)

Once you've found her, head back to the library observation deck. Once you'vemade it into that big area on the second floor, shoot out any one of the windows and jump through. That's it.

Part 3: Streets

Primary Objectives:


  1. Contact Valentin: medium, hard
  2. Pursue Ourmurov and Natalya: easy, medium, hard
  3. Minimize civilian casualties: easy, medium, hard

Weapons and gadgets:

  • Specialized PP
  • KF7 Soviet
  • Tank

GoldenEye Streets Walkthrough

In the easy level, you simply have to reach the end in your tank. In the medium and hard levels, there is a cool, but weird extra objective, to meet with Valentin.

To meet with Valentine, run forward and lean left around the corner. Kill the three soldiers coming your way. Don't get hit, these guys aren't that good and strafing will keep them from missing. Or simply kill one and let the rest come to you. Pick up their KF7 Soviets. Head toward the tank and to the left of the jeep is a guard who's taking shots at you. Kill him and then turn around and in the corner is another one. Kill him, too. A third and final soldier will attack from behind a gate. It's pretty easy to figure out what to do with him.

What next? In the medium level, you must make contact with Valentin first, and then jump in the tank. In the easy level, there's no need to speak with Valentin,so jump in. For the medium and hard players, walk out of the gate and take a left down a narrow alley. Follow the alley, killing about a half dozen stray soldiers along the way. Don't get hit, you need all the health you can get.

Follow the road and a wide, long street with about four soldiers will appear. Kill them and take notice of the shots coming from the far building. If you walk all the way to the end, look up close. You can see soldiers in the rooms and you can jump through a few of the windows and kill these guys if you want. You don't have to bother with these guys at all, however. There's a door that clearly means for you to enter into it on the building to your left (if you didn't enter the far building).

Go in, take a left, and you'll see Valentin in a small room there. Talk with him. Valentin will extend the time you have to rescue Natalya, but only if you listen to him. Walk around Valentin so that you're facing the door. After Valentin talks to you, he'll run back to the tank. Follow the streets back to the tank and get in the tank as soon as possible.

A message will flash on the screen telling you that Valentin has contacted his friends, and you will receive double the time you started off with, 5 minutes.

In the tank, the fastest path out is as follows:

Drive out the gates, turn right atthe fork, and follow the street for a few blocks, turning when it does, until you reach the next intersection. Go straight and you'll hopefully run over several enemies (and hear their yelps of crushing pain). A mixture of civilians and military roam around the streets, so be careful. Civilians wear red and the enemies wear green.


Switch to the Soviet occasionally because it's more effective than shooting tanks shots at everything. Troops are faster and can make better turns than you, and your cannon just can't hit them at close range. You can also turn the head of the tank as well.

At the next intersection, take a left and blow up a few cars from a distance. Entering an explosion will cause serious loss of health. (In at least two instances, you'll need to blow them up to clear the road.)

Beware of the path of blue land mines that a civilian is running around. Shoot one cannon shot into thepatch and they'll all set each other off. When the explosions finish, drivethrough. At the next intersection, go left, then the next right. Next you'll see several troops shooting at you, so shoot them or crush them, whatever seems most cruel. You'll know when you've reached the end: There are two cars parked in front of an opening of the street. Make it there alive, and you've completed the level.

Part 4: Depot

Primary Objectives:

  1. Destroy illegal arms cache: hard
  2. Destroy computer network: medium, hard
  3. Obtain safe key: medium, hard
  4. Recover helicopter blue prints: medium, hard
  5. Locate Trevelyan's train: easy, medium, hard

Weapons and gadgets:

  • PP7
  • D5K Deutsche
  • Safe key
  • Blueprints

GoldenEye Depot Walkthrough

In order to beat the Agent 00 difficulty in this level, you must first find and destroy the illegal arms cache. Instead of running to the computer network area straight off, take a right where you would have taken a left, and run to the second warehouse on the right. Kill off the three to four guys there and then pick up the Rocket Launcher! Then destroy the cache from up on the bridge using a rocket, but don't use the second one. Finish off the cache with any other gun. (Save the other rocket for the computer network auto gun).Once this objective has been completed, then stay cool -- and hidden -- once you open the warehouse door. Enemies will be crawling on all sides. Once the coast is relatively clear, head up to the computer network and follow the rest of the guide.

The first goal is to get bigger weapons quick. In the easy mode, go to the far wall, and find the armor power-up behind a crate on the right. Three crates past that on the left is your first Russian victim. Take his gun, a D5K Deutsche. In the medium level, you need to obtain a safe key and blow up some computers. In the easy level, you simply have to find the train. Now back up a few steps after the first kill, and atthe opening take a left and start running. Skim the left hand wall until you reach a double gate fence. Open it and go through. Skim the left wall, to keep out of site. At the end of the path is a garage with a door, reading BXOII. Go to the far left side of the garage door, and angle your gun inside, then press B to open thegarage. There are two guards. You'll have perfect aim at one. Kill him and stepback to the wall. The other will step into view. Kill him.

A large crate on your right will protect you from soldiers who'll run over fro the right when they hear the racket. Three to four other soldiers from inside the garage will appear. Kill them, and watch your right for more soldiers. A good place to couch yourself is in the crevice between the wall at your back and the crate on your right, which gives you a perfect angle of any newcomers. You can strafe left and right to see anyone who's coming from here. Try entering the room again as soon as the coast is clear (which won't be for long).


Wait for the garage door to close, keeping the bad guys outside. Shoot the remaining soldiers by peeking and leaning around the giant gray wall of crates between you and a large, mean automatic machine gun. This auto gun shoots non-stop and will kill you within seconds. Once the soldiers all seem dead, play a little trick on the machine gun. Strafe to the right and let it see you and then quickly strafe to the left. It'll still be a second or so behind you. You'll have time to aim, and unload a flurry of shots. Destroying this auto machine gun is hard, and you may die a few times in the process. Aim upward to kill it. After it's dead, walk left and there may be one soldier remaining. Just be wary. You should be able to pick up a double D5K Deutsche now. The far table on the left should have a safe key, so grab it, and then blow all of the computer equipment away. Shoot the big screen, too. Objective A and B should have been met for the medium and hard level.

Now, before you leave there are a bunch of soldiers waiting for you. So be smart. Open the door and lean out to kill the trio of guys waiting for you. When the coast seems clear, run straight down the path, past that earlier gate on theright and keep going until you reach a big clearing. The clearing is noticeable because of the orange-ish pipe that runs form building to building overhead. At that point, turn left there and head straight.

There will be a few stray soldiers shooting at you so stay lean, mean, and run! Veer a bit to your left. You'll go about 100 feet or so, until you pass underanother orange pipe. You'll see a white gate on your right and several graffiti-laden crates on your left. Pass through that area until a white building appears on your right. (in this area are at least two body vests and more soldiers hidden in between crates, but you may not really need the vests). Enter through the door on that building. Ascend the staircase and find the safe upstairs. Toggle to your safe key, choose it, press R, bottom C to duck, then press B and backup so that the door can open. Grab the train blueprints, having met objective C,and go out the nearest door.

This door leads to the train. Open it, descend the stairs, and run toward the far left garage door. Open it. There may be one or two guards on your right to meet you. Kill them. The train is right in front of you. Walk toward to the yellow vertical stripes and press B. At least two guards will be there. Kill them. You'rein and the mission is done.

Part 5: Train

Primary Objectives:

  1. Destroy brake units: easy, medium
  2. Rescue Natalya: easy, medium
  3. Locate Janus secret base: medium, hard
  4. Crack Boris' Password
  5. Escape to safety: easy, medium

Weapons and gadgets:

  • PP7
  • D5K Deutsche
  • 9 mm ZMG
  • Watch laser

Secret weapon: onboard the first train car in the Agent level, if you shoot your way all the way through and blast out the brake mechanism on the floor, try shooting the two wooden crates across the way from the brake box. Under the bottom crate is an RPC-90, which makes getting through the rest of the level a piece of flaming cake! On Secret Agent, there is a DD44 n the same location, but there is
nothing there on the 00 Agent difficulty.

Make sure to scroll down for extra tips on how to meet the last objectives.

In the first train, there are two parts. You start off with a PP7. Use your site to knock off the guy on the far right, and the guy on the far left, using a crate to employ the leaning technique. After that reload, and stand straight out there andfire away. This first train is easy. Collect all of the ammo, and you're nowloaded with the D5K Deutsch. Before you leave the train, knock out the brake system to the right of the door. It's yellow and red and made of pipes, and has a gray box on top of it. They all look like this.


There are more crates in the second train, so try to hide behind the gray, metal ones, because they won't blow up in your face. A man in a beret will be on your immediate right once you get to the gray box. Another enemy in a beret will be on your left just behind a crate or two. Strafe, shoot, strafe, shoot. Stay away from the crates that begin to get dark in color because they are about to blow. Kill the brake system at the end of the car.

The third car is a passenger car. As soon as you open the door enemies arewaiting for you. Stay near the entrance, picking them off as they come toward you. A few will hang back, so lean to the right and use your site to kill them. On your left is a bathroom. Each car has one like this. As soon as you pass this room a soldier will step out of it. Step in front of it and then quickly back up and shoot him. You don't need to check the passenger areas in this car. Run to the front and blow up the brake box.

The fourth car is lots of fun. Soldiers will enter the third car just after you blow the brake box, so just line them up for a bullet fest. Now that a few are gone, step up through the door and position yourself so that you can aim at them with the site and pick them off as they bottleneck. The brake on the fourth car is just to the left of the entry point. Open the bathroom, step inside for agood, safe shot at the brake box, and then step out again. Check all the passenger rooms. The second room contains two soldiers, and so does the fifth. Two guards are lined up at the very end, and they can hit when they hear youhalf way through the car. There are some timed, locked doors, and guards will emerge from them. Be smart, always check your rear.

In the next four, shorter, green rooms, there are more troops, but with better guns. Some of them are in the bathrooms as well. In the last of the green rooms,two servicemen provide you with a 9 mm ZMG, a super cool rapid fire gun. Assoon as you kill the last man in the four room, turn around because one of those earlier locked doors opens, and out come sneaky Russian dudes. Be ready for them after the doors of the fourth green car open.

You're in the second to last car now, a gray girded car. To your right is the brake control. Don't shoot it just yet. One or two servicemen are in the hallway. Dust them. Now shoot the control box. At least two more highly armed servicemen will appear.

The best tip for this car is to simply stay just inside the entree door near the brake control and wait for them to come to you. Once you blow the box, objective A is met. Now walk into the next room full of crates (there's nothing there in medium and hard, but in easy there's a body vest in the back) and switch to a single gun with a sight. Enter the next car slowly. Natalya is captive and has a gun pointed at herhead. Two soldiers are behind this pair. Just like in the park in St. Petersburg, walk slowly.

More Time Trick: When you get into the last train car with Ouromov, Natalya, Xenia, and Trevelyan, position yourself so that Xenia is directly behind Ouromov. Just move forward as far as possible and then move a little to the right and line them up. When you kill Ouromov continue shooting and you will hit Xenia before the barrier falls down.

She will say something like "Wait for me Trevelyan, I'm been hit." Because Trevelyan has to wait for Xenia he will wait longer before he starts the self destruct. It varies, but sometimes you are able to get 12 extra seconds, so Natalya will crack the password with 1 seconds instead of 4, and you will have more time to escape from the train. This makes it easier to escape the train without her dying.

Trevelyan will tell when you're too close. Turn on your sight, aim for his head, and take one shot. If you kill him, automatic doors will shut you and Natalya in. Behind you and to the right is a white hatch. It's bolted to the floor. Toggle to your heaviest weapon first. A timer goes off, leaving you with about one minute to get out. Blast the hell out of the bolts until you can barely see them any more now switch to your laserwatch and melt each gray strip off one by one. You need to beat the clock by atleast five seconds, otherwise you're toast (because Natalya has to get out too).

Soldiers will be shooting at you from the right. Just run left, strafing left andright to avoid their shots. Natalya will follow you. Occasionally, she'll get shot.

Try not to run too far ahead of her to avoid this. You'll have to find the secret base which is just ahead. You've completed all of your objectives.

How to Rescue Natalya

How to get Natalya out of the train without getting her killed can be a terribly depressing experience (especially in 00 Agent). We had a heck of a time completing this level in 00 Agent -- it was especially difficult keeping damn Natalya alive. Here's how to get her out safely and to meet the mission objectives -- in all difficulty levels.


Killing Ouromov

When you finally get to Ouromov, Natalya, Xenia, and Trevelyan, whip out your D5K Deutsche and kill Ouromov by putting a single lead piece through his face. Quickly after, crouch down so that any shots from Trevelyan will be avoided.

Breaking Through the Hatch

Next, aim your D5K Deutsche toward the hatch on the ground, and start picking off bits of the annoyingly strong metal latches that keep the hatch on. Why? Because it physically makes it easier for you to burn them off (with your laserwatch) once they1ve been beaten to all hell. The only disadvantage to this technique is that it's more difficult to see the actual pieces. Anyway, we've been able to open up that hatch with as many as 20 seconds left!

Cracking the Password, Locating the Base

Natalya will automatically start in on the computer in the attempt to achieve these two objectives. Keep an eye out for her computing messages. She needs to locate the secret base, which should happen first, and then crack Boris's code, which will take the longest.

Should you wait until the last second, or leave early? Natalya will follow you as soon as you leave the train, so don't leaveearly, got it? Usually, it's best to wait about five seconds before the train blows, and then escape. Maybe four. She'll almost always wait that long until cracking the code. Waiting any longer give or take a second, and Natalya will get blown up trying to escape.

Keeping Natalya (and yourself) Alive, Complete Mission

A bunch of trigger-happy henchmen will start shooting at you as soon as you leave the train. They'll appear on your left. Before you leave the train, switch to the RP-P90, or in Secret Agent and 00 Agent, the two ZMGs.

The trick here is to give Natalya enough space to get off the train so that when it explodes, she doesn't get catch the explosion. So, get off the train, turn left toward the enemies, shoot a few shots, and move all the way to the right and back a fewsteps -- that will give her enough space to walk away (remember, Natalya will follow you wherever you go). Now blast away at the enemies, making sure to hit the wooden, explosive boxes (which of course will scatter their body parts across the area) as well as the guys themselves.

The trick is to be fast and shoot enough of them before they hit you or Natalya. If you're slow, they'l leventually hit Natalya. As soon as you think the coast is clear, then run in a zigzag fashion toward the front of the train, and -- about 50 feet past it -- if you and Natalya are still alive, you've beaten the game.

Up Next: Mission 7: Cuba

PreviousMission 5: SevernayaNextMission 7: Cuba

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.