For Families - Sky High (2024)

For Families - Sky High (1)

Sky High is dedicated to providing comfort to our Cancer Warrior families. That’s why we’ve curated a comprehensive collection of resources to support you every step of the way. From practical information to emotional support, we’re here to help empower and uplift your family during this time. Explore our resources and know that you’re not alone on this journey.


Providing Comfort

Our team creates tailored packages for children fighting cancer. No two warrior packages are the same and include special gifts for not only the child, but for the entire family. The packages include items such as arts and crafts, pajamas, toys and gift cards for essential needs. While the gifts are small in size, we know they have a big impact on the families.

For Families - Sky High (2)


Providing Adventure

Sky High Adventures takes Pediatric Cancer patients and survivors on a trip of a lifetime! Want to explore the great outdoors, attend an NBA game or have a girls day out? We can help! Over the past 10 years, Sky High Adventures has hosted more than 80 families across the United States and we want your family to join us.


Cancer Warrior, Colton, his 2 brothers, mom, and dad were all able to experience Super Bowl LVII live in person in Glendale Arizona. They were also able to experience a resort stay while being chauffeured around the city for NFL player meet and greets and Fan Fest activites! Colton and the family were able to see some of their favorite athletes and were treated to the VIP pregame experience, with food, drinks, games and a concert! Thank you to all who supported Colton fulfilling his dream and being able to have his brothers right beside him to take in the unforgettable experience.

For Families - Sky High (3)


Meet Kennedy

Kennedy’s story did not start on the day he was born, his story started long before he became the warrior we all know today. Kennedy was the only embryo that made it through the first round of his IVF, his life was already planned with a purpose we did not yet understand.

Read Kennedy’s Full Story

More Cancer Warrior Spotlights

For Families - Sky High (4)

Upcoming Cancer Warrior Events:


Texas Children’s Hospital Paint Party

Texas Children’s Hospital: Main Campus

Sky High Carnival

June 28
Ronald McDonald House Charities, Memphis

A Shelter for Cancer Families (ASCF)

Providing stability, shelter, and support for families seeking cancer care in the Texas Medical Center.

Addi’s Faith Foundation

Hosting multiple fundraising events every year to fund Childhood Cancer research and provide financial and emotional support to families caring for a child with cancer.

BIG Love Cancer Care

Meeting the most basic and urgent physical, emotional, and financial needs of pediatric oncology and hematology patients and their families.

Campaign One At A Time

Bringing joy and support to children fighting life-threatening illnesses.

Camp H-Town

Bringing back the joys of childhood to children touched by cancer through an urban camp experience at the Four Seasons Hotel Houston.

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Family Alliance

Providing emotional, educational, and practical support to families of children with cancer.

Chance for Hope Foundation

Providing services, funding research, and offering educational resources.

Ethan’s Ohana

Our mission is to ensure that no child or family is left behind or forgotten throughout their journey with pediatric cancer. We will inspire acts of kindness towards others and create a community of support and understanding that nurtures hope, healing and resilience.

His Grace Foundation

Providing physical, emotional, and financial support for patients and families in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit (BMTU) of Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH).

Mothers Against Cancer

Primary fundraising events: Annual Holiday Luncheon and Annual Golf and Pickleball Tournament in honor of Virginia Gandy.

Rainbows For Rhea

Honoring and remembering Rhea, who battled Ewing Sarcoma cancer for 21 months. Supporting multiple local Pediatric Cancer organizations.

Ronald McDonald House Houston

Providing a home away from home for families whose children are seriously ill and being treated at a hospital inside the Texas Medical Center.

Snowdrop Foundation Inc.

Providing scholarships for college-bound Pediatric Cancer patients and Childhood Cancer survivors while raising awareness and funding for continued research to cure Childhood Cancer.

Sunshine Kids Foundation

Providing positive group activities and emotional support for young cancer patients. Offering a variety of programs and events, free of charge, for kids receiving cancer treatments in hospitals across North America.

Texas Hunt For The Cure

A nonprofit dedicated to enriching the lives of children and young adults.

The Farris Foundation

Bringing brighter days and better treatments to children with cancer.

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The Haley Rasco Foundation

Bringing moments of joy to pediatric hospital patients and their families.

The Still Strong Foundation

Provide financial assistance to families fighting Childhood Cancer.

We’ll Get This

Supporting parking and transportation for cancer patients.


For Families - Sky High (5)

“Our family now feels like part of theirs.”

“I wish these women didn’t have to raise money for this cause. I wish Pediatric Cancer didn’t exist. Unfortunately, it does. Thankfully, these nonprofit ninjas are Pediatric Cancer game changers and our family now feels like part of theirs. We can’t say enough about Sky High’s impact in the community.” -Erin, mom for former Texas Children’s Hospital patient, Crew

For Families - Sky High (6)

“They brought smiles to our faces when we thought that was impossible”

When our daughter Payton was diagnosed with lymphoma, we connected with the team at Sky High for Kids on a level that we never thought imaginable. Brittany and her team walked with us through the toughest two and a half years of our lives, which included chemotherapy, countless procedures and numerous inpatient hospital stays. They comforted us, cried with us, prayed with us, and they brought smiles to our faces when we thought that was impossible. We are forever grateful for Sky High and the hundreds of volunteers who share the passion for saving kids who battle cancer. Sky High will always be a part of our family. -Laura Angelle, mom of former Texas Childpren’s Hospital patient, Payton

For Families - Sky High (7)

“We are their family and they are a part of ours forever.”

“I wish Sky High for Kids didn’t have to fight for Childhood Cancer alongside families due to the lack of government funding, but they do and do it gracefully. So much blood, sweat and tears are put into their mission and as a childhood brain cancer family, we are forever grateful for their impact. We are their family and they are a part of ours forever.” – Christina, mom of Texas Children’s Hospital patient, Kennedy Crue

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Honoring Giavanna Gardella Forever

After Giavanna Gardella earned her angel wings after losing her battle to Childhood Cancer, her parents decided that in lieu of flowers, they wanted friends and family to donate to Sky High instead to find a cure. The Gardella Family helped raise over $80,000 for our mission.

For Families - Sky High (9)

“You have brought me and my family some comfort…just just being a part of our lives.”

“This weekend my son was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma at Texas Children’s hospital. Once they moved us out of ICU onto the 7th floor oncology wing, the first thing I saw was the familiar and comforting logo of Sky High for Kids on the entrance to the family lounge. My son who donated during the live stream we did together under the name “Joe Exotic Durst” recognized it too, and laughed for the first time in days at the memory. I just wanted you to know that you have brought me and my family some comfort, both through the volunteer and donation services we have been taking advantage of, and in just being a part of our lives.”

For Families - Sky High (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.