Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (2024)

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Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (1)[...]Last week's winner: Stephen Walmsley ANSWERS:


a a
mghé passe £23
<“Vbafififlfifl[...]by Wed 5pm
r I Z 6 o - and go in the draw to win a $20 book voucher

. . . . . . . . .[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (2)‘.


aotearoa student
ress assciation


Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (3)[...]s and their war machines pounding the
hell out of a beautiful ‘ the region; as

IIIIIOOIIIII'II'I[...]act momeni' , ,
resulting destruction and ru ble, a
pain in the children’s eyes and the pure
suffer[...]heard agroup of youn
' talking about nothing
ough a newspaper. One
gin the Middle Eastis
king what wa[...]y say
that one side is right an " ,
2 to give you a long lecu '
333:, world should write nas
‘- or[...]or
’2: showing outrage or supgo , iivon’t do a great deal of good. V
Like I said, 2000 plus of[...]or read one particular paper; . .
find out from a wide range of different sources, that have n u[...]o be apathetic. of months. Unity and Diversity is a night of international
. performance; Central Tertiary Challenge is a day of fun sports
JOdle Clarke — Edrei Valath a[...]Pearce You may have noticed that Massey has been a hive of activity
Leigh McLennon lately with two o[...]un and we were lucky with the weather

which gave a number of clubs the chance to get out there and
s[...]ance and the associated accommodation
supplement: A couple of us at MUSA meet with a few policy
makers at Studylink and talked at leng[...]cheme. The student movement has long been pushing a
universal student allowance (or a living allowance for all) and
we have constantly been bashing our heads against a brick wall
of a government that “tweaks” the system which sti[...]o an allowance. I am hoping that we can
lobby for a universal accommodation supplement as a sort of

Tamara Scott
Todd Simmiss
Vi[...]housing, MUSA considers itself city
leaders with a stock of just over 35 flats, which are cheap

.[...]tion to around half of our older flats
to create a nd promote the with the help of the Healthy Homes project, which is a scheme

I[...]insulate houses that were built prior
to it being a building requirement. Later this year, work will[...]li in Palmerston such that it is the cheapest for a city with a
ex ressed within CHAFF are not - university. Now[...]at we can
p me (PreSIdent@ m usa ' Org ' n2) have a stronger influence on quality so that Pal[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (4)[...]you have chosen
to critique his writing. You have a few seemingly
valid points, but allow the Mannequ[...]ge, the purpose, not been clear?

Anarchy! Shock. A tendency towards maximum disorder,
entropy if you[...]ise all—female flat? The Mannequin is. So make
a sexist joke about women belonging in the kitchen![...]ing women and pitch—forldng babies is in no
way a good thing. A paradox? Yes. A contradiction? No.

You were incorrect in thinkin[...]the writing. Even the Mannequin has humility.

On a departing note, please desist from recycling a
pseudonym for which you have no idea of the meani[...]lts pitiable, it deprives from your credibility.

A rebuttal from the one and ONLY Mannequin.

Don’t mind us Pagans

sermon about how great the religion is and I’ve yet to[...]OF US ALONE!

Now before you Christians kick up a stink — yes, the Buddhists :
and Pagans advert[...]esident Pagan
Dear Chaff,

I am a little unhappy as to the comments that were made[...]ience '
orientated dick heads and neither are we a new religion. I t
incorporate science into my ex[...]on’t wanna email the editor

Don’t wanna use a nasty computer
Don’t wanna volunteer

Don’t[...]understand how Jesus can be thought of only
as a great moral teacher — it simply ignores what he[...]pels in the New

n issue 16 of CHAFF, there were a few letters about Jesus
week and the resulting a[...]nocking on your door every few months to give you a private i

Basically, all that advertising was a waste of time and a waste 3
of chalk. A little chalk advertising is fine but you guys to[...]s celebrating Easter and Christmas is obviously
; a human construct and much more of a personal response to
5 this truth, and therefore[...]; encourage anyone with genuine questions to have a read,
5 alongside perhaps some of infidel’s we[...]' Which leads us to the chalking. Far from being a
conservative agenda forcing people to accept Jesus, it is a
passive way to encourage people to think for the[...]challenge
people to think, and hopefully come to a conclusion, I
apologize if anyone felt compelled[...]the last issue came dangerously
3 close to having a point. See that it doesn’t happen again.

; You[...]gh we 5
might convert you to our new cult lol.


5 So you are a student, a radical, a mover and shaker, a leader,
a future MP, or the next PM, and you are thinking of standing
for a position on the MUSA executive? — consider this[...]ime students (and you must be one, to stand) have a study
commitment of 52 hours per Week; VP positi[...]nal students cannot stand for VP or prez, because a
visa only allows 20 hpw employment. Full—time[...]allow this. The Waikato uni
students’ assn has a much bettersystern that allows under-
grads of t[...]e membership to
those prepared to commit to such a heavy workload, MUSA
has effectively disenfranch[...]prez
- and do it now! Bombard him with calls for a Special
: General Meeting of MUSA to discuss this[...]— Disenfranchised MUSA member

Just to clarify a few points here You don’t have to be a _
full-time student to stand for the Exec[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (5)[...]d — but
although the band have managed to amass a small
core of indigenous fans, New Zealand audien[...]lenty to say really. Right from
the start it was a rebellion against all the sh*t that
was going on[...]en to play live and we’d played them live quite a
lot before we recorded them. The bulk of those first
chance in hell a band like us could possibly do it in .
this coun[...]the songs before
we went into the studio. We had a whole lot of ideas
that we were jamming on but n[...]of the crowd. The
way the song feels on stage is a lot different from
a recording room — more organic, so it can kind o[...]ongs yet. We physically can’t play some

Is it a New Zealand release only? Are you going
be pushi[...]How do you think it’ll be accepted?
I’ve had a discussion with a few people about that
lately. I was on a website a few weeks ago, they
had a competition trying to find the best post—rock
band in the world, and they had a list of about five
bands from every territory.[...]at most people know — like Mogwai — which
is a particular sound which has become post—rock.
W[...]. So in that sense I think we .
it. It’s like a whole different planet to us. We don’t
produc[...]ing of
course to be nominated, but we never put a whole
Not at all. I love some really traditional[...]aspect of New Zealand
music; theyjust act like a kind of protective umbrella.
So you’ve got a new album coming out - Solace
— in September.[...]hankful for that.

Do you ever despair of making a living from


thrown a spanner in the works in terms of our cyclical
pro[...]coming to terms with how
it sounds myself. It’s a much different album.

of them — which Is cool. We’ve never done a studio journalists here though.
album before, and it was aA\\insulinlllli illlllllllllllhlllllllllElllli llll[...]hat we love, and is our own,
but we can’t make a living from it, well... it sucks


Yea[...]Now that New Zealand music is so popular all of
a sudden — in the process of losing that cultural[...]e
Doublehappys, The Alpaca Brothers, The RIP. For a
lot of people at the time the cringe—factor fi[...]t, which I

found really funny. But that gave us a unique musical

identity, we were producing a sound that you couldn’t

Yeah, actually I did a really good interview with a guy
from The Dominion the other day and he asked[...]en convinced, or perhaps conned
into sacrificing a great deal of that uniqueness. For
example, you’ve got a lot of people talking now about

“our unique h[...]an American

Ironically, we’ve still got quite aa living off
our music. We either stay here and ge[...]constant pull overseas where

they do it in such a way that is distinctly theirs and

distinctly un[...]tics
You’ve said before that you don ’t have a writing
process, at that all your recorded music evolves _
there’s more of a market for your brand of
tripped out instrument[...]r us. In places like Auckland it’s just really

a hard work because everyone’s too cool fo[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (6)[...]from January
1 2008.

The new model will involve a three—year
funding plan, which “will be based[...]f low—quality courses.

“What we’ve seen is a sudden mushrooming
of growth [for tertiary progra[...]ncement,
although he states that there’s “not a lot
more that we didn’t already know before”.[...]if they want to fund 500 law places but
there’s a demand for 550, there should be
enough flexibili[...]he changes came as no surprise
— but there were a couple of additions she
found pleasing. “There’s a built—in distinctive
contribution type fund. We[...]tional
investment plan — I think it will enable a
network of provision rather than just each
on-seats” model, Ms. Kelly says it is still a


we’re anxious about is that there’s still a
strong link to student numbers. We would like
to see a much more investigative approach to
a new funding model — that would be a move
away from ‘bums on seats’.”

is it assumes that these people who made such
a mess of it in the last seven years can make
bette[...]ears ago — even the Government decided
that was a failure and that’s one of the main
reasons they decided they had to make a
change: because their own reform failed.”

Mr.[...]d bureaucrats in Wellington. I think it will
have a particular impact on the polytech








Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (8)[...]t film on any

topic. All films are screened at a special event in Downtown cinemas ,

in addition[...]vant information, from the MUSA office.
There is aa lower turnout
than expected and attributed to the[...]gn and included supermarket employees from
as far afield as Wellington, members of the nurses’ uni[...], unhappy at supermarkets managements’ offer of a
2.6% increase in wages, demanded an increase of 7[...]work as adult
employees. The NDU is also seeking a collective bargaining
allowance for supermarket employees.

When asked how the NDU justified a 7% increase for
supermarket staff, NDU Secretary[...]age cuts.” She further commented that by having
a higher increase now, when the time comes for wage[...]ainy
weather, Mr. Martin, described the picket as a “good day”.

“It was primarily an informati[...]for only two — last Wednesday and Saturday. As a

result, gaggles of the over-dressed, bright-eyed[...]did its
best to convince them that university is a fun place
to be — rather than just a place you come to learn

And what a universe of limitless possibilities awaited
the w[...]wareness, although each competitor
was sponsored. A six-lap run was originally planned,
but was cut d[...]keep stopping to‘ put
their hernias back in. In a sprint finish, The Riddler
(Ron Werner) defeated[...]first place — although he was later accused of a false
start. Superman (Laurence Speedy) ca[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (9)[...]consumed before, during, and after the sets, and a good smlawake after anthat?
time was had by all.[...]n of Students’ Associations (NZUSA) elections.

A total of three positions are up for grabs, two co[...]ights officer.

Candidates. do not have to be
on a student association executive, or even have
to be a student. “Helen Clark could run” if she

The elections will take place at a NZUSA conference on 2
September. To win the election, a candidate must gain
two-thirds of the vote with u[...]all says he will “definitely” be running for a second term
as co-president. K, g -:-

wn,“ ,


By Jodie Clarke

Along w[...]— thinking the jump to First Division might be a
bit much for our local team.

Admittedly, the sco[...]ximately 56 percent of the overall
possession and a whopping 68 percent of the overall territory
—[...]d well; converting three of their seven tries
a fair achievement when they spent so little of the[...]r powerful forward
packs made every ruck and maul a spectacle. The Turbos
maintained pressure on Auckland for the full duration of
the game; a pressure punctuated by the numerous penalties
giv[...]Foreman bang on halfway
through the second half. A conversion and penalty first five
Graham Smith[...]ay scored against Cantaburyii)

All in all it was a great game, me and my scarf will definitely
be th[...]e MUSA elections the exec has decided
not to hold a bi-election. Instead, they will attempt to convin[...]MUSA constitution allows for two persons to fill
a position, but does not allow an officer to take on a second
person without a resignation and by—election, “to ensure the
s[...]ent Union (USU) and other
student bodies prompted a revision of the bank’s terms and

T[...]corporate affairs,
Robert Reid, says the Bank has a strong association with
students. “We have bank[...]tiary Plus was created to meet
those needs. It is a comprehensive package of banking
products and ser[...]clude fee waivers, an interest-free overdraft
and a personal loan at preferential rates.

USU preside[...]f
that fact”. “The National Bank has produced a policy that
benefits both students and bu[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (10)[...],
screamed an infuriated industry spokesperson at a
press conference. “See that thing we did there?[...]e else not laughing", he concluded.
Despite being a joke that is at least thirty years old,
consumers[...]fails to make me smile”," said
Shanna Showers, a self-confessed stupid bint who
is one of millions[...]MBINGS

The Lebanese government has today imposed a
state of emergency after it was revealed that the[...]president Fouad Siniora made the announcement
at a press conference, where he made a pointed
reference to the sparse upper lip of Isra[...]right — he doesn’t have one.
Would you trust a man with such a smooth upper
lip?” The accusations drew an imme[...]RRELL

from the Israeli government, which said in a press
release “these rumors and speculations ar[...]e Israeli government.
President Katsav could grow a perfectly decent
moustache if he wanted to, and a[...]say activist Fu Xiancai, who
was paralysed after a severe beating, inflicted the
blows himself, according to a rights body. Mr Fu,
who campaigned for people dis[...]ck was so severe that
three of his vertebrae were broken, HRIC said. It is
unclear whether the activist was in fact beating up
his own super-ego which acts as a radical form of
therapy as he struggles with his[...]ort they used to.


A car broke down in tears yesterday after going

Matthew Nagle, a 25 year old man from the,
Massachusetts who is paralysed from the neck
down, has learnt to use a specially designed
computer controlled by a brain implant, just by
thinking about it. The sys[...]he
computer. He has already learnt how to control a
text cursor on a screen, much like how the Jews
control US. foreig[...]ST FILM, “JEWS RUN

KEVIN F[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (11)[...]Tuesday 7 August 2006

fr ” CAUTWN:



é ~-—-.—-.—.—.n-mu~-.u[...]‘W’W"ard :33 Mudfli

y mm A more! wow "

New A ML: moss FROM MY mix-Jaw.
fifi‘wfimfl r 1 J[...]was:

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@ \ucnoemou[...]MTV, W5 ALSO C1000 FOKA

1" TANK or A T\ME -\ a
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new- duoursxoc‘a.

cKLe[...]may wsmzmow an M2! “‘N‘“ - m cuAFF A39 “*5 “'4‘ ’ . k ' >‘
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. 0K, GtANQ;[...]wanna BMW-3.

(dua- U ‘3 6)

VM E»ng The aougrsow M[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (12)[...]aching fast with nominations
opening in less than a week. Listed below are all the
positions that are up for nomination, with a short blurb
about what each position entails, the[...]c send an email to electiongihmusa. to get a copy of the nomination form or pop into the
ensure the smooth running of the assooiation; a large part
of this is to take the administration[...]tudents are met, and to see that students receive
a reasonable, if not the best, standard of living available to
them as they undertake their studies. A large part of the
portfolio is also assisting stu[...]y consulted and
represented in academic matters. A large part of the
portfolio is also assisting st[...]ng adhered it. It also involves co—
ordinating a disabilities week.

Time commitments and Remuner[...]tudy and life and that postgraduate students have a good
experience during their study both academic[...]of the above
positions, or you would like to see a full schedule of
duties for the above pos[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (13)[...]oing to end at the
hands of some alien midgets in a novelty bi—plane,
or people who wear hats are r[...]t the vicious Mad
Monk both at home and abroad in aa werewolf. I mean, he turns

bites peoples’ neck[...]t on the part of writer Bill Finger,
but there is a historical alternative. Due to the
Depression, yo[...]so the two were conflated
into what I’ll call a Were-Fire. In the economic boom
that followed Wor[...]the original divisions
were reinstated, which was a boon for the Vampire
but a terrible loss of status for the werewolf, who
had to travel on the back of the bus and suffer a
demeaning pre—moon curfew. Or maybe Bill Finger[...]ved up
all my pennies to invest in something with a certain
cache of cool. And what was that something? A
hardbound collection of 1930’s Batman comics,
o[...]before' I was
beaten up and the book thrown into a toilet, I only
got the chance to read one story.[...]ally pear-like, but nowhere
near eerie. I went on a crash diet. I tried contorting

myself. Somehow I[...]ded up as Marlon

Brando through the wrong end of a telescope. But

the point, I think, still holds.[...]e! That guy’s

like, “Hey, Batman, I’ve got a perfectly reasonable
question for you” and Batm[...]r grandma asks if you’d like more tea,
give her a slap and tell her old people smell like

Nazi col[...]f companionship,
he’s almost certainly either:

A) Trying to scalp you his plane tickets to

C) Unfit to be a doctor.

Hmmmm, look — a bat—shaped plane in the sky!
What could it be? Possibly a plane? A plane owned
by the well-publicised Bat-man? No! Don’t be silly.
It’s Martians! A whole invasion of Martians, no less.
A whole invasion force of Martians contained on one
tiny plane. A tiny plane for some reason shaped like
a bat. Of course! And why are they here? To bring
Man, put a hat on some people and they think
they can rewrit[...]but they’re not engaged, because he’s really a

6) GLASS CUTS sh*t

into a wolf at night, but he sleeps in a coffin and E

This was a particular important lesson for me, as
it was the[...]per.


A controversial one, this. There is a fine line between
a comfortable resting place for the female in distress
a lap - and aa gold star from teacher,
while the other will end[...]ntly up and down on his knee
for hours quite like a man dressed as a bat.


A specific, but none—the-less pertinent, piece o[...]UP WITH

Presumably this was written on a day when Bill
Finger, pinned down in his office[...]t the garlic and who got
the silver bullet. He is a giant bat, you deceased
5 loan.

But seriously, this lesson has been a great boon for
me in my'life as a writer. For instance, where I would
once have written, “The waves lapped at the shore
gently, with a rhythmic, probing insistency, like
two forms meeting for the first time in a passionate,
énaked embrace”, now I just go and watch some
p*rn for a bit.


Well, s[...]ne page — not counting all the pictures! — of A3
newsprint! Or, from a different perspective, a page
of nerdy jokes about Batman and Vampires, wi[...]ain Doctor was secretly in their

*** Not a guarantee! And the Vampire will almost
certainly kill you. Which is a pretty long way to go
for sex. My advice i[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (14)[...]as they’re called in Japan,

manga. Comics are a serious industry in Japan,
and weekly sales of ma[...]comic books as
an everyday part of life — both a valid art form'and a form of

VICTORIA: Is that what you t[...]so you can sleep at
night? '

COURTNEY: I fell in a bucket.

LEIGH: Urn, what are you guys doing here[...]urned into animals.

LEIGH: Yeah. They’re under a curse.

VICTORIA: The curse of Japan?

LEIGH: Japan is a country, not a curse. '
COURTNEY: I don’t know, it looks an awful lot like a curse
to me.

LEIGH: Look, Fruits Basket is this series about a girl, Tohru
Honda, whose mother dies in an accident. Tohru doesn’t

in the woods, in a tent.

VICTORIA: Yeah, that totally makes sense.[...]ckly discovers the secret of the Sohma family: if a cursed
family member is hugged by someone of the[...]shojo, or manga
aimed at girls.

COURTNEY: I want a pretty cat—boy.

VICTORIA: You are aa touching story of friendship and angst!
VICTORIA:[...]s are very serious business.
COURTNEY: Ga—go—a-aa—aa! Why is the worm—thing eating
the girl—thing[...]o show graphic violence. They’re often aimed at a more
mature audience than most western cartoons.[...]I can’t wait to go to Japan and get savaged
by a giant worm!

LEIGH: It’s not real life! It’s a comic called Bleach. That
‘worm’ is a Hollow; the malevolent soul of a dead person.
Bleach is a popular manga and anirne series about a guy
want to be a burden to anyone, so she goes to live by herself[...]an see dead peopl‘?‘
VICTORIA: So it’s hke a documentary of the comic book
world? 7

LEIGH:[...], look at this! This long—haired guy is wearing a dress!
VICTORIA: Don’t be so insensitive! It’s called a KIMONO,
and in Japan it’s traditional!

X ii i 2’ . f;

’ wonderful world o[...]: Tuesday 7 August

LEIGH: Actually, that’s a man in a wedding gown. Good

01’ Fruits Basket. But bac[...]ame was Leigh, and she had curly blonde
hair and a laughter like silver bells?

LEIGH: Yes! I mean, no! Rukia Kuchiki is in fact a
shinigami, or death god, and here she has just thrown
herself in front of a Hollow to save Ichigo’s life. Now in order
for Ichigo to save his family, he must also become a death
god. AND he gets a wicked-cool sword!

COURTNEY: I have a sword.

LEIGH: Courtney, those are scissors.

C[...]of the typical stylistic features of manga. For
a start, manga is not read from left to right like[...]e told us this
earlier, before we descended into a world of confusion and

LEIGH: NO[...]at world also
called Leightopia?

LEIGH: It’s a legitimate genre
of manga!

VICTORIA: Is this l[...]GH: At the Palmerston North City Library! FAKE is a
fairly old series, seven volumes in total, and w[...]upholding your promises to me, Victoria. Because a
promise between friends is like a promise between men.
LEIGH: Wait a minute, you promised Courtney yaoi? Then
why are you so surprised?
VICTORIA: For a reason!

LEIGH: What’s that sticking

out of your bag?

VICTORIA: Nothing!

LEIGH: Oh, really? A pink

comic book titled ‘Eerie
Queerie’ sure[...]e


VICTORIA: I was just holding

it for a friend!

COURTNEY: Wow! Thanks!


Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (15)[...]HE SCENE 1s SET.

I’m twenty—eight years old, a big fan of

comic books, and will fight anyone who ;

3 under the name Penguin!

has a problem with that. Sometimes I try to

me my fir[...]erious makes him the
most frightening villain — a fact enforced by
the cliffl'ianger for the first episode as Riddler
slowly tightens a vice around the head of
Robin who is strapped to[...]idea why I liked her so much (well,
series seems a far more pure translation of
not just the 60s Bat[...]er Bat Reactor): Molly!
burgers. Ward later wrote a book about his
MOLLY {being najf and girly): I can’t! I’m too

(mostly) nothing less than aa moment! K- G Bird

was released. After that, my m[...]Cagey bird! ThePenguin!

student loan, and later a job I was on the way gross errors making it almost insulting to


It was such a wonderful show and had so

TAKE THIS INTO PITSTOP[...]simple and naive, At this stage, I should back up a bit and The Pengum—playedbyBurgess Meredith—1[...]ve no idea 5

the DC comic and part adaptation of aa TV series that ran for three seasons a laugh as the Joker’s whooping chuckle or

S the[...]n various restrictions meant they
had to condense a typical two—part storyline
but 20th Century Fox[...]gled out as the ideal hom*osexual
relationship. As a result of the hysteria,
comics could only survive by forming the
a self-governing
body with a strict View to lighten the subject
matter of comics. As a result, the Batman
comics became very light and s[...]the same formula
Backing up the dynamic duo were a supporting
cast perfect in their roles. Alan Napi[...]— played
by Yvonne Craig. Her presence was just
a mediocre success, as far as ratings were

concern[...]man, RObin, and Batgirl

were twisted together in a human knot where
every move tightened it and thre[...](sorry, Wllham), but it shows just : . . . . 5
3 a wee bit of the ridiculous enius that made ; role,[...]iter
Lorenzo Semple Jr., the show went from
being a fun piece of satire and adventure to

sadly makin[...]shin

these stories
were already being written in a light and
campy style. In fact, it was only due t[...]he comic wasn’t
cancelled. It gave DC enough of a lifeline
for a new editor to be appointed. Gradually,
the charac[...]lms were okay (I will not
dignify Schumacher with a discussion),
but when I watch them now I see so many
problems (Batman kills, a fat Joker). The

Post Batman, Adam West and Burt[...]oed’. West’s
BATIWIN: Poor deluded girl. What a terrible
something about
change the subject. (alt[...]hed the big signs on all the
Batcave equipment as a practical joke — and
toremind us of the[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (16)[...]“Run Snowy, run!” or cried with Dogmatix over a fallen

tree, let me present a list of what I consider to be five of the top si[...]hether in need of comic relief, cannon fodder, or a place
to rest their weary feet — heroes have always needed a
r sidekick. They perform a number of roles. They show the[...]s the Bat Family. He stuck around
_ _‘ _ p for a number of adventures before mysteriously disappea[...]-' .. ‘ v H M W» " of Ace being lured into a trap by a small squeaking hotdog dog toy, forbidden

31 3‘3!“ ' , ‘ r_ I. A . ' " ‘ 7 ' g ~ ‘ g to ever again have popcorn as a treat.



- g DIV: Hey, come here buddy. Yo[...]SUPERNAFF!
DIV: Sorry.

Ace was the epitome of a professional crime-fighter. He always wore a mask,
lest other disreputable dogs in the neighb[...]real identity and
sh*t on the Wayne Manor lawn. A good soldier.

2. Robin!

Of all the Sidekicks[...]up and left themantle behind. He was replaced by a street
kid called Jason Todd, but one day the Joker gave him a massage with a
; crowbar, and he didn’t make it. In current co[...]pularity, some rebel creators tried to introduce
a darker type of sidekick with Super Moby-Dick. Equ[...]learn flamenco guitar, the Super Moby—Dick is a fine example of
courage in the face of short wi[...]4. Lois Lane!

OOOOOooooo Superman and Lois up a tree F-I—S-T-I <ahem> Lois Lane
has been a permanent fixture in Superman’s life since Acti[...]ssed
(or rimmed), Lois chose to shut her head in a lead cube. Lois Lane, intrepid
reporter — neve[...]'Superman never had another Kryptonian to act as a
sidekick. Instead, it was his human side[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (17)[...], part 24-frames—per-second art
exhibition - is a landmark documentary, and it is hard to
think of a more suitable form for the examination of its
titular subject.

Though based in a non—fictional setting, Crumb somehow
manages t[...]famous now for his well—publicised fetishes and a
Janis Joplin album cover.

In Fritz the Cat, Mr.[...]man
Begins, this film needs to be appreciated in a different way.
Batman is a Tim Burton film, it contains all the quirky
styl[...]k style world for the big screen.

Burton creates a dark, gritty, surreal Gotham City complete
with G[...]d quirky inhabitants. He
creates an impression of a city going through trouble and
depression, one that is in need of a hero. This is not the set
for the ‘Holy Toledo[...]he ‘605 television show,
but an environment for a dark hero to flourish. I’m not a_
big fan of Burton’s style, some of the street characters and
antics are a bit over-the-top and annoy me, but in all he
crea[...]o, and even though the Nicholson is superb, I
got a bit frustrated with all his high jinks and was wa[...]later fictional works, he has ever assembled a more

3 satisfying movie than Crumb. This, it has[...]lustrations, which punctuate the film and provide a

3 sense of structure and linearity to the wander[...]subject,

5 Zwigoff creates the overall effect of a man alone — despite

E the notoriety, his wife[...]head

me, I remember seeing this film as a child and he was so

3 cool, every other actor to[...]hero that is supposed to
be Batman; rather/than a Hollywood corrupted action star
3 that Val Kilmer[...]ichael Keaton is Batman.

5 Batman is by no means a classic for the ages, but it has
aged gracefully[...]outdated, the action
5 is non-stop, and there is a storyline. Batman is not a fihn

3 that needs a great deal of concentration, but it achiev[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (18)[...]e —- You, Me and
Dupree? Ding Ding Ding we have a winner! That’s
right, this movie is an absolute[...]what makes it
worse is the fact that it does have a stellar cast, and a
semi—decent premise.

First off, directors Anth[...]some may
argue that there really isn’t much of aa funny suspicion
that their constant collaboration[...]make his way up the corporate ladder; and she’s a rich girl,
used to all the finer things in life, who becomes a primary
school teacher. What’s up with that anyway? Is “teacher”
Hollywood’s idea of a non-threatening profession that’s
supposed to c[...]tude and

lifestyle? Maybe Paris Hilton should be a teacher; she might

stop receiving all that bad press. Maybe she should make a
sex tape in a classroom. Now that’s hotl

But I digress. Dill[...], and
Zoolander. In fact, he’s pretty much made a name for
himself playing the carefree guy, with o[...]pots here and
there; it is after all, meant to be a comedy. But overall, it
just fell way short of ex[...]avaged country into Israel. They’re being given a
second chance at life, although it may not be an[...]e sent back across the border, which is
basically a death sentence.

This award winning, and incredib[...]ountry, and
live, if he can somehow pretend to be a Falasha. At nine
years old, Shlomo is forced to l[...]surviving member of his family, behind, and enter a world
that is completely foreign, all on his own.[...]e.
Shlomo faces the challenge of having to obtain a new
identity in order to survive, but also having a personal need
to not let go of his old one, or forget his mother.

It tells of a world that is foreign to many of us apart from
th[...]ect of this life on an individual,

and just what a person can become if given the opportunity, _ Tamara Scott

and understanding.

5 This is a solid and very moving story, which is both well[...]n though
5 the story may be fictional, there’s a level of reality to it

E that makes you think th[...]inly makes for an

3 informative movie.

3 It’s a film that you can watch and be almost unaware th[...]. You don’t sit there thinking, “this will be a good

5 soundtrack”, or “wow, look at that sh[...]what is happening in Shlomo’s world. This is
5 a film that unlike many, does not just entertain one for the

5 short term, it leaves a long—lasting impression.


correctly, an[...]ured below? Answer (ONCE)
d go in the draw to win a double

pass to the movies

, answer:

name & student id:

Last Issue’s answer:
A Mighty Wind
Mitzi Milligan
Jemma Smith


Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (19)[...]Zealand’s Freedom Week (7 August — 4
August), a week of campaigning and
fundraising for global Hu[...]issues.
There will be no entry fee or tickets but a
gold coin donation to Amnesty International
would be appreciated. Seating is on a first
come, first served basis — no reserves.[...]DING - » Highbmy Shopping centre in Highburyiin.
a": Monduym Friday 10am ~4pm

VINYL JACKET: - $20 S[...]ch.

Te Manawa Art, Mind and Life have:
Whodunit, a murder mystery in Menagerie
Park. Natalie Merle W[...]nd
Dinosaur Hunter.

Taylor Jensen Fine Arts has: A series of
quick sketches of Australian scenery pa[...]their
songs rely more on brawn than brain
and in a very beer-drinking sense
of the phrase. And I am not talking
about a nice Summer Ale or gentle
Ginger Tom, no no, no.[...]are so sexy! Just one
place where I wanna wake up A-U-C-
K-L-A-N-D!" Shear brilliance.

Back in Brown is Deja Vo[...]ep release We Are
Deja Voodoo in 2003. Following a nation—
wide Orientation tour they were offered a
deal with Liberation and the debut album
Brown Sa[...]eatured the hit single “We Are Deja
Voodoo" and a number of other unique
identifiers (including th[...]g “Jack the Ripper”), and earned
the foursome a reputation as one of our
country’s finest sh*t[...]s.

As the saga continues, this latest release
is a true testimonial to the genre. From
the repetitiv[...]unes are quite
catchy. However, while this may go a long
way in a room full of drunkards, it doesn’t
necessarily[...]und of the album is generally
more reminiscent of a demo disc than a
second effort, but as this is also typical of
the[...]d live show than their studio
mastery. Indeed, as a live act they have
done well; they have pl[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (20)[...]d nothing could possibly come
after it. There’s a good reason you don’t hear
early Clash (or any[...]heap and small. It leaves
everything else lacking a sense of threat and
hope and possibility. Everyth[...]punk is how
it can still sound so f*cking new. “A Boring
Life,” “One Chord Wonders,” The Clas[...]othing comparable
came after it — although, for a time, once
heard, that voice seemed available for[...]lready works. The band was always after
more than a chapter in a sociology textbook
on Britain’s post-war youth[...]perhaps over-Whelming pressure brings
industry to a standstill or barricades to
the streets years aft[...]urnalist invents the theory that this
:onstitutes a clash of generations. Youth,
after all, is not a permanent condition, and a
:lash of generations is not so fundamentally
langerous to the art of government as would
)e a clash between rulers and ruled.”

Jriginally released as a double album in
.979 (sold for the price of a single album
m the band’s request) Joe Strummer[...]istols were contraband:
enounced in Parliament as a threat to the
ritish way of life and forced to play gigs in
ecret, under a fake name. Indeed, punk was
ccommodated so swiftl[...]ll the songs on
London Calling are possessed with a kind of
frenetic necessity — like the band knew[...]ing his bass at the
New York palladium was itself aa pop airiness that gives that music the
richness, power and depth of a great novel.
Among double—albums, only Exile on[...]extravagant. Everything is
brought together into aa despondent, resigned
chorus that drops off into s[...]ines stop running/ and the wheat is
growing thin

A nuclear error/ but I have no fear

Cause London i[...]to
be nowhere”). “Lost in the Supermarket,”
aa council flat and
f*cked up on crack. “Clampdown” a stark
account of the alienated working-class yout[...]gle completely; Strummer sarcastically
delivering a bleak litany of defeat and co—

Every cheap hood strikes a bargain with the

And ends up making payments on a sofa or
a girl

Love ‘n hate tattooed ‘cross the knuckl[...]first, talking to no one in particular:

231 GH'A‘FF g Tlfi’é'sfday 7 A‘uf"g"'lu“s't 210'0'6


“We’re gonna march a long way”, he mutters,
“Gonna fight — a long time.” The guitars
slowly pick up — like a distant bugle call to
scattered troops. The drums kick into a beat,
while Strummer gradually gathers power as
h[...]tion Rock. In Four Horsem*n — which
sounds like a punk version of The Seven
Samurai — the band op[...]r, brutality and injustice,
London Calling offers a sense of purpose
and faith and life which shines[...]ing the world, of
course, London Calling was more a eulogy
than a manifesto. Three years after the
album was releas[...]s
where the album was recorded was located
is now a nunnery (“he who f*cks nuns”). The
old chapel housing Wessex Studios (106A
Highbury New Park) is being converted
into luxury[...]By the
standards of history, punk changed hardly a
thing. But what is history anyway? If history
is simply a matter of events that result
in something that ca[...]nd
very little. What if, however, history is also a
result of instants that seem to leave nothing
beh[...]find themselves
dancing the same beat? Punk was a moment
in history, a moment that took shape as a
language anticipating its own destruction;
and a chance to create fleeting possibilities
that wou[...]words. And after all that, won’t you give them
a smile?

J .—F. Dupuis


Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (21)2'12 aCH’A‘FF' Tlfi'é'é'élay 7 A‘lllg l1! st 2006

HE GR ' TEST ltiWi toil/151..[...]most fans and collectors, I
consider my five-and-a—half long boxes to be
considerable. I also have a reasonable stack
of Heavy Metals - a bimonthly comic magazine
that publishes short, lo[...]w comics and don’t notice the NZ ones. Up
until a few months ago, the only Kiwi comic I’d
read was an A4 piece of paper, cut and folded
in a particular way, making it very small but
still containing two stories. It was a brilliant
(possible bias exists due to subject ma[...]cert in Wellington. Around this time,
I also read a graphic novel called Hicksvi/le
by Dylan Horrocks[...]ie!

Set in Auckland, Dharma Punks (lent to me by
a friend — thanks Helen!) opens with Chopstick,
reminiscing about a day one year ago, when he
and his friends are planning to bomb a fast-
food restaurant. However Chopstick, a punk
and Buddhist, is having doubts about whether[...]m completing his mission. These include,
avoiding a gang of skinheads, a sudden meeting
with an enigmatic mute girl, and r[...]ue, the art
reminded me of the work of Paul Pope (a semi-
underground artist with such books as Escap[...]ceover’ throughout Dharma

Sang included a small editorial in each issue.
In some of the lat[...]While the overall story is great,
Sang introduces a lot of elements in the early
issues that aren’t[...]pstick agrees to blow up the
restaurant to create a memorial to Hiroshima
- a way to honour what she did for him, and
the ways[...]it is not
made explicit to the reader.

Sang does a great job of making the reader
sympathise with Chopstick throughout the
story, however the ending is a little flat. The
threat posed by the skinheads a[...]by
the mere fact that Chopstick is talking to us
a year later from a café, that he must get
through everything ok. Despite the faults, it’s a
magnificent effort for Sang to have written and[...]of whatever difficulties
Sang had, that make it a New Zealand comic,
regardless of location and theme. All eight
issues will soon be collected and released as
a trade paperback, which will probably be the
only way you’ll get a chance to read this lovely
comic — so don’t m[...]Div Collins

mm «is, same. m:

.mlmm‘a‘tm‘lflu *3

5'13“?“ “Hm, m[...]y want to look into any of these sites
.. call me a prude, but I like having sex with
' humans, live[...]adult) humans.
ow fmstrating would it be to have a fetish
1‘ comic book p*rn, and never being able[...]Hentai~ a Japanese word meaning
‘Vyet outside Japan, Hentai is a
mi term to describe most forms of
tic-graphic nov[...]ook p*rn
- I haven’t seen
3 much, but
' what I


horny female protagonists -

have, has been the[...]with enormous nipples
and guns who like to f*ck, a
lot. Often in Japanese art, the
females are regul[...]ak
the comfort barrier for most
readers. Here are a select few
genre’s for you to ponder:

Tentacle[...]used to be considered EroGuro
however, has become a successful genre in
its own right! This is a great place to find
some rape—fantasy material[...]c book
depictions of prepubescent girls (there
is a male equivalent, Shotacon). If you’re

The last delicacy from Japan is EroGuro. A
word bastardised from Erotic + Guro (Guro
meaning[...], mutilation, poos and wees.
As expected, this is a genre that is able to
translate into film via p*rno Horror as the
special effects don’t require pleasuring a
woman with two octupuss*s.

What can I say[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (22)[...]omics, for those of you who aren’t quite as big a
social outcast as myself), so I’m not really qu[...]this comic to anything else in the medium.
But as a fan of both vampires, and taking the name
of the[...]y sure like to
bite people! Now everyone lives in a dome, and the
Messiah has returned to earth. What[...]iated vampire—smiting Messiah, of course,
faces a deep crisis of faith in Well, in Himself, as
“the vampire nation” (which one can only assume
is more a nation in the sense that they have similar
interests and hobbies, and not in' the sense that
they have a flag or any particular landmass) plots to
destro[...]ely premise than I was by the
fact that there was a grammatical error on page one,
to be repeated on[...]ghtly less hideous than
the people, and there are a lot of nipples everyone.
Vampires, Jesus and nipples, oh my! I sure love that

undead nipple.

Especially on a monkey! Yes. The world’s oldest
vampire, Lilith, is in fact aa medium for conservative thinkers to
control the m[...]). On the other hand, if Christianity is
based on a fallacious belief that God exists, then ALL
vampi[...]say that I spent way too much time thinking
about a few throw-away lines in a short, weird comic.
Like all good nerds, I am tor[...]is about what you’d expect
from any comic about a futuristic world inhabited by
fundamentalists and[...]th
so profound that they can only be expounded
in a mag with a perspicacious readship ~ like

But before[...]e my brain for
later: ‘It’s the 19603: Ben is a confused 21 year
old with excellent grades, proud parents and,
since he helped Mrs Robinson with her zipper, a
fine future behind him...’

It’s a spiffing show, aa bloody psychia
but effective eno
frocking himself[...]o existen
realities of

presences y
a graviportal
the CEO world[...]is one of those who
will not let the smallness of a role get in the way
of the greatness of the talen[...]—
hell, just watching him move the furniture is a

If Hambleton _ demands to be
remembered for[...]the bafflement of his character,
ever making it a figure of fun — and thereby
ducing a marvelously comic perfomance.
e aforementioned pa[...]mous nudity, is Mrs Robinson. What
(:1 it’s not a fleeting one either.
e doubtless pouring through[...]on in, Peter Hambleton’s Mr
Robinson turns into a brilliant portrait of George
W Bush, who can be goaded, by the inexplicable,
from your regular good-guy to a salivating axe

The other reason is explained in a latish
scene in which Mrs Robinson is viciously w[...]ne
crosses her stockinged legs on the bed, lights a
cigarette — and turns into her mother. The child
is mother of the woman. Somewhere, some day
a confused young man is going to say: ~Are y[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (23)[...]t-year-old

Regular festival goers will recognise a
number of directors that have new works
this ye[...]screening, the delightftu
titled Tristram Shandy: A co*ck and Bull
Story and The Road to Guantanamo. O[...]of this film where

Coogan sends himself up as a certified

comic genius and celebrity. His othe[...]d The Closet He
is back this year with The Valet, a story
of a restaurant car service valet paid by
a ruthless tycoon to cohabit with his
mistress, a golden—hearted supermodel. It’s
all about th[...]four British Muslim boys who went
to Pakistan for a wedding in September
200 1 and ended up as tortur[...]of the US Army. Winterbottom re—enacts it

as a modern horror story. And once you see
what the guards do to the young men you
will see why it’s a horror.

The strength of the documentary film i[...]mbined live action and animation. His
new film, A Scanner Darkly, continues
this style but is an adaptation of a Philip K.
Dick novel about government surveillan[...]Mongolian director Byambasuren
Davaa returns with a drama this time, The
Cave of the Yellow Dog, which is also set
in Mongolia. A family of nomads pitch their
yurt on Mongolia’s grassy plains for the
summer. It is a moving portrait of a family
caught between the call of the city and their
traditional way of life. And yes there is a
dog, whether it’s yellow or not is something
you will need to see the film for.

delivering aa Chinese garment factory from eight
every morning until two the next, seven
days a week cutting the loose threads from

denim jean[...]our and

Argentinean director Fabian Bielinsky is a
master of the heist film and his last film,
Nine Queens, dealt with a set of stamps
and an intriguing sting. The Aura[...]ral character, an epileptic
taxidermist, goes on a hunting trip.

then her food and accommodation co[...]Zealand is represented
with Departure and Return, aa New Zealand high school

and The Last Resort abo[...]a this year (2005)”.

The above only touches on a small
sampling of what is on offer this year. Grab
a programme from Downtown Cinemas and
start planning a wonderful 18 days of film
indulgence — I will[...]’s follow-up to Lantana,
Jindabyne is based on a short story by
Raymond Carver. It’s about four men
on a fishing trip who find the body of a
murdered woman — and carry on fishing.
Lawren[...]Inconvenient Truth

The Valet

Tristram Shandy: A co*ck and Bull Story
Thank You For Smoking

The New World


A Scanner Darkly

It may have been years in[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (24)[...]amien joins the cause too, but when Teddy
accepts a compromise agreement with the British, a
disgusted Damien vows to fight on. Spot the erro[...]945

16mm B&W 90 minutes
August 9th

The Clock is a non—musical romance film,
set in New York City during World War II.
Robert Walker plays aa fairly “realistic”
background, as opposed to[...]are, the
entire black and white film was made on a
Hollywood back lot.

The picture opens with a crane shot of Penn
State, showing hundreds of people scurrying
around. It picks up a young soldier, obviously
dazzled by his first vis[...]is lost in the crowd.
In between these sequences, a sweet love
story unfolds.

The New York City depi[...]are all the black men in
uniform. The film makes a pro-Civil Rights
point {by including so many prom[...]ck men in the
service of their country.

This was a major focus of Civil Rights
thinking of its time.[...]begin a "

making a major contribution on an equal
level with white p[...]scored this contribution as vividly
as The Clock. A black serviceman saying
good-bye to his wife and[...]equal treatment of the Army, Navy
and Marines was a major concern of most
Hollywood films of that era[...]e door before each

Film Society takes a break while the Film
Festival is on and we resume[...]AY

THE (Hi ‘Saturday 12 August
8' "ram Shandy: A co*ck and Bull

3A group ofa ors and filmmakers set out to adapt
ja[...]racter from
the moment of conception onward, with a bevy of
digressions, distractions, and unfinishe[...]true to its anarchic
spirit: the film begins as a mostly straightforward
adaptation of events in Sterne’s writings, and then
. years into aA co*ck and Bull
Story (94 +
4.00pm - Ho
6.00pm -[...]year-old girlfriend, S 7 .
Neither has a clue about‘:
?'in the poverty of their Bel‘
B[...]e baby on the \
gd’ijven to deSperatio'n. Using a g
the Dardenne’ follow these lo ‘
find a morai:grofld in a world
zslack. Reriie d Francois giv

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (25).$

Nga mihi ki a koutou. Welcom
Kohinga for 2006.

CALLING ALL MAO[...]y 'will be” available againh'om‘next eek,
and a full timetable will be posted at Kainga Rua and ,
Te Putahi a’I‘oij You'may also request asSistance at a
time that fits with your schedule, by emailingJ[...]e and can also
proof-read your work. Kemp will be a valuable resource for
all 150.111 and 150.211 stu[...]lso
Will. be featured Massey News on

K1A HIWA RA! . .
HROUGH[...]Tertiary Education and have been waiting
'1’ ‘a (supp0sedly)uncharacteristically slow response fr[...]ther
details contact: Veronica Tawhai 0273054882 A tma. or Maryjane Waru 027 332267 6A


1 lam[...]ori provide. We know from experience that this
is a difficuLLpath, and that working with others’ s[...]lbergwmasseyacnz.

Whats on and coming up.

Hui—a~whanau are held every Wednesday afternoon

@ 12:3[...]ou have to be in to win!” Nau mai, heare mai ki a
koutou katoa.

We have a huge semester planned; here are many of the
upcom[...]new T e Whare
Herenga. Ranginui provided us with a beautiful day for

our opening which began with s[...]es—International students Rebecca
'I‘uileto’a made a very good MC. The Kai provided was so
tasty that it disappeared in a matter of minutes; however
there was more than en[...]park car for the day at the Cake Tin: cost
is $6 a day. The city bus stop is a short walk through the
train station for drivers[...]to the marae — bus is Highbury 20: cost $2. Is a good
idea as the Cake Tin parking lot is then a short walk from
parliament grounds at the conclu[...]funding
cuts, Treaty Principles Deletion Bill). A

—Note: TMA has prepared draft submissions tha[...]gimarie i nga wa katoa
Manaaki Tonu Te Tauira is a message to government to
ensure the continued nu[...]those concerns, and
provide the government with a clear picture of Maori
student’s needs and asp[...]nd in further policy development. Signatures for
a petition will be collected the day of the student hikoi in
which, if after a specified time there are no developments
from t[...]arliament which will
see the matter forwarded to a select committee for review.

Draft submissions[...]aland First and United Future government
allowed a New Zealand first bill to go to Select Committee[...]e students to enable
them to gain and appreciate a much fuller understanding
of why Maori have rate[...]nce to the Treaty from such legislation would
be a significant set back to the valuable contributio[...]est, the acceptance and passing through of such

a ‘Bill’ would see a downward trend in Maori health

status and take[...]ment based at WITT are researching and
preparing a

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (26)[...]l 12—hour theatre
festival. It works kinda like a 48—hour film
festival. Teams (min. of 3 and max. 7) will
have 12 hours to write, rehearse and perform
a piece of theatre. The teams will have to
include a mystery prop, character and the
piece will have to relate to a mystery theme.
There will be great prizes availab[...]forming but would like to
see the show (should be a riot) the cost of
tickets will be $4. To register or make a ticket
booking please contact Stephanie Radley at[...]Hockey players are most welcome.
Definitely not a night to miss!

.---u no. ... non-"unnu- n[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (27)a gay hunter of zombies, and
I need your advice.

N[...]w we must scavenge the city,
risking our lives in a quest for that
perfect pair of shoes. Often I pre[...]the clerks don’t let
me shop I take action with a double
shot gun.

I say ‘we’ because there are others
that survived. Not many, but there are
a few. Mostly goths in black netting
with pale whit[...]ry
lucky myself. You see, that particular
day was a ‘rne’ day, where I locked
my doors, turned of[...]get back to the real problem.
I decided to go for a stroll through
the city on a mission to obtain a set
of dinnerware to match my couch

and coaster[...]ever had to make. From out
of the crowds has come a familiar face.
Who else could it be but the iconi[...]t
eer questionin

£51 decided to
go for a stroll
through the city
on a mission to
obtain a set of
dinnerware to
match my couch -
and coaster[...]is no such-place, 0 yes I have seen it too

Just a little different from how you do.
A river winding blue among the dunes and a marble bed
And a

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (28)a
great start, with about 100 classes
having repres[...]e remaining student
population? Well, if you have a class
rep they’ll be letting you know about
all[...]’s up to date
information available. As we’re a ‘world
class university’, one has to wonder
i[...]cs on anything
nowadays. Goggle works wonders for a
barrage of information if nothing else.
Massey’[...]re than she had to.
It’s good that she’ll get a refund, but
it’s a reminder to us all that not all

systems work as[...]shed
by the Library! This fancy new thing will
be a secure bike shed, with entry via a
swipe card. The details about getting
one of these will be released shortly,
but it’ll only involve a small fee, which
will grant you entry to this com[...]e days that isn’t ‘Made in China’
is really a hard task. Even some of
our most recognisable ‘[...]This
is, indirectly, bad for the environment
for a number of reasons, but mainly

due to the increas[...]d for the
country socially and economically,
with a loss of jobs and a loss of local
manufacturing capacity, which could
be required in a post—peak oil world. Of
course, everything beco[...]MUSA Maori Officer

The Maori excuse

Recently, a female colleague of mine
politely informed me that she felt
personally incensed at having to attend
a powhiri because she had to sit at the
rear of the[...]st
not attend. However, she’d be missing
out on a special cultural experience.
I also informed her[...]action was because it actually did
incense her as a feminist. Maybe she
felt out of her depth and afr[...]t the back? I wondered if the
recent outbursts of a female National
Party MP enabled my colleague to use
my culture as an excuse to not attend
a powhiri. It just makes me wonder. I
also had another experience several
years ago where a friend’s mother,
also pakeha, refused to attend[...]devastating connotations affecting
my culture as a Maori. It turned out

29 :CHAFF : Tuesday 7 Augus[...]ith
that thought in mind, I thought I’d
provide a brief description of what
Karanga, is and one of[...]the mento beabletospeak.The karanga
is more than a call, it is that part of
the ceremony of welcome[...]Women who’re well-versed in the art,
can bring a tingle to the spine and a
tear to the eye. Like the Whaikorero for
men, the[...]u
find yourself in an uncomfortable
situation on a marae because you
don’t know what to do or say,[...]ri culture as an

Ka rl Pea rce

After a Sunday game of rugby that ended with Agboy having
some of the worst neck back and shoulder pain in a long while,
I decided it was time to sit down in front of the TV relax with
a beer and watch some footy. The game of interest a[...]females were
carrying in front! I mean I’m not a guy who’s overly fond. of
stick figures, but if you’re going to be a cheerleader and jump
around to pop music from the 90’s in a poorly choreographed
display of half—arsed cheering wearing only a crop— top and
tight pants, then you should real[...]en. Fair
go to the Tasman blokes tryin’ to make a bit more money
than what they get paid for playing by putting their wives
into a cheer squad, but it’s not cheering anyonel Leav[...]at
the NPC is now the Air New Zealand Cup, making a mockery
of the national competition through corpo[...]I hope
could grow into its own sport eventually. A large cage would
be needed and once placed in the[...]s are dropped
into the cage Where either side has a chance of retrieving one
or both of them. Then a 5 minute timer is started and if one
side is not[...]ould be diminished, everyone winsl
There could be a round robin where each gang plays each
other twic[...]uld go
to kids with cancer making the whole thing a worthy cause.

This is Agboy sayin ‘The floor is not a hamper.’

Upcoming events:

Next meeting Tuesday 15th August, 8pm at the FITZ

Quiz Night throw a teams of Five.

Bus Trip to Hell! Saturday[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (29)[...]11., who likes tramping, horse—riding, and spag
A on toast, for date to Halls Ball. If interested
Protein—Polysacchatide Emulsion Systems”.
A student with a good degree (first, or
second class division I)[...]ry, food science or food technology
is sought for a project that’ll be funded by
the Foundation for[...]haracterize the effects of ultra high

pressures (a novel way of preserving foods),

on the functional performance of milk
protein—based food ingredients. A range of
sophisticated analytical instruments and[...]t of breast cancer. Funding
is for one year up to a maximum of three
years dependent on satisfactory reports of
progress. The award is for a maximum of
$50,000 annually. For more information[...]ctive
research experience after the completion
of a doctoral degree, or those in the last
year of the[...]: Building Research will sponsor
one student from a NZ tertiary institution
studying a construction related course on
the tour (subject[...]orted by Air New Zealand,
this scholarship offers a unique opportunity
for a design student to be mentored by
Karen Walker. A maximum of four finalists
will be selected. Each[...]spirations by having
the opportunity to undertake a one week
work experience at Karen Walker Ltd and



All Entrants get a S’50 bar tab
Enquire @ Scarfies or call 3543 1[...]e
selected. The successful recipient will receive
a structured twelve-week work experience
programme designed by Karen Walker which
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living allowance (of $150 per week for the[...]of Auckland) and accommodation for
the 12 weeks; a return airfare from any New
Zealand Airport to an[...]Open to those studying
towards fulltime in either a Research
Masters or Doctoral degree in a wide range
of disciplines in Social Sciences, Hum[...]didates should have
an excellent academic record, a demonstrated
capacity for leadership, and be able to
show a sense of commitment towards their
proposed resear[...]Masterate
recipients receive $15,000 per annum to a
maximum of two years. Scholars also receiv[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (30)31 :CHAFF : Tuesday 7 August 2006



praying ? Division campaign.



02 A mm). BUT MOSTLY you JUST END up A sum FIGURE. ,wm,¥ou commas TO axxsr
WE HE[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (31)Massey University a. g

CONTRI[...]e from the
. Recreation Centre, MUSA

4* Excel in a particular sport or have made an (”Resistor Bui[...]na)!
Sports & Activities Mm
Pb: (W) m 4312

it Be a financial member of MUSA magma,



Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (32)[...]- and go in the draw to win a $20 book voucher[...]a[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (33)[...]absolute hell out of a beautiful anc:U:tlsto,ri~egion; as
7 August 2006[...]And yet, just a few days ago, I overheard a group of young[...]in particular, while flipping through a newspaper. One
PH: 350 4500 ext 7134[...]to give you a long lecture about how people around the[...]showing outrage or support, won't do a great deal of good.
Design - Nick Gibb[...]find out from a wide range of different sources, that have[...]of months. Unity and Diversity is a night of international
Eimear Clowry[...]performance; Central Tertiary Challenge is a day of fun sports
Jodie Clarke[...]You may have noticed that Massey has been a hive of activity
Leigh Mclennon[...]which gave a number of clubs the chance to get out there and[...]supplement: A couple of us at MUSA meet with a few policy
Roy Cunningham[...]re forced to borrow from the student
Tamar:-a Scott[...]cheme. The student movement has long been pushing a
Todd Simmiss[...]universal student allowance (or a living allowance for all) and
Victoria Mcle[...]we have constantly been bashing our heads against a brick wall[...]of a government that "tweaks" the system which still r[...]lobby for a universal accommodation supplement as a sort of[...]leaders with a stock of just over 35 flats, which are cheap[...]h the help of the Healthy Homes project, which is a scheme
C···············[...]to it being a building requirement. Later this year, work will[...]in Palmerston such that it is the cheapest for a city with a
expressed within CHAFF are not[...].org. nz) have a stronger influence on quality so that Palm[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (34)[...]In issue 16 of CHAFF, there were a few letters about Jesus The[...]t I most agreed with was "Chalk+ Jesus a human construct and much more of a personal response to[...]nocking on your door every few months to give you a private from ignorance, we encourage peo[...]sermon about how great the religion is and I've yet to s[...]Basically, all that advertising was a waste of time and a waste encourage anyone with genuine questions to have a read,
of chalk. A little chalk advertising is fine but you guys too[...]Which leads us to the chalking. Far from being a
Now before you Christians kick up a stink-yes, the Buddhists conservative agenda forcing people to accept Jesus, it is a[...]people to think, and hopefully come to a conclusion, I[...]I am a little unhappy as to the comments that were made[...]orientated dick heads and neither are we a new religion. I Victoria and Leigh's p[...]belief system. I know close to having a point. See that it doesn't happen again.[...]g Yours,
to critique his writing. You have a few seemingly for people and[...]s you should look in the mirror and think A CALL TO ARMS!
The term 'pseudo-pleasure' was sugg[...]hey do. Be careful though we So you are a student, a radical, a mover and shaker, a leader,
deal'. This preceded the statement that C[...]our new cult lo!. a future MP, or the next PM, and you are thinking o[...]for a position on the MUSA executive? - consider this.[...]ime students (and you must be one, to stand) have a study[...]nal students cannot stand for VP or prez, because a
confusion. The Mannequin apologises for thi[...]d want to read Don't wanna use a nasty computer[...]students' assn has a much better .system that allows under-
Anarchy! Shock. A tendency towards maximum disorder,[...]They employ full-time staff to handle day-to-day
a sexist joke about women belonging in the kitchen![...]those prepared to commit to such a heavy workload, MUSA
albeit not grammatically cor[...]s is OUR association, yours and mine; we have
way a good thing. A paradox? Yes. A contradiction? No. So there![...]- and do it now! Bombard him with calls for a Special
of your letter, the poetry is liked for i[...]eek. After finding many Just to clarify a few points here ... You don't have to be a[...]church around 200 A.D.) contains Jesus making the claim[...]CHAFF WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT IT.
On a departing note, please desist from recycling a that he is our only means of b[...]e, it deprives from your credibility. as a great moral teacher - it simply ignores what he c[...]Student Lounge
A rebuttal from the one and ONLY Mannequin.[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (35)[...]oad - but
although the band have managed to amass a small
core of indigenous fans, New Zealand audien[...]of them - which is cool. We've never done a studio journalists here though.
anything[...]album beforeJ and it was a strange experience that[...]ot plenty to say really. Right from thrown a spanner in the works in terms of our cyclical[...]good reviews blows my lights out
the start it was a rebellion against all the sh*t that process o[...]and do something it sounds myself. It's a much different album. people are enjo[...]Is it a New Zealand release only? Are you going[...]but we can't make a living from it, well. .. it sucks
rock"? Seems to[...]a sudden - in the process of losing that cultural[...]hat was an intrinsic part of our musical
I've had a discussion with a few people about that[...]hink we've lost something unique
lately. I was on a website a few weeks ago, they Commercially it's n[...]and special that occasionally made us great?
had a competition trying to find the best post-rock[...]ething. I'm quite
band in the world, and they had a list of about five worried about it actuall[...]Doublehappys, The Alpaca Brothers, The RIP. For a[...]found really funny. But that gave us a unique musical
is a particular sound which has become post-rock.[...]identity, we were producing a sound that you couldn't
Whereas, if you look at all the bands who come Yeah, actually I did a really good interview with a guy hear anywhere else on earth. Now we've sor[...]it. It's like a whole different planet to us. We don't[...]tructure. It's flattering of into sacrificing a great deal of that uniqueness. For[...]course to be nominated, but we never put a whole example, you've got a lot of people talking now about
Not at all. I lov[...]want to do Ironically, we've still got quite a lot of cash from copy.
something new, I don[...]music; they just act like a kind of protective umbrella.
So you've got a new album coming out - Solace But th[...]fferently from Do you ever despair of making a living from Freddie's have got to[...]tten to play live and we'd played them live quite a[...]ity is that there is no they do it in such a way that is distinctly theirs and
two albums were essentially recorded live anyway. chance in hell a band like us could possibly do it in distinc[...]d emo groups that
we went into the studio. We had a whole lot of ideas we know there's no way we can make a living off worry me.
that we were jamm[...]nd critics
You've said before that you don't have a writing whenever you've played in the U[...]there's more of a market for your brand of to play[...]need that kind of
way the song feels on stage is a lot different from you know, things lik~ b[...]audience participation. We're all about the love.
a recording room - more organic, so it can k[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (36)[...]e 7 :CHAFF : Tuesday 7 August 2006
a ............ ~:':'...............................[...]we're anxious about is that there's still a
Minister for Tertiary Education Dr. Michael[...]why they want caps. We think that to see a much more investigative approach to
tertiary fund[...]that's something positive, but we think they a new funding model - that would be a move
July 27. The new system is "designed to[...]ndamental beef with it
The new model will involve a three-year According to Dr. Cullen, the[...]should be funding lawyers but we are saying a mess of it in the last seven years can make
press[...]iferation of low-quality courses. there's a demand for 550, there should be trying to[...]s will be guided by the "What we've seen is a sudden mushrooming[...]on of University Staff general that was a failure and that's one of the main
Priorities (ST[...]ppy reasons they decided they had to make a
Education Minister and Associate Finance[...]- but there were a couple of additions she Mr. English also b[...]ealand Union found pleasing. "There's a built-in distinctive no longer aid in dictating[...]investment plan - I think it will enable a more bureaucrats and less money and less[...]although he states that there's "not a lot network of provision rather than just[...]have a particular impact on the polytech[...]on-seats" model, Ms. Kelly says it is still a[...]
Telecom Graduate Recruitment. It's no[...].... . . ....~·

Explore a world of possibilities with Telecom. It's[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (38)[...]hort film on any
topic. All films are screened at a special event in Downtown cinemas
in addition to[...]evant information, from the MUSA office.
There is a video camera available from MUSA for those who do[...]for only two - last Wednesday and Saturday. As a Amnesty at Massey also held their inaugu[...]best to convince them that university is a fun place Coordinator Amy Thompson said the[...]to be - rather than just a place you come to learn about raising awar[...]was sponsored. A six-lap run was originally planned,[...]And what a universe of limitless possibilities awaited co[...]nal, Fire Poi, their hernias back in. In a sprint finish, The Riddler[...]first place - although he was later accused of a false[...]ets".

Around 20 people turned up to the picket - a lower turnout
than expected and attributed to the[...]DU, unhappy at supermarkets managements' offer of a
2.6% increase in wages, demanded an increase of 7[...]work as adult
employees. The NDU is also seeking a collective bargaining
allowance for supermarket employees.

When asked how the NDU justified a 7% increase for
supermarket staff, NDU Secretary[...]wage cuts." She further commented that by having
a higher increase now, when the time comes for wage[...]ainy
weather, Mr. Martin, described the picket as a "good day".

"It was primarily an informat[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (39)[...]not to hold a bi-election. Instead, they will attempt to convin[...]a position, but does not allow an officer to take on a second[...]person without a resignation and by-election, "to ensure the[...]consumed before, during, and after the sets, and a good Sti[...]os - thinking the jump to First Division might be a student bodies prompted a revision of the bank's terms and[...]possession and a whopping 68 percent of the overall territory[...]- a fair achievement when they spent so little of the[...]Robert Reid, says the Bank has a strong association with[...]common choice for school leavers," says Reid.
A total of three positions are up for grabs, two co[...]werful forward those needs. It is a comprehensive package of banking
on a student association executive, or even have packs made every ruck and maul a spectacle. The Turbos products and services with special benefits for students and
to be a student. "Helen Clark could run" if she[...]-President Joey Randall. the game; a pressure punctuated by the numerous penalties[...]and a personal loan at preferential rates.
4pm on 18 Au[...]website with a well earned try by Hooker Rob Foreman bang on hal[...]through the second half. A conversion and penalty first five student[...]t that student's
The elections will take place at a NZUSA conference on 2 Graham Smith comple[...]mercial sector of
September. To win the election, a candidate must gain more than Hawkes B[...]that fact". "The National Bank has produced a policy that
two-thirds of the vote with up to thr[...]efits both students and business. I think this is a very
All in all it was a great game, me and my scarf will definitely[...]Randall says he will "definitely" be running for a second term be there again at midday on[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (40)[...]from the Israeli government, which said in a press Experts believe the psychological dec[...]President Katsav could grow a perfectly decent added that its owner h[...]screamed an infuriated industry spokesperson at a[...]Matthew Nagle, a 25 year old man from the
the wearer's tit*, s[...]ist Fu Xiancai, who down, has learnt to use a specially designed
Haha! Makes me laugh just thinking about it. See? I was paralysed after a severe beating, inflicted the computer controlled by a brain implant, just by
don't see anyone else[...]he concluded. blows himself, according to a rights body. Mr Fu, thinking about it. The system is known as the
Despite being a joke that is at least thirty years old, who cam[...]d an electrical signal to the
Shanna Showers, a self-confessed stupid bint who (HRIC). B[...]computer. He has already learnt how to control a
is one of millions of people worldwide who ar[...]Officials told Mr Fu's son, Fu text cursor on a screen, much like how the Jews
stupid - the l[...]three of his vertebrae were broken, HRIC said. It is IN NEXT WEEK'S M.O.T!!![...]up
The Lebanese government has today imposed a his own super-ego which acts as a radical form of MAN USED AS ELEVATOR AFTER[...]JUDGMENT ON HIS LATEST FILM, "JEWS RUN
at a press conference, where he made a pointed THE WORLD, THE HOLOCAUST WAS A SHAM'~
reference to the sparse upper lip of I[...]STOPS SAYING "EVERYTHINK"
Would you trust a man with such a smooth upper A car broke down in tears yesterday after go[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (41)[...]--0
''w,~., o.tJ 11~. kJ b, W. o. Mwrk~a..rl[...]--o, 7 """"&A[...]WE. $\,to\.ll..-0 6£ A C..01-\\C...[...]Yoo A L-lTTLE.[...]You tN A[...]SY ntE I/JAY, fR\~ tS A tlE~L C..CM.J'£TtTt<HJ.[...]l'M SOYtN(:.c: TuE 60\),:tl!.oN t-A-YS ELF .
8£CAOSE \ t..o\/E- E"AC" AND Eve:,a..,y ON£ OF YOO .
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (42)[...]tudents Officer also lobbies
opening in less than a week. Listed below are all the Vi[...]are in
positions that are up for nomination, with a short blurb The Vice President Educa[...]days represented in academic matters. A large part of the l0hrs per week paid[...]dents' Officers main function is to to get a copy of the nomination form or pop into the[...]ion
ensure the smooth running of the association; a large part tabs on MUSA and Massey pol[...]o miscellaneous tasks is also ordinating a disabilities week.[...]Time commitments and Remuneration:
a reasonable, if not the best, standard of living a[...]ible to fit
them as they undertake their studies. A large part of the around study)[...]sure positions, or you would like to see a full schedule of
Time commitments and Remuneratio[...]tudy and life and that postgraduate students have a good or call[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (43)[...]~V~RVTH!N6 ,: KNOW
pre-wa[...]cs spanned hands of some alien midgets in a novelty bi-plane,[...]ROM D~T~CT!V~ Monk both at home and abroad in a fierce battle
for his[...]ala, but they're not engaged, because he's really a
vampire. Or perhaps a werewolf. I mean, he turns
into a wolf at night, but he sleeps in a coffin and[...]ecks. I thought this must just have This was a particular important lesson for me, as[...]otainment
IWWWJNWWWJXIAW but there is a historical alternative. Due to the that st[...]ed
into what I'll call a Were-Pire. In the economic boom 7) UNCONSCIOUS[...]were reinstated, which was a boon for the Vampire A controversial one", this. There is a fine line between
but a terrible loss of status for the werewolf, who a comfortable resting place for the female in distr[...]had to travel on the back of the bus and suffer a - a lap - and a giddy-thrill-for-the-irresponsible-do-[...]n') . will win you acclaim and a gold star from teacher,[...]ollecting, I saved up for hours quite like a man dressed as a bat.
all my pennies to invest in something with a certain
cache of cool. And what was that something? A 8) HUNGARY IS HOME TO THE VICIOUS MONK[...]o be me. Unfortunately, before· I was A specific, but none-1;he-less pertinent, piece of[...]beaten up and the book thrown into a toilet, I only information. As far as I am a[...]O Presumably this was written on a day when Bill
HOLD THE[...]red through the the silver bullet. He is a giant bat, you deceased[...], I just But seriously, this lesson has been a great boon for
knew th[...]everywhere I wanna me in my·life as a writer. For instance, where I would[...]d and discomfortingly snug, gently, with a rhythmic, probing insistency, like[...]h two forms meeting for the first time in a passionate,
knows no b[...]rub! My figure wasn't eerie enough. p*rn for a bit.
Girlish perhaps,[...]near eerie. I went on a crash diet. I tried contorting SAVE[...]Brando through the wrong end of a telescope. But
the poi[...]like, "Hey, Batman, I've got a perfectly reasonable
q[...]ike more tea,
give her a slap and tell her old people smell like[...]one page - not counting all the pictures! - of A3
A) Trying to scalp you his plane tickets to newsprint! Or, from a different perspective, a page
C) Unfit to be a doctor.[...]are some
Hmmmm, look - a bat-shaped plane in the sky! mysterie[...]What could it be? Possibly a plane? A plane owned
by the wel[...]HE END.
It's Martians! A whole invasion of Martians, no less.
A whole invasion force of Martians contained on one[...]t cost me!
tiny plane. A tiny plane for some reason shaped like
a bat. Of course! And why are they here? To bring[...]n attack fleet in bat-shaped plane *** Not a guarantee! And the Vampire will almost[...]isn't it? That's certainly kill you. Which is a pretty long way to go[...]r the monkey,
Man, put a hat on some people and they think[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (44)[...]fter the Chaff controversy last semester, we

A decided it was best not to risk angering[...]LEIGH: Actually, that's a man in a wedding gown. Good
student body yet a[...]strange girl who -
manga. Comics are a serious industry in Japan,[...]hair and a laughter like silver bells?
output of the US comi[...]GH: Yes! ... I mean, no! Rukia Kuchiki is in fact a
is not only aimed at teenagers and men who can't[...]herself in front of a Hollow to save Ichigo's life. Now in order
and wo[...]or Ichigo to save his family, he must also become a death
an everyday part of life - both a valid art form ·and a form of god. AND he gets a wicked-cool sword!
literature.[...]COURTNEY: I have a sword.[...]laced it with these scissors!
COURTNEY: I fell in a bucket.[...]a start, manga is not read from left to right like[...]earlier, before we descended into a world of confusion and
VICTORIA: Quiet, you fool![...]LEIGH: It's a legitimate genre[...]COURTNEY: Ga-go-a-aa-a-a! Why is the worm-thing eating Wolveri[...]to show graphic v.iolence. They're often aimed at a more police detective?
COURTNEY: That g[...]is this?
LEIGH: Yeah. They're under a curse. exactly like[...]GH: At the Palmerston North City Library! FAKE is a
VICTORIA: The curse of Japan?[...]lumes in total, and well-known in
LEIGH: Japan is a country, not a curse. VICTORIA: Man, I[...]URTNEY: I don 't know, it looks an awful lot like a curse by a giant worm![...]LEIGH: It's not real life! It's a comic called Bleach. That VICTORIA: His "p[...]LEIGH : Look, Fruits Basket is this series about a girl, Tohru 'worm' is a Hollow; the malevolent soul of a dead person. LEIGH: ... Yes? They're cop[...]n an accident. Tohru doesn't Bleach is a popular manga and anime series about a guy York, and boy do they get into some pickles together!
want to be a burden to anyone, so she goes to live by herself[...]OURTNEY: Intercoursely speaking?
in the woods, in a tent. VICTORIA: So it's like a documentary of the comic book LEIGH:[...]ey, look at this! This long-haired guy is wearing a dress! LEIGH: Pretty gay, Victoria. Pretty gay.
quickly discovers the secret of the Sohma family: if a cursed VICTORIA: Don't be so insensitive! It's called a KIMONO, COURTNEY: Finally! Boys kissing[...]upholding your promises to me, Victoria. Because a
they turn into an animal![...]promise between friends is like a promise between men.
VICTORIA: Okay, but why do a[...]LEIGH: Wait a minute, you promised Courtney yaoi? Then
Do they[...]VICTORIA: For a reason!
aimed at girls.[...]LEIGH: ... What's that sticking
COURTNEY: I want a pretty cat-boy.[...]out of your bag?
VICTORIA: You are a pretty dog-boy. The dog-faced boy![...]LEIGH : Oh, really? A pink
COURTNEY: Ow! My heart-feelings![...]it for a friend!
Are you getting your 'neses mixed up?[...]COURTNEY: Wow! Thanks!
LEIGH: It's a touching story of friendship and angst![...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (45)[...]mmissioner Gordon, and Stafford Repp as a mediocre success, as far as ratings were[...]were twisted together in a human knot where
ONE: IN WHICH THE SCENE IS SET.[...]ath! Celebrities were
I'm twenty-eight years old, a big fan of ROBIN: Could he be using an a[...]something done from the first season (Roddy
has a problem with that. Sometimes I try to pleas[...]t of Tim Burton's Batman films BATMAN: What a moment! K. G. Bird ...[...]ng episode of the series.
student loan, and later a job I was on the way gross errors making it alm[...]sequential gold. a wee bit of the ridiculous genius that made[...]ing to corrupt the youth into thinking being a fun piece of satire and adventure to
the televisi[...]INTRODUCED.
It was such a wonderful show and had so[...]and naive, At this stage, I should back up a bit and[...]Waugh!" after
the DC comic and part adaptation of a what I'm talking about up to speed. Ba[...]htenstein image, the series was hyper- was a TV series that ran for three seasons[...]a laugh as the Joker's whooping chuckle or[...]orshin were already being written in a light and
its characters to bold caricatures that[...]it was only due to the
(mostly) nothing less than a joy to watch. "dastardly criminals", would[...]kes him the cancelled. It gave DC enough of a lifeline[...]most frightening villain - a fact enforced by for a new editor to be appointed. Gradually,[...]slowly tightens a vice around the head of Until Christophe[...]e her this boy's dignify Schumacher with a discussion),[...]r so much (well, problems (Batman kills, a fat Joker). The[...]ty). series seems a far more pure translation of[...]burgers. Ward later wrote a book about his[...]BATMAN: Poor deluded girl. What a terrible typical response is to chuckle,[...]had to condense a typical two-part storyline Warner Brothers[...]relationship. As a result of the hysteria, repeats , (or in[...]Comics Code Authority, a self-governing Affre'd ever switched[...]body with a strict view to lighten the subject Batcave equipment as a practical joke - and[...]matter of comics. As a result, the Batman to .reµiind[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (46)[...]hether in need of comic relief, cannon fodder, or a place

W to rest their weary feet - heroes have always needed a
sidekick. They perform a number of roles. They show the[...]out "Run Snowy, run!" or cried with Dogmatix over a fallen
tree, let me present a list of what I consider to be five of the top sid[...]e Bat Family. He stuck around
for a number of adventures before mysteriously disappearing. Rumours speak
of Ace being lured into a trap by a small squeaking hotdog dog toy, forbidden
to ever again have popcorn as a tre&.t.

DIV: Hey, come here budd[...].. Sorry.

Ace was the epitome of a professional crime-fighter. He always wore a mask,
lest other disreputable dog[...]and
sh*t on the Wayne Manor lawn. A good soldier.

2. Robin![...]up and left the mantle behind. He was replaced by a street
kid called Jason Todd, but one day the Joker gave him a massage with a
crowbar, and he didn't make it. I[...]rebel creators tried to introduce
a darker type of sidekick with Super Moby-Dick. Equ[...]to learn flamenco guitar, the Super Moby-Dick is a fine example of
courage in the fa[...]!
0000000000 Superman and Lois up a tree ... F-I-S-T-I ... <ahem> Lois Lane
has been a permanent fixture in Superman's life since Action[...](or rimmed), Lois chose to shut her head in a lead cube. Lois Lane, intrepid
re[...]·superman never had another Kryptonian to act as a
sidekick. Instead, it was[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (47)[...]exhibition - is a landmark documentary, and it is hard to
think of a more suitable form for the examination of its[...]They-were wrong Though based in a non-fictional setting, Crumb somehow[...]ly famous now for his wdl-publicised fetishes and a
Janis Jo[...]later fictional works, he has ever assembled a more[...]lustrations, which punctuate the film and provide a
extreme[...]Zwigoff creates the overall effect of a man alone - despite[...]Begins, this film needs to be appreciated in a different way.
Batman is a Tim Burton film, it contains all the quirky[...]Burton creates a dark, gritty, surreal Gotham City complete[...]creates an impression of a city going through trouble and
depression, one that is in need of a hero. This is not the set[...]on show, me, I remember seeing this film as a child and he was so
but an environment for a dark hero to flourish. I'm not a cool, every other actor to play just hasn'[...]antics are a bit over-the-top and annoy me, but in all he[...]l the story. be Batman; rather than a ljollywood corrupted action star[...]Nicholson played this Batman is by no means a classic for the ages, but it has[...]is non-stop, and there is a storyline. Batman is not a film[...]that needs a great deal of concentration, but it achieves
got a bit frustrated with all his high jinks and[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (48)[...]Curious George
Dupree? Ding Ding Ding ... we have a winner! That's[...]ver the Hedge
worse is the fact that it does have a stellar cast, and a
semi-decent premise.[...]le some may
argue that there really isn't much of a difference[...]The Lake House
many projects together, and I have a funny suspicion
that their constant collaboration[...]g to Zoolander. ln fact, he's pretty much made a name for Eragon
make his way up the corporate ladder; and she's a rich girl, himself playing the carefree guy, wi[...]used to all the finer things in life, who becomes a primary - have fun. Sadly, you'd think tha:t a[...]Hoodwinked
Hollywood's idea of a non-threatening profession that's from the[...]his role.
lifestyle? Maybe Paris Hilton should be a teacher; she might[...]eiving all that bad press. Maybe she should make ,a
sex tape in a classroom. Now that's hot!

But I digress. Dillon[...]a[...]correctly, and go in the draw to win a double[...]ravaged country into Israel. They're being given a
second chance at life, although it may not be an[...]e sent back across the border, which is
basically a death sentence.[...]This is a solid and very moving story, which is both well
live, if he can somehow pretend to be a Falasha. At nine[...]surviving member of his family, behind, and enter a world[...]the story may be fictional, there's a level of reality to it[...]A Mighty Wind
Shlomo faces the challenge of having to ob>tain a new
identity in order to survive, but also ha~ a personal need
It's a film that you can watch and be almost unaware tha[...]Jemma Smith
It tells of a world that is foreign to many of us apart from[...]film. You don't sit there thinking, "this will be a good
the excerpt of stories we hear on the news.[...]a film that unlike many, does not just entertain on[...]short term, it leaves a long-lasting impression. th[...]fect of this life on an individual,
and just what a person can become if given the opportunity[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (49)[...]tunes and old tunes Whodunit, a murder mystery in Menagerie[...]Taylor Jensen Fine Arts has: A series of (NZ)[...]Are on display until 24 August.
August), a week of campaigning and[...](f\JZf
There will be no entry fee or tickets but a featuring local music and poet[...]from 9pm.
would be appreciated. Seating is on a first[...]and in a very beer-drinking sense[...]about a nice Summer Ale or gentle[...]place where I wanna wake up A-U-C-[...]K-L-A-N-D!" Shear brilliance.[...]their ep release We Are more reminiscent of a demo disc than a[...]Deja Voodoo in 2003. Following a nation- second effort, but as this is also[...]wide Orientation tour they were offered a the genre it is difficult to say whether th[...]Voodoo" and a number of other unique ten burning gui[...]the foursome a reputation as one of our have been better[...]mastery. Indeed, as a live act they have[...]is a tru.e testimonial to the genre. From out gi[...]catchy. However, while this may go a long
OlAlR: $10[...]way in a room full of drunkards, it doesn't Act[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (50)[...]ASH "We're gonna march a long way", he mutters, When it came to c[...]London Calling are possessed with a kind of "Gonna fight - a long time." The guitars course, London Calling was more a eulogy[...]the band knew they slowly pick up - like a distant bugle call to than a manifesto. Three years after the[...]scattered troops. The drums kick into a beat, album was released punk was dead and[...]ta travel - over seas is now a nunnery ("he who f*cks nuns") . The
across in lif[...]New York palladium was itself a deliberate We're gonna fight - you, bro[...]old chapel housing Wessex Studios (106A
them you don't think you'll ever need to listen[...]and nothing could possibly come
after it. There's a good reason you don't hear roll to millions. T[...]standards of history, punk changed hardly a
early Clash (or any real punk) on the radio[...]antly this time: "Death or glory .. . is simply a matter of events that result
after it sounding ch[...]hat can be quantified and
everything else lacking a sense of threat and[...]very little. What if, however, history is also a
about anything, I mean anything at all?"[...]and a pop airiness that gives that music the sc[...]richness, power and depth of a great novel. Strummer invites his audien[...]nd themselves
it can still sound so f*cking new. "A Boring[...]ew beat" dancing the same beat? Punk was a moment
Life," "One Chord Wonders," The Clash's[...]carnivalesque invocations of in history, a moment that took shape as a
earlier "Complete Control," X-Ray Spex's "Oh[...]brought together into a limitless story that Revolution Rock. In[...]he way The Clash tell it - not sounds like a punk version of The Seven and a chance to create fleeting possibilities
- there i[...]lity and injustice,
came after it - although, for a time, once[...]London Calling offers a sense of purpose The Clash were at th[...]rywhere, triumphing over the desolation a smile?
old voices sound as immediate and urgent[...]parted. What remains pure mechanical riff; a despondent, resigned
about this music is its desi[...]changed by somebody else - or eradicated A nuclear errorI but I have no fear
completely.[...]e for the record. The album never fades
more than a chapter in a sociology textbook from the desperation of[...]perhaps over-whelming pressure brings a dark slice of peppy Euro-pop, is based
industry to a standstill or barricades to on Jones' per[...]the liberals had with his grandmother in a council flat and
:iismissed the notion as 'dated romanticism'. f*cked up on crack. "Clampdown" a stark
fhe journalist invents the theory that this[...]of the alienated working-class youth
~onstitutes a clash of generations. Youth, in Darwinian capitalism valued only as
:tfter all, is not a permanent condition, and a menial labour or to join militant right-wing
;[...]langerous to the art of government as would
Je a clash between rulers and ruled." Mid-w[...]ory" seems to renounce the
)riginally released as a double album in struggle completely; Strummer sarcastically
979 (sold for the price of a single album delivering a bleak litany of defeat and co-
,n the band's requ[...]Every cheap hood strikes a bargain with the[...]lbum came And ends up making payments on a sofa or
a girl[...]stols were contraband:
enounced in Parliament as a threat to the[...]th or Glory" turns on its head mid-
~cret, under a fake name. Indeed, punk was way thro[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (51)[...]s to be more didactic
consider my five-and-a-half long boxes to be with his use of '[...]hroughout Dharma
considerable. I also have a reasonable stack Punks.
of Heavy Metals - a bimonthly comic magazine
that publishes short, long, and ongoing stories Sang included a small editorial in each issue.
from intern[...]et distracted by the bright Sang introduces a lot of elements in the early
new comics an[...]at aren't all fully developed by the
until a few months ago, the only Kiwi comic I'd en[...]hical concepts and beliefs are
read was an A4 piece of paper, cut and folded raised in conversation between characters
in a particular way, making it very small but[...]es up
still containing two stories. It was a brilliant more of the page count. I would h[...]n. Around this time, restaurant to create a memorial to Hiroshima
I also read a graphic novel called Hicksville - a way to honour what she did for him, and
by[...]'(•\C.'KO,,. ~ Qe¥°"-S :/t-A.
holds - request it today kids!), which wa[...]$.tt.ttbl\\C; 4'1 ~~ -a-.,iN[...], Dharma Punks (lent to me by Sang does a great job of making the reader
a friend - thanks Helen!) opens with Chopstick,[...]Chopstick throughout the
reminiscing about a day one year ago, when he story, however the ending is a little flat. The[...]\t
and his friends are planning to bomb a fast- threat posed by the skinheads and[...]U°"t~
food restaurant. However Chopstick, a punk ringleader happens all on the pe[...]a year later from a cafe, that he must get[...]through everything ok. Despite the faults, it's a[...]hed this comic himself. It's this
avoiding a gang of skinheads, a sudden meeting commitment and passion to[...]Sang had, that make it a New Zealand comic,[...]d as
reminded me of the work of Paul Pope (a semi- a trade paperback, which will probably be the[...]uch books as Escapo, only way you'll get a chance to read this lovely
and more recent[...]sex and up comes and guns who like to f*ck, a[...]... call me a prude, but I like having sex with and extreme,[...]How frustrating would it be to have a fetish readers. Here are a select few[...]Hentai: Hentai - a Japanese word meaning section. "Tentac[...]f The last delicacy from Japan is EroGuro. A
strange yet outside Japan, Hentai is a tentacled creatures or monsters (ima[...]it adult comics. The however, has become a successful genre in the works of H. R. Gige[...]lows the reader its own right! This is a great place to find blood, gore, mutilation, p[...]aterial. Tentacle sex As expected, this is a genre that is able to[...]xist special effects don't require pleasuring a[...]is a male equivalent, Shotacon) . If you're[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (52)[...]limit my foray the people, and there are a lot of nipples everyone.
into the world of sequen[...]comics, for those of you who aren't quite as big a undead nipple.
social outcast as myse[...]ing else in the medium. Especially on a monkey! Yes. The world's oldest
But as a fan of both vampires, and taking the name vampire, Lilith, is in fact a prehistoric ape-woman
of the Lord in vain, I am d[...]fort to fight them, America man used as a medium for conservative thinkers to
retreated dee[...]under this terrifying totalitarian based on a fallacious belief that God exists, then ALL
relig[...]all the other
bite people! Now everyone lives in a dome, and the vampires in the comic c[...]also be subject to the power of this faith,
faces a deep crisis of faith in ... Well, in Himself, as[...]ampire nation" (which one can only assume
is more a nation in the sense that they have similar[...]es, and not in the sense that about a few throw-away lines in a short, weird comic.
they have a flag or any particular landmass) plots to[...]s - don't you? from any comic about a futuristic world inhabited by[...]end I have to like this comic
fact that there was a grammatical error on page one, for the[...]unded will not let the smallness of a role get in the way The set, at that very moment,
in a mag with a perspicacious readship - like of the[...]hell, just watching him move the furniture is a Hodgkins, it exemplifies 1960s California -[...]h David Hockney
later: ·rt•s the 1960s: Ben is a confused 21 year daughter of Mrs Robinson[...]ess
since he helped Mrs Robinson with her zipper, a mother's lover with unbowed authority -[...]difficultly (but then you're all
It's a spiffing show, a brilliantly written for her character i[...]reon in, Peter Hambleton's Mr
so good she creates a character that the writer by Kevin Keys[...]erizing dignity; Robinson turns into a brilliant portrait of George
forgot to write. Min[...]h they are performed fVer making it a figure of fun - and thereby from your regular good-guy to a salivating axe
- and also by tpe quirkiness of the doubling up. producing a marvelously comic perfomance. murderer..
Laura Turnbull "fol exa.mple, tranvests from a Tho,se aforementioned pauses are played with The other re·a son is explained in a latish
stripper with the best pair of tassies in[...]scene in which Mrs Robinson is viciously warning
a bloody psychia&"ist f~ crissakel Less startling[...]y as the landscape outside
frocking himself itlto a desk clerk who just wants deviff_' d by ei[...], nson, bearer of the most a scene- -~ i:µid it's not a fleeting one either. crosses her stockinged legs on the bed, lights a
.d on the NZ stage. Just w[...]aged letters to the editor. And let it be said a confused young man is going to say: 'Are you
into[...]T)ie·"Graduate runs at Centrepoint Theatre until
a graviportal q;nbecility which is emblematic of rantingly warns us about. It's a great scene - September~
the CEO worldwide, and the width of bis pauses and by cripes it's a great sight - as the scaf~
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (53)[...]ht-year-old
Regular festival goers will recognise a child-widow, Chuyia, who is not ready t[...]es the Barley titled Tristram Shandy: A co*ck and Bull
does nothing to go against that. It[...]Coogan sends himseli up as a certified[...]ed by the same person, to Pakistan for a wedding in September
Frenchman Francis Veber. The[...]om re-enacts it
is back this year with The Valet, a story as a modern horror story. And once you see
of a restaurant car service valet paid by what the guards do to the young men you
a ruthless tycoon to cohabit with his will see why it's a horror.
mistress, a golden-hearted supermodel. It's
all about throwin[...]ink of another time when I've felt such
new film, A Scanner Darkly, continues passions co[...]o very many of
this style but is an adaptation of a Philip K. the documentaries we're showing."
Di[...]truly moving documentaries we delivering a multimedia slide show on the
have screened recent[...]reverse these changes.
Davaa returns with a drama this time, The
Cave of the Yellow Dog, whic[...]f you wear jeans then China Blue may
in Mongolia. A family of nomads pitch their make you quest[...]om and how they were made. The film
summer. It is a moving portrait of a family focuses on 14-year-old Jasmine who works
caught between the call of the city and their in a Chinese garment factory from eight
traditional way of life. And yes there is a every morning until two the next, seven
dog, whether it's yellow or not is something days a week cutting the loose threads from
you will need[...]hour and
Argentinean director Fabian Bielinsky is a then her food and accommodation costs are[...]deducted from that!
Nine Queens, dealt with a set of stamps
and art intriguing sting. The Aura[...]an epileptic with Departure and Return, a film about
taxidermist, goes on a hunting trip. the commemoration of t[...]Terrence Malick, Ray Lawrence, students in a New Zealand high school
Deepa Mehta and Michael W[...]ands, Days of The above only touches on a small
Heaven and The Thin Red Line. It's 1607[...]and the film covers the relationship between a programme from Downtown Cinemas and
Captain John Smith and native teenage start planning a wonderful 18 days of film
princess Pocahontas. Ap[...]nce's follow-up to Lantana,
Jindabyne is based on a short story by TEN UNMISSABLE FESTIVAL FILMS
Raymond Carver. It's about four men
on a fishing trip who find the body of a The Wind That Shakes The Barley
murdered[...]he men come from and Tristram Shandy: A co*ck and Bull Story
how they interact with the wo[...]A Scanner Darkly
It may have been years in t[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (54)[...]8.15pm - Tristram Shandy: A co*ck and Bull
(124)[...]A group of actors and filmmakers set out to adapt[...]Laurence Sterne's 18th century novel The
accepts a compromise agreement with the British, a[...]the moment of conception onward, with a bevy of
Song (now Ireland's National Anthem) it[...]spirit: the film begins as a mostly straightforward
realities or the philosop[...]veers into a tale about the making of the film itself.
4.00pm[...]1.15pm - Tristram Shandy: A co*ck and Bull
Friday 11 August[...]8.15pm - The Child (100)
the planet may reach a 'tipping point' and begin a[...](Jeremie Renier), a petty thief, and his eighteen-
of the other speci[...]Neither has a clue about how to raise the child
US Presidential[...]driven to desperation. Using a hand-held camera,
he film. "Out of 925 recent ar[...]find a moral ground in a world that cuts them no
~o disagreement. Zero."[...]Dardennes do these three children achieve a stat~[...]ncent Minnelli making a major contribution on an equal
USA 1945[...]rscored this contribution as vividly
The Clock is a non-musical romance film, as The Clock. A black serviceman saying
set in New York City duri[...]wife and child has some brief
Robert Walker plays a serviceman with 48 dialogue towards[...]the crowd scenes
film, and the first set against a fairly "realistic" that run through The Clock.[...]uare, the
entire black and white film was made on a Such equal treatment of the Army, Na[...]and Marines was a major concern of most[...]of that era. Minnelli has
The picture opens with a crane shot of Penn made sure that ever[...]erent parts of the film. This
around. It picks up a young soldier, obviously helps create vis[...]e turns even the most
In between these sequences, a sweet love over contrived romantici[...]are all the black men in
uniform. The film makes a pro-Civil Rights
point/by including so many promi[...]. Film Society takes a break while the Film[...]Festival is on and we resume August 30th
This was a major focus of Civil Rights[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (55) Kia Ora Ki Nga Hoa Akonga
Nga mihi ki a koutou. Welcome to another week of Te[...]some not so beautiful. Sorry guys! Overall it was a Remember:
organising and preparatio[...]personally thank Rebecca Tuileto'a, Tina Dahlburg, Tracy aspects
Want f[...]k us Hepi-Eparaima, Jason Auva'a, Jolene Chadwick, Francis No abusive, vi[...]ssey News is also Manaaki Tonu Te Tauira is a message to government to
constitution onli[...]planning a Hikoi to parliament to present submissions to[...]grave
Maori Student Mentors - Mentors had a positive impact the Minister for Tert[...]nts who made use of them last for a (supposedly) uncharacteristically slow response f[...]ker regarding our request to gather on
and a full timetable will be posted at Kainga Rua and[...]is to voice those concerns, and
Te Putahi a Toi. You may also request assistance at a Te Mana Akonga {National Maori Tertiary Students' provide the government with a clear picture of Maori
time that fits with[...]res for
proof-read your work. Kemp will be a valuable resource for University, Wellington. For programme and further a petition will be collected the day of the student[...]hai 0273054882 Atma. which, if after a specified time there are no developments
f[...] or Maryjane Waru 0273322676A from the Minister, we will submit to[...]see the matter forwarded to a select committee for review.
Kaitoutoko Of[...]all Maori. Pakeha. Tangata Pasifika and
is a difficult path, and that working with others' sup[...]allowed a New Zealand first bill to go to Select Committee,[...]Pearce (Kaitakawaenga Manawatahi).
Hui-a-whanau are held every Wednesday afternoon[...]them to gain. and appreciate a much fuller understanding
say! You don't h[...]"you have to be in to win!" Nau mai, heare mai ki a Own travel to Wellington (Intercity buses giv[...]istics from education, employment,
We have a huge semester planned; here are many of the[...]come and have your say, enjoy the is $6 a day. The city bus stop is a short walk through the legislation is potenti[...]up to the marae - bus is Highbury 20: cost $2. Is a good recognised and acknowledged by Distric[...]idea as the Cake Tin parking lot is then a short walk from
Te Kohinga are always look[...]be a significant set back to the valuable contribution[...]kuia and whanau a 'Bill' would see a downward trend in Maori health
Herenga. Ranginui provided us with a beautiful day for Prepare submissions[...]r of greatest concern are: preparing a paper in readiness to submit and deliver 'kanohi[...]there own submission in readiness.
Tuileto'a made a very good MC. The Kai provided was so cuts, Treaty Principles Deletion Bill) . A - Bev Gibson (RN, BA, PGDipHSM) .
tasty that it disappeared in a matter of minutes; however -Note:[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (56)[...]ay: Tues 8th August
festival. It works kinda like a 48-hour film Time: 6-8pm
festival. Teams (m[...]e and perform (Old Main Building 4th Floor)
a piece of theatre. The teams will have to
include a mystery prop, character and the For more[...]t:
piece will have to relate to a mystery theme.
There will be great prizes availab[...]ub Crawl 12 August. Cost,
see the show (should be a riot) the cost of times and other info will be displayed on
tickets will be $4. To register or make a ticket notices around campus and at the turf. N[...]m or call 0273507071. Definitely not a night to miss![...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (57)[...]I decided to go for a stroll through
the city on a mission to obtain a set[...]go for a stroll
Their cards were revoked long ago.[...]ocial events (hopefully with the
no, I am a gay hunter of zombies, and 'right' type of[...]cotton shirt, pin stripe pants and on a mission to
with flesh eating monsters it'[...]es (hey, I can't be all glamour when obtain a set of whose s[...]t scavenge the city,
risking our lives in a quest for that[...]CURIOUS?
me shop I take action with a double slow-moving decayed masses. That i[...]of the crowds has come a familiar face.[...]appy to lend an ear and/or advice. We can
a few. Mostly goths in black netting America[...]There are no 2 ways about it. If
day was a 'me' day, where I locked
my doors, turned[...]same way, instead of letting people
Just a little different from how you do.[...]~ • • 'II./ ' - " • •
A river winding blue among the dunes and a marble bed fail, it leads to ang[...]•
_:."" And a sun that doesn't set but settles.[...]
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (58)[...]hen you make payments to the IRD, with a loss of jobs and a loss of local feel uncomfortable. She of[...]me to thinking
feet. Class Rep's have got off to a about it going through ok. However, be required in a post-peak oil world. Of how often my cult[...]mind, I thought I'd
population? Well, if you have a class her payments. She was lucky enou[...]before we loose all our local provide a brief description of what
rep they'll be letting[...]o if you're It's good that she'll get a refund, but[...]sure where to get help. They're it's a reminder to us all that not all Todd S[...]Recently, a female colleague of mine Women must k[...]a powhiri because she had to sit at the th[...]paepae behind the men. is more than a call, it is that part of
lunch break on Wednesday[...]Library! This fancy new thing will out on a special cultural experience. can bring a tingle to the spine and a
be a secure bike shed, with entry via a I also informed her that if she didn't[...]t's significantly but it'll only involve a small fee, which invited. I wondered how[...]rds being called,
information available. As we're a 'world secure bike storage facility, so you can incense her as a feminist. Maybe she those women among[...]karanga of the
nowadays. Goggle works wonders for a social sciences tower. More on these[...]known. recent outbursts of a female National essential.
Massey's ow[...]made overseas? It seems that with a powhiri. It just makes me wonder. I fi[...]ther experience several situation on a marae because you
and learning will be demonstrat[...]ss drive for cheaper years ago where a friend's mother, don't know what to[...]lines, study guides, student is really a hard task. Even some of "unsafe" wi[...] So really, there's no for a number of reasons, but mainly my culture as a Maori. It turned out

A JIU. ('Ar.1,~-
. :ltt-t ·1 . ;-Jaal3

After a Sunday game of rugby that ended with Agboy having[...]some of the worst neck back and shoulder pain in a long while, the NPC is now the Air New Zealand Cup, making a mockery to kids with cancer making the whole thing a worthy cause.
I decided it was time to sit down i[...]tional competition through corporate sponsorship,
a beer and watch some footy. The game of interest a[...]into This is Agboy sayin 'The floor is not a hamper.'
was North Harbour against the newly form[...]e entertaimnent that I hope Quiz Night throw a teams of Five.
came out to "entertain" us? I know[...]could grow into its own sport eventually. A large cage would Bus Trip to Helli Saturday[...]ing now!
stick figures, but if you're going to be a cheerleader and jump they fight to the death. T[...]8pm at MuBar
around to pop music from the 90's in a poorly choreographed is spilled at which po[...], and
display of half-arsed che~ring wearing only a crop-top and into the cage where either side has a chance of retrieving one bus to town. Tickets[...]end some time on the or both of them. Then a 5 minute timer is started and if one Common[...]l; Keebles
go to the Tasman blokes tryin' to make a bit more money There could be a round robin where each gang plays each[...]ers vs Havelock North Hounds; 0276533320
into a cheer squad, but it's not cheering anyone![...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (59)[...]spey clinic in Palmy. is for one year up to a maximum of three a structured twelve-week work experience
M.,[...]nducted in the progress. The award is for a maximum of includes: experience in a wide range of areas
email your profile to:[...]ion and - mentoring, feedback and advice; a weekly[...]ncil Researcher Exchange the 12 weeks; a return airfare from any New
and have unfores[...]of a doctoral degree, or those in the last[...]ternational towards fulltime in either a Research
White House. Coin donation.[...]ncluding the Masters or Doctoral degree in a wide range[...]A student with a good degree (first, or[...]tudy Tour an excellent academic record, a demonstrated
Flatmate wanted: For large room[...]is sought for a project that'll be funded by to the UK: Buil[...]r Research Science and one student from a NZ tertiary institution show a sense of commitment towards their
vet studen[...]y and the Fonterra Co-operative studying a construction related course on proposed[...]recipients receive $15,000 per annum to a
Contact Tarren 0274120217.[...]pressures (a novel way of preserving foods) meals. For f[...]protein-based food ingredients. A range of opportunity/ or contact Dr John D[...]nstruments and j ohnd uncan@buildingrese a r c .nz Further information and an[...]conference travel costs this scholarship offers a unique opportunity
Interested in learning an[...]be met by Fonterra. Please contact Dr for a design student to be mentored by Scho[...]Institute of Food, Nutrition Karen Walker. A maximum of four finalists information ab[...]Foundation the opportunity to undertake a one week - postgraduate - closes 19 Au[...]erience at Karen Walker Ltd and

sc--a rf le·s ~ ffliSS ildy 1111
' Pillli[...]All Entrants get a 550 bar tab
Dress up[...]

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (60)[...]31 :CHAFF : Tuesday 7 August 2006
Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (61)[...]UlTS.A[...]Recreation Centre, MUSA
• Excel in a particular sport or have made an or Regi[...]Ph: (116] 35114312
• Be a financial member of MUSA[...]


[...]It was replaced in 2012&nbsp;by <em>Massive</em>, a university-wide student publication.</p>

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07. Massey University Library, accessed 09/06/2024,

Chaff, 73(17), 2006-08-07 (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.