103rd Assembly District Democratic Debate: Sarahana Shrestha and Gabi Madden on June 17 in Kingston (2024)

Incumbent Sarahana Shrestha faces former Kevin Cahill staffer Gabi Madden in the 103rd Assembly District Democratic primary on June 25. The two will debate at the Old Dutch Church in Kingston on Monday, June 17 at 6pm in a forum co-hosted by Kingston Wire and the Hudson Valley Pilot. The event will be a structured discussion moderated by Dan Barton, managing editor of Kingston Wire, and Eric Steinman, executive editor of Hudson Valley Pilot. The public is encourage to attend and submit written questions to be asked of the candidates by the moderators via email: [emailprotected] or [emailprotected].

Here's how Kingston Wire views the match-up:

"We see it as a something of a replay of Cahill-Shrestha. Then as now, Democratic voters are being asked to endorse one of two competing theoris of how they want to be represented in Albany. Shrestha, who has done what we think is a decent job of funneling state aid back to the district, may never be a top player in state politics. But she's a force pushing for serious structural change, a stance that resonates with a lot of voters who want that kind of change for both Albany and society as a whole. We don't know if Madden would be that kind of force for that kind of change_but look at the sharp left turn Michelle Hinchet just made by throwing in with the Hudson Valley Power Authority plan. Madden is promising, in her own words "results, not rhetoric." We take that to mean her knowledge and connections in Albany will help her recapture more of the money the community pays in taxes than someone whose eyes are on a bigger prize. As far as specifics, she says she will, if elected, work to get more money and incentives for first responders and causes like housing, healthcare, and education."

The 103rd district covers the city of Kingston and the towns of Esopus, Gardiner, Hurley, Kingston, Marbletown, New Paltz, Olive, Rosendale, Saugerties, Ulster, and Woodstock in Ulster County, as well as the towns of Red Hook and Rhinebeck in Dutchess County.

Early voting in primary elections beings Saturday, June 15 and runs through Sunday, June 23, in advance of voting on Tuesday, June 25. Early voting locations in Ulster County can be found here. Early voting locations in Dutchess County can be found here.

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  • Politics,
  • Gabi Madden,
  • Sarahana Shrestha,
  • Kingston Wire,
  • Hudson Valley Pilot

103rd Assembly District Democratic Debate: Sarahana Shrestha and Gabi Madden on June 17 in Kingston (2)103rd Assembly District Democratic Debate: Sarahana Shrestha and Gabi Madden on June 17 in Kingston (3)


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      103rd Assembly District Democratic Debate: Sarahana Shrestha and Gabi Madden on June 17 in Kingston (2024)
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